

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Ann glared at William for accepting he was married. Was he trying to ruin her life? She wouldn't be the only to get into trouble if people found out she was his wife. Some stalkers would dig up her past and find out she was only nineteen and then he would be called a pervert for marrying a minor. She had to be twenty-one to get married. Was he in his right mind.

"Really?! Who is the unfortunate lady?!" Larry blurted without thinking about who he was talking to.

The other employees who were there all looked at William who had a deep frown and a deadly look in his emerald green eyes as he glared at Larry. Larry was still waiting for William to answer still oblivious to the fact that he had just dug his own grave with his careless words. Larry looked around and saw how people were looking like zombified corpses he finally realised what he had said. He gave William an awkward smile and patted his boss' shoulder as he started walking away to save himself.

"Larry." William called out even though Larry was just in front of him.

"Yes sir?" Larry asked crossing his fingers behind his back.

"My car. Now."

William walked to his car in long strides and before getting in he looked at Ann who followed him and then Larry followed behind. Ann sat in the passenger seat next to William while Larry sat behind. Ann fastened her seatbelt because she had a feeling William wouldn't be driving safely with how cross he looked.

"You too fire head." William ordered Larry.

Larry fastened his seatbelt quickly and sat with his hands on his laps like a teenage girl who was nervous to meet her boyfriend's parents. William took the ring off and placed it a compartment on Ann's side. She didn't ask him what was wrong and just.watched him.

"Call the other two." William said to her and Larry didn't fail to notice that his tone was calmer when he spoke to Ann.

She put her head through the window and called Lily and Sera. They looked at each other only to hear William's horn harshly becone them over. They hurried to the car and got in; Sera first and then Lily.

"Seatbelts." William said and the two women fastened the belts.

William put the car in reverse and hit the accelerate while quickly turning the steering wheel. His passengers held on to whatever was next to them and Ann held on to her seat. He drove in reverse until they joined the traffic in the road and headed to a hotel at a fast speed. Ann looked at the speedometer and noticed that he was moving just a digit below the speed limit. He a all the road safety rules but the car ride was no where near pleasant. He joined lanes like he was on a motorcycle in a heated police chase in an action movie making their hearts constantly skip beats; not in a good way.

After fifteen minutes they arrived at the hotel and William smoothly yet speedily parked the gray Porche. William looked at his passengers and smiled when he saw how pale faced they looked.

"I promise to make your lives like that if you cross me." William said and he got out of the car after putting his ring back on.

He slammed the door making the car rock violently and the car fell silent where only the heavy breathing of those remaining could be heard. Larry was the first one to snap out of the unspoken spell William had cast with his actions and he looked at his colleagues one by one; Ann last. He removed the seatbelt and rested his head on the back of the driver's seat. Ann sighed and run her left hand through her hair to smoothen it as her window had been open throughout the car ride. Larry noticed the ring on her finger that had an engraving on it that he couldn't see. He squinted his eyes to see what was written on it but he failed to see.

"Why is everyone suddenly married today?" he asked no one in particular.

The three women looked at him and then unfastened their seatbelts in sync and before he could say anything they all got out. He watched them walk to the front of the hotel's entrance then he also got out. He followed them inside and went to walk straight to Ann making her glare at him.

"William is boiling all because of you so please stay away from me." Ann said.

"Come on sweetie. I just want to make sure he doesn't hurt you." Larry said charmingly.

Sera and Lily rolled their eyes even though Larry and Ann couldn't see them. It would be a while before the other employees could get here because of how fast William had drove them to the hotel. They saw William talking to a middle aged woman who was dressed in a black and white staff attire where she looked like she listening to every word William said. When he was done talking to her she left and he turned around to look at the four people who were standing far from him like they didn't know who he was. His eyes fell on Ann who had her left hand hidden in the palm of her right hand.

"Do you want invitations or something?!" William asked annoyed by Ann's little action.

They followed him as he had now turned his back on them and was walking to the stairs.

"I'll find you on the sixteenth floor, room 1098." he instructed them seriously.

They nodded like a couple of yes men and run to the elevator. Ann looked back at William who was now walking up the stairs and she run back to him. Larry was about to go after her but Lily pulled him along with her and Sera pushed the button to get to the sixteenth floor.

"Wait for me!" Ann called out to William but he didn't stop to wait for her.

Even though he didn't stop a smile appeared on his face. He nearly fell when Ann gripped the back of his trousers from the waist.

"What are you doing?" he asked her holding onto his trousers and pulling them up.

"I said wait for me." she whined.

"So you thought of undressing me?" he asked looking down at her as she was standing a step below him.

With how short she was she looked like a child to him. She hadn't let go of his trousers so he tried to pry her hands open so he could continue walking.

""I won't let go so just start walking." she said with pouted lips.

"What's the matter with you?" he asked seeing how she looked like she was in deep thought.

She continued to look into his emerald green eyes until she got lost in them. William brought his hand forward and snapped his fingers in front of her face and she looked a little embarrassed for staring at him.

"I wasn't looking at you." she started to deny even though he hadn't asked her.

"What were you looking at then Mrs Brown?" he asked.

"Your eyes."

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'eyes are the windows of the soul?" William asked teasingly.

"Mr Brown," she said sighing loudly,"Unfortunately, you have no soul so those are just windows to a hollow shell."

"How dare you."

Ann smiled at him and it made him feel unable to say anything more. He turned away from her and continued walking, constantly feeling Ann pulling him back because of how slow she was moving. They walked until they reached the thirteenth floor; they were tired and Ann was even thirsty. They decided to take the elevator. William straightened his clothes as they were inside and when they reached room 1098 everyone else was there and they were the last people to come in. Ann picked up a glass of water and gulped it down before taking a seat next to Sera on the five seater couch.

"What's wrong with you?" Sera whispered.

"Nothing. Why?" Ann responded without looking at Sera.

"You look like you just escaped a stampede."

Ann smiled at Sera to ease her troubled mind but the latter frowned.

"You look lost." Sera said.

"I feel lost." Ann sighed.

'Lost in his eyes.' she completed the statement in her mind. She looked at William throughout the meeting and heard nothing that was said. She followed him with her gaze when someone else stood up to speak and before she knew it they were being served some snacks. She ate while watching him watch her without noticing how her colleagues looked at her. He had asked her a question and her mind had interpreted it as him telling her she looked beautiful.

"Did you hear me Ms White?" he asked looking at her dazed expression.

When she heard him speak the noises of her colleagues finally invaded her ears. She looked at Sera who was looking forward like she couldn't see Ann and her lips were pressed together in a thin line.

"Sorry. What did you say?" Ann asked looking at William whose lips were quick to pull up into a devilish smile.

"Have you recorded the minutes?" he asked still smiling.