

Munashe_Mapati · Fantasy
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29 Chs

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It was pretty hard working as Ruyi's manager it was like walking in a dead man's premise . She herself was a dead man walking you could clearly see that there was no direction in her life in fact she never tried to make one for herself . She allowed anyone to gamble with her life the way they pleased which pricked me than anything else .

Her mother was a stumbling block in her life. It was crystal clear she used Ruyi as her source of income to pay her debts and my dear Friend trusted her blindly. I wish I could have any way to make her understand without breaking her heart.

When she told me she slept with a random man the first thing that rang into my head was that witch ,, I knew she had played a bigger part I got angry at Ruyi's stupidity and at myself for not being able to protect her as I promised . I rushed to my bedroom as my heart was bleeding I cried till I my tears dried . I didn't know what else to do . Why did she have to sacrifice her cherry for that ?? Sometimes I couldn't understand her way of thinking .

After I calmed a bit I decided to go and check on Ruyi that's when I found her staring at a strange man I don't know but I felt a sudden chill in my bones. I suddenly started feeling dizzy .. I could sense a strong aura in the house which I couldn't understand . The man looked unconscious but there was something evil about him ...it could be clearly interpreted by the way he was dressing like those Dracula's we see in the movies , a black leather coat and some black leather gloves ..he also had shoulder length hair which was black and wavy.

I dropped the glass of water I was carrying heading to Ruyi ...this man ?? I feel familiar with this stranger. When I asked Ruyi to go and get the first aid kit in my bedroom I received a call from an unknown number someone was screaming for help .

Me: hello ...who is it ...hello ....( she repeatedly asked with a shiver)

That's when I received a text message my heart skipped reading the message . It was from Meing Chan my imaginary crush. It was written " _I need your help Feifei ...come and meet me at the old factory road_"

I got hold if my breath how is it possible he has my number ??? And he called me FeiFei ...only people I'm close to calls me with that name .

Something in my heart was forcing me to forget about the situation we were in and go to meet my crush though it was terrifying me as well . How he just asked for my help and the place wasn't somewhere one can go out at this night to meet with someone because you just received a message from someone after all many murder cases were reported from that area and the serial killer remained a mystery ....why he chose me out of everyone was something that was making me shudder with fear.

When Ruyi returned with the first aid kid I didn't expect myself to make such a big lie and walk out with no guilty at all .

I took the car heading to the old factory road it was dark than you could imagine. There was no single star in the night . I took out a torch and got out of the car ... I can say I was terrified to death . I was all alone in the middle of the night at a place .

I slowly headed to the old factory building which was nearby .. I scanned the area first ...that's when I heard the sound of a gunshot ...I almost screamed when a hand covered my mouth from behind . I closed my eyes with fear .,

Voice: if you don't hand over the papers we will kill this girl ( a deep voice shouted ..Feifei froze.. She opened her eyes and noticed lights were on and she was surrounded by many guys who looked like they were underworld Mafias each of them holding swords... they had tattoos on their faces and some in their eyes . She started sweating she looked dazed)

I felt intimidated by these people they were all giving me devilish glares. One of them who had a vest walked to me and ripped the front part of my dress lucky I had a bra I widened my eyes in shock as I try to pull away from the man who who was holding me . I managed to bit his hand he let go off me but the other guy who had just ripped my dress pushed me to the ground with force .

Him : this girl is a handy but don't worry we will deal with her handsomely... ( he shouted with a smirk ) you know her death will cause chaos in the city ...think about it Sultan ,,,( Feifei was silently crying trying her best to cover her exposed skin ...)

Suddenly a guy showed up with his other gang but these ones were different ...they all wore black leather coats they kept hair which hung to their shoulder's. I noticed the one who looked like the leader as he was the one leading the gang kept long black hair and the front hair was left running across the right eye. He had a mask which covered his upper face. He was six feet tall.

That guy suddenly pointed a guy at me . I closed my eyes I felt as if my life was coming to an end.

The guy: hand over the papers or she dies ( he said with a threatening tone)

Me: please ...save me ( she whispered silently praying)

_Sultan looked at the girl his blood boiled why on earth she appeared he has nothing to do with her at all he thought to himself as he watched her pitiful self. Other reason that makes him dislike women they are good at foiling men's thinks . His gang members looked at him with disbelief they couldn't get the reason he revealed himself because of a girl .They knew he had no soft spot for women no matter how goddess like she appears and here he was staring unable to decide what to do. If he wanted the could have shoot the girl right away before Bai Ji ting gang do that for him but he remained calm and ordered his man to hand over the property shares to Bai Ji ting man. Feifei thanked her stars she didn't expect a stranger to save her life ._

Hopes had already faded away from my sight looking at the man who was asked to hand over some papers for an exchange of my life. He didn't look any better than the man who had my life on lane but for the meantime he was my only ray of hope to rely on .

I was surprised to see him handing over the papers without a fight. That gang leader carried me in his arms in a bridal style . He took me to his car at the front seat. He covered me with coat

Me: thanks for saving my life I thought..( they were interrupted by a blast from the factory building ...Feifei screamed hiding herself in the coat ...)

_there were loud begging screams from the factory..Sultan smirked as he drove away "Sultan isn't a fool and never give in easily" he smirked at himself . He made a phone call to his gang members_

" we have terminated Bai ji ting mafia gang he will come after us we have to keep it low for some few months "