

Munashe_Mapati · Fantasy
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29 Chs



_He hung up with a smirk and glared at Feifei who was trembling with fear tears were streaming down her cheeks . Sultan abruptly stopped the car at the middle of the road . Feifei was seeing herself dissipating in an instant she couldn't believe the scene which just unfolded in front of her naked eyes. She witnessed a bomb exploding....she could see shadows of people screaming for help it was crystal clear the man she was with killed them ...he deliberately handed them the papers with a bomb on it otherwise why it exploded once they were out of the area. She wished Ruyi was with her to hold her and tell her everything was just a nightmare and soon it will end. On the other hand Sultan felt so irritated and infuriated by her reaction._

When he stopped the car I hesitantly looked at him . I was surprised he got out of the car.. The car door to my side swung open he instantly pulled me out of the car angrily .

He pushed me to the car with force I shuddered

Sultan: who do you work for ????( he asked with a fiery tone)

My throat dried I felt as if his closeness was draining away all the power inside me .. My ankles buckled...

Me: I ...I....I...don't understand ( she said averting her eyes away from his sharp glares)

Sultan: what a coincidence then ...

Me: I swear I know nothing ...I just received a message from Meing Chan saying he needs help ....I...( she stuttered running out of breath ....she paused to take a deep breath) he...he...

There was a blanket of silence he just froze for some few seconds

Sultan: who said you know anything ?? I asked who you working for and why are you not looking me in the eyes ...

I remained still running out of oxygen the next everything blurred ...I woke up lying at the doorstep of my bedroom . It was like I had just woken up from a nightmare but seeing the coat which was covering me reminded me of the worst night ever . I rushed into my bedroom as if someone was chasing after me . I locked the door from inside gawking around. I closed my eyes for some few minutes trying to erase those scary nightmares from my head .

"You will be fine take couple of breaths ..breath in breath out" I was comforting myself .

I have to focus only what happened was past I have lot's of pending things to do . I received an email at the company my artist worked on that they can't take her as the heroine of her first new drama as the heroine " the weird princess"

I became weak reading the email . I couldn't understand the reason they changed instantly. I didn't know how to share this with Ruyi. I collapsed on the bed with tears in my eyes. This could have changed her life. I guess someone could have replaced her. I will have to get to the bottom of this I can't let them insult my artist like this .

That night I couldn't even blink an eye. In the morning I woke up rushed to Her Company that's when I learnt the investors wanted someone who was already famous to bring them more money and Ruyi's beauty couldn't meet their standards . I was dumbfounded to find out that Ye Ling was the heroine who replaced Ruyi and they had already signed a contract.

With the power of her manager Miss Crystal there was no way I was going to do anything about it. It took me hours to get to Ruyi and share with her the worst news ever . She was left broken...it teared my heart more than anything .

I remained in the car listening to the car radio that's when I heard about a fire incident at the old factory. I felt a chill running downy my spine. Everything returned back to me with a heavy thud ...my heart started racing .

" it is said another mystery occurred at the old factory fifteen roasted bodies were found and the police is still trying to figure out how a fire just broke out at such s it's the third time dead bodies are found dead with no trace could it be there is a serial killer on loose"

I shivered hearing this . I felt scared for an unknown reason . I quickly turned off the radio and leaned on my seat my eyes closed . What do I do God!! My life has just turned dark in an instant.

I was taken back to the world when phone started ringing. It was from Ruyi's company .

Voice: Ruyi is invited to take part in the stage performing session at the Grammy awards festival..

Me: well thank you (

Oh My God!!! I screamed like crazy ...I rushed in her house and bumped into that witch. She tried to stop me I pushed her away from my way . She always makes me fall sick. I rushed in her room told her the news. She was very excited about this it was the first time to see her so happy like this.

I dressed her up we went to the party everything was going pretty well till she dashed away from the party. I had to deal with the paparazzi . She looked scared of something I couldn't understand . Lucky Ye Ling was always supportive like a sister .

She was so humble than anyone in the room . I noticed some old film directors were giving her lusty looks. I noticed Mr Tiang whispering to some of his men whilst staring at Ruyi . This man was dangerous once he wants something he never stop running after it till he gets it. He forces young actresses to sleep with him .

I have to be careful with these evil men .

Stay tuned !!!!!