
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

12. Birthday Banquet

When he got back to their room, he found Yna Sleeping on the bed, her features were softened,and She looked very captivating. she had kicked the quilt away while turning around on the large bed.

"What do I do with you" he muttered with a playful grin as he placed the quilt back on her body, and then he sat on the bed beside her caressing her cheeks

"How do i tell you?" he muttered as he continued caressing her cheeks absentmindedly, He didn't even notice when she stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes.

"you can tell me anything"she said softly and he snapped out of his daze.

"oh You're awake" he said

"yeah, woke up Just now, But i still want to know what you don't know how to tell me she answered.

"Are you hungry lets eat Lunch "he said changing the topic and Chyna got really angry

"Why is he hiding things from her now?" She thought angrily to herself.

" ok fine let's eat, don't tell me anything, even I don't want to know!!" she blurted out angrily and stood up to leave the room, But before she Could suceed, he yanked her towards him and she Fell on him

"Please listen to me and don't get mad No matter what happens"he pleaded as he stared into her Black eyes and she nodded Meekly.

"My Birthday is coming up in three days time ,my parents want to throw a party for it and they have pleaded with me to come" he explained.

"so whats the problem"she asked.

"I know thier Intention for this party, they want to get me married to one of the princesses that will be attending the party"he explained catiously waiting for her reaction

"so?"she asked with a shaky voice.

"Since you don't have any problem with it then, Where do you want to stay?,Will you come with me to the party or stay here with the shadow guards?" he asked again

"But if you dont want to come then I won't Force you" he said rolling himself away from her, ready to leave the room.

"Wait who said i dont have a problem with lt?" She asked angrily.

"What?"he answered feigning Ignorance "i said where did you come up with the Conclusion that I didnt want to come with?"She asked again.

"S0 you want to come with?" he asked.

"Of course i'll come, I wont let some spoiled Princess take you alway From me"she exclaimed.

"Of course you are the one who owns my heart" he answered with a huge smile on his face.

" That's Better lets go,am sure our Food is getting Cold" she said as she walked out the room.

"you never seem to amaze me my darling Yna" he muttered smoothening his crumbled Shirt.

Oh my God what did i do"Yna asked herself as she walked towards the dinning section "I don't Understand how could i even say those things to him, I Just confessed my feelings to him indirectly

what on earth is wrong with me, But if i hadnt Said those words to him, then I would have lost him to one of those goodey two shoes princesses" She debated with herself

"My lady" she heard someone call her and she Snapped out of her thoughts

"Leon" she called out suprisedly when she Saw the person standing in front of her

"Yes my Lady" he answered with a smile

"I was so worried, am sorry for not coming to see you i was preoccupied"she apologized.

"Its not a problem Milady" he answered. "So how have you been,are you Feeling better? She asked.

"Slow down milady I see you havent changed you are still so Jovial, anyways I Am Feeling better now and I have been practising with the shadow gurads ever since i got better" he explained

"I want to know something milady?" Leon said curiously.

"Sure go ahead"she answered

"milady how exactly are you related to the Prince, the saved us and who is he?" he asked.

"His name is Jordan and this all I can tell you now "she answered.

"I respect your decision princess but for safety reasons, "Are you Sure he's with us?, i mean is he a Friend or an enemy Pretending to be a friend?" he asked again.

But before She could answer,Jordan Spoke

" Oh my, What do we have here? Are you trying to say I am an enemy to my love?!"

"Your highness I Just wanted to know Since I am the princess personal Knight" Leon answered.

"Not bad, You Are really good, at least you know how to protect her.let me answer your question my name Is prince Jordan of Dacria and this is my Palace "he said. "Your highness if I may ask what is your relationship with my princess" Leon asked "Well, am her future husband, her Prince charming" Jordan answered.

Chyna quickly said to leon" what he meant is that He's my saviour.