
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

11. Jealousy.

As soon as they were alone,Jordan grabbed Chyna and pulled her to his room.When they got to the room he locked the door behind them.

"why did you do that!" Chyna asked panickedly.

"oh so now you're scared but you weren't scared before" he said dryly as he made her sit on the Couch, and then he began

"How on earth could you be so iresponsible!!, you knew he was an Imposter yet you Just went with him!" he asked trying to calm the raging monster in him.

"I was bored and he looked like an intresting guy so I went with him" she answered plainly

" what do you mean by you were bored?, who goes with a stranger because she is feeling bored!!" he asked trying his best not to raise his voice at her,but she wasn't helping,how can She be calm even after everything that had happened,It was very annoying.

" you were so busy with Jody so I decided to Find someone to talk to and i met him" she answered.

"So you did everything because you were Jealous" he asked in disbelief

" Jealous?,no way I am not Jealous"she denied.

"the truth is Jody is actual my younger sister and she's married to the Prince of Alvania, prince Caleb .she came over to Visit" he confessed.

"So you just did this to get a reaction out of me so i guess we are both even now she Said.

" But what you did was wrong what if something had actually happened to you" he said,

"am sorry" She apologized Wearing a cute smile.

"I can't stay angry with you, but on a serious note i don't understand Why he posed as me he said worriedly.

" I think prince Dylan sent him and others, because I felt we weren't alone, I guess this is one of his plans to capture me" she explained.

"Why didnt You tell me before?" he asked worriedly.

"You Wouldn't have listened to me due to your Jealousy and anger" she answered. "why were you even with him?" Jordan asked,and then she remembered the visions she had today.

"uhm Jordan i want to ask you something" She said slowly

"Yeah what is it? he answered.

"Uhm do we maybe...."she tried to say, but they were interrupted by the knock on the door.

"Who is it?" He asked clearly irritated by the interruption.

"Its Kyan" they heard someone answer.

"Kyan can you see me later Am busy right now"he answered and the man at the door made a sound of agreeement before going away.

"What were you saying Yna?, What do u want to know?" He asked

"Its nothing"she answered.

"But...." He tried to protest but she interrupted him.

"Don't worry about it, ill go to my room i need to clean myself up, am very sticky"she said turning to the door, but she felt him grab her arm gently.

"Am not going to let you out of my sight"he declared.

"I can't clean up here, all my things are in my room"she tried to persuade him to let her go.

"Move in with me"he said suddenly."I'll ask the maid to move your things you just have to agree"he added.

"Its for protection so you have to agree"he persuaded.

"Okay fine its for my own good "she agreed after a while.

"Where do i sleep?" she asked curiously. "what do you mean by that, my bed is big enough for five Persons to use ,so why can't two persons use it. We will both sleep on the bed" he answered teasingly.

"O..... OK!"She stuttered

" I will take my bath now"she said and dashed into the Bathroom

"Silly she's feeling ucomfortable but she couldn't even tell me" he said grinning widely before leaving the room.

He went to the garden to meet Kyan a dark haired man with green eyes.

"I know you wouldn't disturb me if it wasnt important tell me what's Wrong?" Jordan asked him.

"Your highness I have done what you asked of me,Prince Dylan had sent his people to the princess,I have asked my men to keep An eye on every single one of them. and we have discovered something else, my men overheard the prince and his accomplices saying that the priness is the key to something But we are still investigating what it is "Kyan reported

"Thanks Kyan i want you to guard the palace well,the security of the palace should be tightened. Send some shadow guards to wach Yna even when she's alone but they shouldn't be noticed by her. What happened today cant repeat Itself" he ordered and kyan bowed before leaving the Prince alone in the garden.

Immediately Jorge walked in

"your highness" he greeted.

Yes Jorge" "he answered.

"I just wanted to inform you about your Birthday Celebration coming up in the next three days, your parents have planned an extravagant party for you and they want you to be there, They want to choose a prospective bride for you" he answered "send a massage to them And tell them ill be there,this is the right time to stop all this charade. I'll introduce Chyna to them"he decided

"But isn't all this to early, I mean for the princess, you havent even told her anything about it" Jorge tried to reason with him "dont worry ill tell her about it one way or another" he answered.

"So please send the letter to mom and dad and tell them I'll be attending the party because they had asked me to" he added and Jorge bowed before leaving to do as he was told to and Jordan went back to his room.