
Love is uncontrollable

There was a girl who had a crush on a particular guy... After years they meet, sparks flow between them. Eventually they realise that they knew each other way back and the shocking part? That guy too had a crush on her but couldn't confess.... Although they missed their youth but now are together forever.... ------ Alasca Ross since her childhood has seen or read about such things... Maybe this led her to have a different belief in love.... Let's find out in Alasca's journey whether the love she thinks is the actual love Or the entirely different story. ...... Extract---- "Autumn! " someone shoutout. Before Alasca could make out what was going on suddenly she was pushed with high force ... so much that she knew she was breathing her last. "How? how could you have known this name? " Suddenly Alasca was reminded of the words he said to her while dining and the chats of her with her online friend 'Jo'. It was too late now to mend things. She smiled. It was a painful one. "If there's a next life, I wish to meet you there and make you fall for me again but this time with my true identity ". Saying this she tried to reach his lifless hand and breathed her last. Both were dead for a new beginning. .... After transmigration... " Ugly woman! I dare you take a step forward! " Qin Meng smirked "Good boy, let this beauty take care of you" as she said this she started to come close towards him.... "Smooch" she kissed him forcefully... To his surprise ' I can't imagine I got a reaction? and that too for an ugly woman? ' But when he thought she was going to continue advancing towards him... she stopped. "Oopps! I ain't dizzy anymore " Qin Meng said with a tongue out . She went away from him and as she got out of the hot bath, she turned back "bravo! handsome you were lucky enough to have your body protected" winking at him, she disappeared from his sight.

eva_galine8834 · Teen
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21 Chs

If I start to like someone you will be the first to know(past ends here)

25-Pine Villa, Joseph Montclair Street, New Land city

It was rainy weather that day, sometimes a perfect atmosphere to confess your feelings.

Alli was lying in her bed deciding whether to message Johnson or not. She was too much much conflicted, if not for Merisa maybe she would have dropped the idea.

After almost an hour she decided not to message him , instead send him a letter with all her feelings jotted there.

She confessed everything, even described all the events happened between them since one year .

Not long after the letter was sent, it was seen immediately.

Before Alasca realised it, Johnson's message already came.... as the message came to an end Alasca was sad and happy too... Although he said he didn't like her or wanted to be in any relationship with anyone at the moment but he also assured her that he didn't have crush on Leena plus if in future he likes someone, she would be the first to know about it.

With a bit sadness but relaxed heart she felt asleep soon with the sounds of pouring rain.

Who knew this calmness was just for a short time? not even a day passed when Katty her friend who was in same section as Leena invited her for a game. Guess what? Alasca met all Katty's friend except Leena. When asked, she got to know that Johnson has taken Leena for a date and the photos in Katty's chat history with Leena showed the last proof needed for Alasca to finally admit that Johnson could never be her's.

His heart had long been stolen .

"Alli are you ok? You seem so lost since you came here. Everything ok?. Shall I get you some drinks? "

Alasca was so broken that her mind had long stopped working and all she wanted was to forget this night. She wanted to erase the day. She felt that it would have been better if she rwmaind ignorant with this matter or even better if she could erase the day when she met him again after seven years. She wished she didn't fall in love with him.

"Yeah, get me whatever you can . I want to forget everything for tonight "

As told Katty bought Alasca a mild wine.

That night she cried a lot, so much that maybe she didn't sleep only.

Months passed by until she finally graduated and could now calm herself. A lot changed in her, but she always avoided the topic love. Whenever someone mentioned it shw would just walk away from there. When she saw couples doing things together , she would recall the times she used to Fantasize about her being with Johnson, their marriage and the children.

It felt like not only her heart but a lot of dreams were also broken that day.

Good news!

Finally Alasca's past is coming to an end. The new chapter will continue back to present.

Are you all interested to see the transmigration of fl to new world?

Don't worry it's also coming up soon☺


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