
The dream

As I layed in my bed it felt like a mountain of bricks had been dumped on my chest. My body shook and I couldn't breath... Then I opened my eyes and saw what I have been trying to forget for the past 6 years... I looked around, I was back... At the base... I could see the American Flag and the Japanese flage both flying high for the American and Japanese soldiers at our base... Then I heard it. The loud sound of a missle dividing the air and peace itself... Then.... Everything went dark...

"A-AH" Aaron was panting hard as he jolted up from the bed. Peyton shot up with concern for him and asked "Whats Going on?!?" But Aaron couldn't say anything... he was struck with sadness and despair, today was the anual remembering service for the 539 people killed at their base. It was the largest amount of people killed by air strike so far in this war... Aaron didn't talk... Aaron didn't dare make a noise... He just sat there as Peyton held him in her arms. Waiting for the tears to come... She wish she could see how sad he was. But she couldn't...

Though the treatments worked the first time, they weren't working the second time around. Peytons father passed in the air strike as well, she had enough to deal with during that year. Then her mother killed herslef... And eventually the stress was so much for her that her already damaged eyes started to go back to the way they were before the treatments... She was back to being left in the dark... It wasn't the fact that she wouldn't be able to see again until the treatments started working that scared her... It was the fact that she was 6 weeks pregnant. And in 8 months she wanted to be able to see her baby... Their baby... Aarons child...

Eventually, what felt like an hour, tears rolled down both their faces... And Their dog Atka nussled into them... Atka was the Alaskan-Eskimo word for gardian, or protector. When Aaron got her for Peyton last year he knew that Atka would be a great addition to the family, and he was right...

Peyton grew up in Alaska, and she new the word Atka very well. It was what she called her grandmother... Atka wasn't an old dog. She was only about 2 years old, but sure was a great helper for Peyton when Arron wasn't home, and she acted just like a grandmother. She was protective, and quiet, and Peyton loved her like her own child... Atka could also sense she was pregnant, thats how they found out... Dogs will hang around you more and be more cautious and protective if they sense your pregnant. And Aaron and Peyton saw change in behavior instantly... It was like a switch had been turned on... When they went to the doctor to confirm she was pregnant, she was. Aaron tried everything, every treatment avalaible. He wanted her to see their child. Not spend to rest of her life wondering weather she would ever know what their child looked like...