
Love of an hybrid


_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

10.The impostor II

Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice she heard

"don't do this yna please" she heard Jordan's voice and he was pleading with someone but who was it? "She asked herself.

She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw herself standing in a circle beside him who was laying on the floor wounded,and then mists started seeping out of her body and making it's way into Jordan's body then suddenly She blacked out as the mists seeped out of her body.

"What have you done yna? why did you have to save me with our memories?" she heard him say in a pained voice and the Images stopped.

"why did Jordan say that?,why do i Feel like that has happened before?, what led to that reaction from me" she asked Curiously, but she couldn't get answers as her head started throbbing painfully.

Images Started showing in her head,she tried to understand each one but it changed into another one quickly.

It finallyn Stopped where she saw herself and jordan, Standing under a tree when he said "l Love you yna!" Then everything went blank again.

She Couldn't believe what she Just watched and heard,so she bolted out of her room in search Of Jordan. But she found Jordan standing in the Recieving area.

"Jordan!" she called out to him and he turned and gestured For her to come to him, but she halted as she stared at him shocked.

his eyes were grey but that wasn't right he was supposed to have blue eyes, but when she blinked again his eyes were normal and it seemed like what she saw some moments ago was a dream.

She had a feeling the person standing in front of her was not Jordan, "But Why would someone Impersonate him" she asked herself but she decided to play along .

"please help me Jordan, am Scared," she cried out trembling slightly, don't worry Chyna you'll be fine, am here lets go somewhere to relax "he said comfortingly and she nodded.

"He's definetely not Jordan, The real Jordan would never call me by my name, he'll either call me yna or simply call me princess." She said to herself.

" come on lets go Chyna" she heard the Imposter say and she nodded before Following him to the place he was taking her to .

"But if this is the fake Jordan then where is the real Jordan" she asked herself "Oh he's with that relative of his (she Scoffs),why on earth am i thinking of him, let him keep his relative company I'll see if he still has time to protect me like he promised" she said with a wide grin on her Face.

" you look So pretty today "he complimented her"

Thank.. you" she stuttered

" i cant stop myself from wanting to do things to you that we will both enjoy?" he said as he moved slowly towards her

"Jor ...rdan?!" she stuttered as she backed away from him, but he Just kept on moving Closer until he trapped her inbetween his arms with her back aganist the wall.

He lifted his hands to run his fingers through her hair, but before be could touch her someone held his hands and then yanked him away From her.

Chyna Whipped her head towards her saviour and she was very happy to see the real Jordan Standing there.

" Jordan!! "She cried out happily and threw herself on him

"Thank God you came "she exclaimed happily.

"who is he?" he asked angrily.

"How would I know?" She exclaimed irritatedly.

"So you knew he wasn't me yet you came here with him?"Jordan asked angrily.

"Yes I did, so what?" She asked

"ill come back to you later" he said before walking towards the imposter

"Who are you?" Jordan asked impatiently

"please... Spare my life "the young man pleaded.

"Answer me damit!!!" Jordan cursed.

"my name is Cole" he answered

"who sent you to her? and what do you want from her! "Jordan asked again, but cole didn't answer he Just kept on shaking his head and pleading with Jordan to spare him.

"Jorge" he called and Jorge Who had been standing at a safe distance walked closer to Jordan and bowed his head .

"Yes your highness"

" Take him to the dungeon and do what you must" he Ordered and Jorge nodded before gesturing two Soldiers to pick Cole up and Follow him.