
Love of an hybrid

What happens when two royalty from different kingdom seeking thier true selves meet? Join Yna and Jan in their journey of self discovery,uncovering secrets about thier origin,falling in love and saving the supernatural world. -----------------------------------------------------------

_Cute_Angel16 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

9. The Impostor

Chyna was quiet throughout dinner, because She didn't know what Jordan and Jody Were discussing. she felt really annoyed that Jordan had forgotten about her because of Jody.

"I am a special person in his life and yet he Forgets me for a relative, what type of relatives behave this close they are acting as if they were blood-related siblings"She complained inwardly

"uhm Jordan, you havent told me where leon is?, I miss him and I Just want to know if he is alright"she asked Curiously.

"Oh your personal knight right? he's at the left wing of the mansion, he has woken up and is Currently resting. if you want to see him you can go with Jorge" he answered gesturing to the man with Blonde hairs and blue eyes standing beside him.

"I'll see him later" she answered Feeling disappionted that he didn't want to accompany her.

she ate her food in silence, and when she was full she excused herself and turned to return to her room but she heard Jody say to her

"Chyna why don't you accompany Jordan and I, we will be visiting the market to buy somethings for ourselves"

"No thank you l am Feeling rather tired and I want to rest for a while" she answered and jody nodded then she turned and left to her room.

"whats wrong with her?" Jody asked worriedly,

"Nothing much i think she's feeling very jealous";Jordan answered with a playful gun on his face

"That means She's the one, your yna" Jody asked curiously.

" Yes she's the one"Jordan answered

"Oh my! brother what have you done?, she will Misunderstand us, she doesnt know we are Siblings" Jody exclaimed feeling embarassed

"don't worry she'll be fine, she's a strong woman" he answered and he led her to the garden.

Meanwhile back in the abadoned palace of camelot, prince Dylan and his accomplices gathered together to come up with plans to capture the princess.

"I have an excellent Idea, we could lure her out of his sight with illusion "Alena Suggested

"Thats a good plan but the problem is what illusion are we creating for her?"Dylan asked curiously

"We could recreate the moment where they were seperated" Cole suggested

"That can work but what do we do to capture her easily? "Stephen asked curiously

"Thats where ill come in we will create an illusion of Jordan and he'll knook her out while pretending to care for her" Kiera answered

"I must admit this is a very good plan now lets Assign roles to everyone" Prince Dylan said wearing a wide grin

"let Keira be in charge" Alena suggested and the others agreed

"Alena you'll be incharge of making sure she believes the Illusion to a reality, Cole you'll play the role of Jordan and knocking her out you're Just as tall as he is", Then Dylan you have to Create a distraction so we can lure her out of his sight and stephan you have to make sure we don't get caught you'll be our lookout" Keira assigned roles for each of them.

"Sure" They all Agreed

"Everyone get ready we'll strike tonight" Keira said and they dispersed.

Back in Chyna's room she was sitting on one of the chairs in the Balcony sulking, I cant believe he'd actually ditch me for Jody, even if they are just relatives i am more special than she is." she complained inwardly as she stared at nothing particular "what are you thinking Chyna? Why on earth are you angry? He's not yours is he?,so why are you getting mad at him for nothing?,How'd you know you are special to him, He could be lying or is He special to you? have you started developing Feelings for him yna?" she heard her heart Scold her and she couldn't help but ask herself If she has indeed fallen for him.