
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Making memories

During dinner Jordan tried to make yna feel better,he Cut her steak for her and even occasionally placed some of the side dishes on her place.

"Thank you" she wound mutter or smile at him, Daya got tired of thier Interactions So she decided to start a conversation

"so Chyna how did you meet Dan" She asked

"he saved my life" She answered plainly

" I heard you liked my Man"Chyna asked

"Uhm can we not talk... about it Chyna" she stuttered.

" Don't worry am not reminding you of it, I Just want you to know that he is mine now and Forever and only mine" chyna Answered

"I know that "Daya answered.

"Good" chyna answered and they continued eating in silence.

When they had finished eating dinner, Daya decided to start her plans but first she had to be alone with Jordan.

"Uhm ill like to tour the palace can you Please show me around" she asked Jordan

"of course "Jordan answered before turning to Yna

" if you are tired you can go to our room and rest, ill come After am done giving her a tour around our palace."he said to her

"No ill come along i don't want to be alone", she answered

OK let's go"he said interwining thier hands and tugging her gently with him

"ugh She's so clingy can't she let him be For a while" Daya muttered to herself as she let them lead the way.

Jordan showed Daya every comer Of the palace and led her back to her room before he walked to thier room with yna

"let's go somewhere I have a surprise For you" Jordan said suddenly when they had almost gotten to thier room.

" Sure"she answered with a smile as he led her to the Opposite direction

"Close your eyes" he told her and she obeyed then he continued leading her.

they walked for a while and when they stopped she heard him say "open your eyes yna" and she opened her eyes slowly

She was amazed by the sight that greeted her, There beside the lake a table had been set with two Chairs, and Flowers decrated the whole place together with heart shaped baloons, the most magical part of the arragement was the Light that floated Around the scene, on closer Inspection she Figured that they were Fireflies.

The swan in love designs above the table made the whole setting look very romantic and the clear blue Lake.

"it's Breathta...." yna tried to say but she was Surprised when she couldn't find Jordan behind her

"Jordan!! "She called out worriedly but she Stopped when she heard soft music playing,she Felt someone tap her shoulders lightly when she turned to see who it was she saw Jordan.

he held out a white rose to her. She took it from him and smiled before he led her to the table and drew out a chair for her to sit. when she had gotten sitted,he also took his seat "So how do you like my suprise" he asked

"I Love it, thank you Jordan"she answered elated

"I knew you would like it" he said

"my lady shall I have this dance? he asked as he stretched out his hands to her

"of Course" she answered putting her hand in his and they started dancing slowly to the music staring into each other eyes.

Unknown to them someone was watching them from one of the balconies of the palace, as she watched she gripped the railings hard and her hands turned white from gripping too hard.

"l won't let you two be happy as long as am here"she said with clenched fists as she vowed to ruin the night for them"

When she turned her green eyes weren't green anymore, instead they were as black as the night sky.

she began muttering some words in an unknown Language,and suddenly a strong wind started ruining the romantic setup but the couple were unfazed by the distraction. "ugh! "She groaned and Started chanting the words impatiently, the rain began heavily jolting the couple as they ran into the palace to take cover from theb rain

"Perfect" she said happily but unknown to her ,her plan had failed yet again.

Jordan led yna to thier room to change into dry Clothes. when they had changed into dry clothes, they spent the rest of the night with each other until they fell asleep.