
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

2.Familiar stranger

"Jorge take the injured knight back to the mansion I will meet you there"the Stranger ordered his men and they nodded before all the men in black disappeared with Leon back into the Forest.

"lets go princess you'll be travelling back with me" the stranger said leading her to thier horses.

"Where did they take Leon?, And who are you? how do you know who I am?, Are you trying to lure me into some Kind of trap?"She asked curiously.

"Whoa whoa calm down you are still as curious as ever yna" he said.

"You know me but why don't I know you?" Chyna asked suprised.

"I guess you have Forgotten all about me yna, but don't worry l help you remember" he said with a hint of Sadness in his voice.

" Why don't you Just tell me your name?" She asked curiously

" OK Fine my name is Jordan" he answered.

"Jordan, I have heard that name before but I don't understand why I cant remember."she answered

" don't worry too much when the time comes you will remember" Jordan Consoled her ,and they continued thier Journey to the mansion.

After riding for some hours, they finally arrived In front of a beautiful mansion.

"Welcome to My humble abode" he said as soon as they Walked into the porch Filled with lot of Flowers.

"You have a nice house" she complimented him and he smiled

" Thank you" he answered "meet my Butler Zach he's in change Of the house, and this is Anne the housekeeper" he said gesturing to a middle aged man with Brown hairs and Brown eyes, and a young woman with dark hairs and Big black eyes.

"This is Princess Chyna"Jordan tells them and they all bowed respectfully at her.

"Anne show her to her room and help her clean up, then ask the chefs to make dinner For us, bring her down for dinner, ill give her a tour of the house" he ordered his staff and they Nodded, then he turned to the princess and winked at her

"see you later"he said, before the maid led her to her chamber.

Chyna was led into a big room decorated beautifully, the room screamed of Luxury. She was awed by the huge bed which was similar to hers back at home.

"Wow so soft" she exclaimed as she pounced on the bed happily, But she was interrupted by the maid's voice

"My Lady Itus time for you to take your bath"she Informed her.

"Sure come in" Chyna said after smoothening out her clothes,the maid bowed and then she led chyna to the washroom ,she helped her take off her clothes,before helping to clean her.

When she was done, she helped her put on a robe before getting her ready.

After the maid had dressed her, she looked really different. Her dark hair which was looking messy when she got here had been combed out and tied into a ponytail,and her dirty dress from earlier was changed into a pale pink coloured night dress.