
Love is uncontrollable

There was a girl who had a crush on a particular guy... After years they meet, sparks flow between them. Eventually they realise that they knew each other way back and the shocking part? That guy too had a crush on her but couldn't confess.... Although they missed their youth but now are together forever.... ------ Alasca Ross since her childhood has seen or read about such things... Maybe this led her to have a different belief in love.... Let's find out in Alasca's journey whether the love she thinks is the actual love Or the entirely different story. ...... Extract---- "Autumn! " someone shoutout. Before Alasca could make out what was going on suddenly she was pushed with high force ... so much that she knew she was breathing her last. "How? how could you have known this name? " Suddenly Alasca was reminded of the words he said to her while dining and the chats of her with her online friend 'Jo'. It was too late now to mend things. She smiled. It was a painful one. "If there's a next life, I wish to meet you there and make you fall for me again but this time with my true identity ". Saying this she tried to reach his lifless hand and breathed her last. Both were dead for a new beginning. .... After transmigration... " Ugly woman! I dare you take a step forward! " Qin Meng smirked "Good boy, let this beauty take care of you" as she said this she started to come close towards him.... "Smooch" she kissed him forcefully... To his surprise ' I can't imagine I got a reaction? and that too for an ugly woman? ' But when he thought she was going to continue advancing towards him... she stopped. "Oopps! I ain't dizzy anymore " Qin Meng said with a tongue out . She went away from him and as she got out of the hot bath, she turned back "bravo! handsome you were lucky enough to have your body protected" winking at him, she disappeared from his sight.

eva_galine8834 · Teen
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21 Chs

Love? what is it?

25-Pine Villa , Joseph Montclair street, New land city

Alasca was sitting by the balcony of her room , drinking her cup of coffee. She was admiring the beauty that was in front of her eyes.... yes she was actually looking at another house's window where a guy was actually playing guitar. He was non other then Johnson .

It has almost become her habit to sit there at dusk and watch him play the musical instrument.

She was wondering why the heck he didn't play the instrument the day before, she missed seeing him. As she was wondering there were notifications in her phone

... There were photos of a birthday celebration of a classmate and her eyes stopped at a particular person. It was like she was shocked or maybe surprised. She didn't knew Johnson was friends with that birthday girl... and she was from a different section. Still she took things light.

Eventually the night passed with peaceful surrounding.

Next morning, schools

Alasca was walking with Marisa and discussing the previous class lecture when she heard few girls of a group whispering.... she finally concluded that Johnson had a crush on that girl and their common friends introduced them around a month ago.... since then maybe their feelings grew and now were kinda in a relationship...

This conclusion brought tears to her eyes... she just didn't knew why she seemed so upset with everything until Johnson's house caught fire and Alasca was worried like hell for him, his safety... she cried for a whole night just to realize in the morning that she actually likes her ex best friend's cousin, her neighbour, her classmate, her singing partner and what not. Of course all these were the words to describe a single person Johnson Clifford .

School Auditorium

It was almost the end of winter and almost the end of their semester... Alasca since that day started to observe Johnson and she was not that upset anymore as she noticed that Linna who was his rumored girlfriend was not much mentioned anymore and she also began to see that Johnson would stare at her from time to time or want to sit near her and more things which can lead almost half the population believe that the guy likes her.

After a lot courage Alasca decided to confess her feelings to him, she hoped that he would reciprocate it.

Love? To Alasca love was something, which causes restlessness, shyness, nervousness feeling when looking into the person's eye whom you think you love. She thought that Johnson was her first love as she never felt this way before and only with him her personality took a one -eighty degree turn.

But the truth was really that way? Is that what we call true love? where your heart only beats and all but u didn't even have a proper conversation with him?

Alasca was now fully ready to give in to her heart.

Hello readers!

I hope you all like this new chapter.

What according to you guys is the definition of love?

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