

Peyton knew the guilt Aaron had burried deep inside him. She sensed it once a year, everytime May 8 came around. Peyton pulled her blonde hair away and tried her best to look at Aaron. Even if she couldn't she wanted to be there for him in every way she could. "Aaron? (Trying not to cry.) I know you can hear me... Please... Talk to me... I know that your hurting but please talk to me... Your the only family I have left... I dont wanna lose you to... Please... I feel the same pain you do... And I know that I can't see just how much pain your in. But I can feel it. And I'm here... I can hear you and I want to listen... I wanna help..." (Crying)... Aaron Held her hands and looked at her blue eyes. "I know... I'm gonna be fine... Don't worry about me. I have you, and Atka, and everyone else... I can feel something, different this year." Peyton was confused. "What can you feel?" Aaron held her tight and whispered in her ear... "Hope"

"I can feel it... Something that will change us all... I can feel hope... The treatments have been working, slowly but surly... We'll reverse this. And our child... I see this as hope... For a new chapter in our lives. Theres still hope for you, and me, and everyone... I promise" Aaron kissed the top of her head. As Peyton cried into his chest, she could feel his heart beating, she could hear it, she could hear hers, they were in synce... Two heats beating in a world that was beating on them... That was her hope... To maintaine that steady beat, and to welcome one more heart beat into the family... It was just a matter of waiting... And hoping to see the light at the tunnel... Or to see anything at all...