
The day it began

My name is Aaron . I'm 26. I live with my

wife Peyton. Ive known her since we were

12. She is the light of my life, but as time

passed. The light in her slowly faded. It

started when we were 18. The year the

war began. Our families were both sent

out to the trenches. By some miracle she

came out alive. But she had to live with a

burden. I wanted the first thing for her to

see when she woke up to be me, but it

wasn't. It was... Darkness....

The explosion had blinded her. By some miracle that only a god could explain, she

regained her sight. After 6 months of

therapy. She was back... But that small

tragety was only prepairing me for

something even worse. 18 months later. Our base was blown up... My parents

went up in flames, just like the tents...

Out of 573 people there, only 34 survived.

Me and Peyton, were 2 of them...

I couldn't help feel responsible... That

was the night I was suposed to be on

watch. But the missle made it past.

Anyway I look at it I am responsible...

After what happened, the war started spreading. And after the 8 years of out running the war, my brother and sister came back to America. They had spent the past years in Japan, thinking they were safe. The cost of living anywhere else was to much. So my older brother Daniel brought his wife Maya and their son Atticus to America. And my little sister Katlyn followed. That was 6 years ago. Daniel and Maya found a small house a few miles away, and Katlyn was living with her boyfriend Jin. As for Atticus, he was growing into an independant little man. He's now 6. Daniel and Maya are 29, and Katlyn and jin are 25. Daniel and Katlyn came into my life when I was 5. Daniel 8 and Katlyn was 4. They are my adopted siblings. Their parents died in a fire... Thats when my parents took them in. We arent related by blood, but they feel more like family other than anything else... Im lucky to have them in my life. They were there for me through everything, but no bond between us could prepare us for what was coming...

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