
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

3. Getting to Know each other

While she was admiring herself in the mirror, the maid said to her

"My lady the prince is waiting let me lead you there"

"Sure lead the way"she answered.

When they got to the garden, she saw Jordan standing near the swing,admiring the rose garden.

"You can go Marla"he said with his back still turned to them.

Hearing his words, Marla bowed before leaving.

"Sit,let's have a little chat before dinner" he said after Marla left, turning to face her and watching her while she made her way to the swing and sitting on it.

He also made his way to where she was and sat beside her on the swing, seeing her all freshened up he couldnt help but admire the beauty in front of him.

He noticed how her nightdress complimented her skin which had a pinkish glow to it, his eyes darkened with desire but he could not do anything to scare her.

"Whats wrong? Is there something on my face?"she asked oblivious of the war going on in his mind.

"No"he answered snapping out of his thoughts.

There was an awkward silence between them, niether of them knowing how to break the silence.

"You have a lovely mansion and your garden is really beautiful"Chyna started.

"Uhm thanks"he answered "is there any problems with your chambers or the maid assigned to you"he asked.

"No they are all very nice"she answered.

"When are you going to tell me how you know me?"she added.

"Be patient Yna, let's play a game instead you'll tell me something about you and in return ill tell you something about me hows that?"he suggested.

"Yes"she answered.

"You go first"he said.

"Uhm well..... My name is Princess Chyna Natalia von Pendragon,am Eighteen and as you may already i am the only child and crown princess of Grandcrest."she said

"Nice meeting you Princess,I am Crowned Prince Jordan Steven Regaleon of Dacria,am Twenty"he said.

"You are a prince? And Dacria is your kingdom?no wonder i recognize your Men's emblem. Wait i have seen the same men watching me,where you behind that?, am I someone special that you got to protect?"She ranted curiously.

"Calm down Princess,I can't answer thoose questions, but I can only answer one whats it going to be?" He asked

"Uhm.."she tried to answer but she couldnt as she was getting distracted by Jordan who was coming closer to her,he only stopped moving when thier nose were touching and they could feel each other breaths.

Leaning closer he whispered in her ear causing shivers to run down her spine

"Which one is it going to be Yna?" He whispered pretending to be unaware of the things he was doing to her.

"Uhm..."she tried to form words but ended up stammering.

As if someone turned the off button on him, she felt him create space between them by leaning away, she couldnt help but miss his hot breath on her.

"I guess dinner is ready huh Marla"he asked, making Chyna turn her head to see Marla standing at the entrance, her hair bowed.

"We'll be there soon" he said to Marla and she bowed before hurrying away from the garden.

"I know what you want to ask, but i won't answer it you have to figure it out yourself' he said to Chyna before standing up to Leave.

Yna watched him leave feeling really frustrated.

"What does he mean by that?!,I have a right to know things too"she said to herself unknown to her that Jordan didnt really leave he was standing at the entrance waiting for her to come with him.

Hearing her words he couldnt help but smile before saying

"Aren't you coming"he said, breaking her away from her thoughts

"Sorry for keeping you waiting lets go"she answered oblivious of the smile playing on his lips as he led her to the dinning room.