
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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plan to capture Chyna

Meanwhile in Grandcrest the king and Queen laid in bed together watching the rain,

"The full moon is in two days time and Chyna's powers will awaken, I am so relieved that she would be with us by that time so we'll be able to hide her From the enemies and tell her the truth about her powers" the Queen said relieved

"Yes I wonder what would happen if she wasn't with us, am scared of the prophesy happening we both know if she is discovered by the enemies then she won't have a peaceful life" the king answered.

" You are Forgetting the good part about the prophesy her better half One who has the same level of prower as she posses and more, her complete opposite"the Queen added with a smile on her face

"But your have forgotten that we tried to search for him but we couldn't Find him no matter how hard we tried"the King reminded his wife.

Suddenly a strong wind gushed into thier room and when it calmed they saw a woman with gold long hairs, Goldeyes and she was dressed in pure Gold, her whole look was binding she had a strong and calm aura

" who are you" the Queen asked curiously

" I don't have the time to explain but please send a message to the crowned prince not to send the princess here, or else she would be captured" she pleaded

"But how do we believe you" the king asked

"You have to believe me I mean well for her "She answered before disappearing.

"I Feel we should trust her "the Queen said to the king and he stared at her for a while before nodding and sending for the right hand man asking him to send a message to the crowned prince.

"I Pray she stays safe" The Queen said as she watched one of the guards ride off on thier horse to deliver the message.

Meanwhile in a dark room, the figures of a man and a woman could be seen in the dark

"Its time Gav to reveal yourself to her and teach her how to protect herself and tell her everything" the woman said softly to the man.

"Yes my Queen"the man answered bowing and turning to leave.

"Help her regain her memories and send my love to her, tell her her mother loves her so much and give her this"she said handing him a small crystal box

"Ill do that Your Highness"he said and she smiled before disappearing

Meanwhile,Dylan had just been told that the King and Queen of Grandcrest had sent a message to the crowned prince to cancel the deal of bringing her back.

"No this can't be "Dylan said punching the Pillars angrily.

"Don't go mad Dylan l've sent Someone to stop the guard From reaching them and If that doesn't work then Daya would do the rest" Kiera said to him

" Fine but better make sure it works, the Full moon is in two days time and you know the Prophesy is happening during the Full moon.so we can't miss this chance if we do she'll learn of the power she yields and how to protect herself from us and by then it will be really difficut" Dylan answered before storming out of the room.