
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

1. Saved by a stranger

"You have to leave right now!"king Arnold told his daughter.

"But dad"she tried to protest.

"Dont be sturborn Chyna just go with leon"queen Chyera pleaded .

The king nodded at sir leon the princess personal knight and he bowed before pulling her away, he took her to the horse and after helping her mount the horse,he got on the horse and rode off quickly.

"I hope she will be safe" Queen Chyera muttered and her husband hugged her "she'll be fine" he assured her.

The city of Grandcrest is well known among the land of clovervile, known for having the strongest army, varieties of food crops that cant be found in anyother part of the land and fertile land.

Clovervile is a large kingdom which consists of four different cities, Grandcrest,Dacria,Camelot and Alvania.

The royal family of Grandcrest consists of king Arnold, his wife Queen Chyera and their only daughter princess Chyna.

Their kingdom was attacked by Camelot ,all because thier daughter rejected the marriage proposal of the crown prince,prince Dylan of camelot.

They intended on capturing the princess and forcefully get he married to the princess.

"How are you so sure that she will be safe"queen chyera asked her husband as he led her to the secret room.

"Havent you noticed the shadow guards watching our daughter and keeping her safe, I noticed they wear the dacrian emblem so dacria is the safest place for her right now"he explained.

"I hope its just as you said"she answered

Meanwhile,Leon rode away from Grandcrest towards Dacria as fast as he could, the camelot soldiers chasing after them to stop them.

"I don't know If prince Dylan is stupid or his pea sized brain can't help him anymore why

Doesn't he get that I don't want to marry a fool like him?"Chyna complained to her knight.

"Dont worry princess he wont be abe to touch you as long as am here"Leon assured her.

Suddely an arrow was shot at Sir leon and he fell off from the horse.

"Leon!"she cried out stopping the horse ad runing to her Knight's side.

"Are you okay?"she asked worriedly.

"Princess,you have to leave now I'll be fine"leon answered groaning in pain

"Dont get me angry Leon I can't leave you here to die"she scolded him lightly.

"Please go"he pleaded.

"Am not going anywhere"she answered.

Just then the Camelot soldiers had already surrounded them.

"Stop running now my queen and just come with me"she heard prince Dylan say a huge grin plastered on his face

"I'll rather die here than get married to a fool"she answered provocatively

"You leave me no choice then"he answered.he lifted his hands and ordered his men to attack her.

Everything happened so fast,before she knew she was barricaded by some men in black .

"Who are they?"he asked confusedly. But the men in black didnt answer instead they started attacking them

Seeing everyone busy with killing each other,Dylan managed to sneak behind Chyna,grabbing hr hand and pulling her away

"Let me go!"she said struggling to get out of his grip but he held on to her tighter. Finding an opening she bit his arm hard and he hissed in pain letting her go

"Darn you sly creature!"he cursed at her raising his hand to strike her but he was kicked away from her falling heavily to the ground.

"She said she doesn't want to go with you why force her?" The stranger asked

"Who are you?"Dylan managed to ask still groaning in pain

The stranger took steady strides to where he laid on the floor with a smirk on his face,

"The devil"he answered before punching him on the face hard leaving him unconscious.

The stranger turned to Chyna wearing a harmless smile

"Let's get you somewhere safe"he said.