
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Ghost of first love

Selena spends all of her time studying and distracting herself by reading medical books she could find. Instead of stressing over nonsense things, she will put everything into achieving her dreams. It has been a week since Selena starts sleeping in the library. She always falls asleep with a book on her stomach or on her face. Miss Luna takes such good care of her, supporting her all the way. One night when Miss Luna is bringing Selena a nutritious meal, Selena is almost falling asleep.

"Selena, dear, why don't you head to your bedroom and sleep properly? It has been days and I know you are not getting better sleep here.".

Selena smiles, "I am okay, Nana. And it would be the last day because tomorrow is our exam so, after that, I will be sleeping in a real bed.". Miss Luna sighs, "Guess I can't persuade you. Okay then, well eat this to boost your energy. I will let you continue your work. Do not stay up all night or else your brain will malfunction tomorrow.". And she laughs.

Selena also laughs but still responds, "Yes, Nana, got it. Do not worry.". It is almost midnight when she decides to stop and closes all of her notes and books. Minutes later while Selene is sleeping soundly, the door opens. It is Magnus. He came home late and goes to the library to check on Selena. It has been days when Selena has not been sleeping in their bedroom. His grandmother told her that she is preparing for a major exam so decides to camp in the library.

Magnus sees Selena sleeping on the couch. He slowly approaches, careful not to make any noise. He goes on the side and stares at her. Magnus misses the days when he and Selena have a casual conversation but everything changes since the meeting with Alvira. He sighs and mutters to himself, "I try reaching out to you but you just keep on avoiding me. Did it hurt that much or there is something else?". He stares at her again for a moment and sneakily leaves the library.

The next morning, Selena wakes up feeling confident about her exam. She eats breakfast happily and is only thinking about acing the examination. But when she goes to the front porch, Magnus is there. All Selena can see is his back and his phone in his ear.

"Okay, okay. I will you take out for lunch today, I promise. Okay, bye. Love you too.".

Hearing this, Selena's mood shifts. She thought, "Why do I need to hear that?!".

Magnus turns around and sees Selena standing by the door. "Oh, you are done. I will take you to school if it is okay with you.". Magnus is smiling, hoping Selena would say yes. But his smile immediately disappears when she responds instantly with a serious face, "No. I will take the car. I do not want you to be late to your appointments.". Then Selena rushes to the car behind Magnus' car.

During the trip, Magnus cannot stop thinking if Selena has heard him on the phone. Thinking that she might have heard him, Magnus cannot contain his annoyance. "This is Alvira's fault.", he thought. He arrives at the office with a bad aura. When he enters his office, his blood boils out of anger. Alvira is in his office, smiling widely at him, then greets him, "Hi, honey, good morning.".

Magnus holds Alvira's shoulders tightly that made Alvira flinch in pain, "You are hurting me! What are you doing?". He grits his teeth in anger, "I told you not to call me when I am at home! I will be the one to call you! And you dare to order me around?!". Then he pushes Alvira to the side which makes her almost fall down to the ground.

"I did nothing wrong! And what? Ordering you? You mean commanding you say you love me? That is not supposed to be demanded!". Alvira's eyes start to tear up. She comes closer to Magnus and hugs him from behind. "You love me, right? We are even going to get married soon.".

Magnus removes Alvira's arms wrapping around him and turns around to face her. "We are getting married soon? What are you talking about?"

A tear falls down from Alvira's left eye. She is stunned hearing it but manages to speak, "The... We are going to... I mean, we have been dating for two years. Don't you have any plans on marrying me?".

Magnus smirks at her, "That is your basis, since we have been together for two years, you think I will propose to you?". Alvira starts to cry and shakes her head, she cannot believe what she is hearing. "Honey, why are you kidding around? I know I have been demanding these past few days and I am sorry. Let's just forget that this conversation happened, huh?". She hugs him tightly without him hugging her back. Magnus holds her shoulders again to pull away from the hug.

"You should go. I have meetings to attend to.". Magnus then leaves the office. Alvira is left standing with a broken heart. She slightly laughs, "You think I would leave because of this, you are wrong, Magnus. I will stay and I am sure you will marry me after a few years. I will make sure of that. You know I get everything I want, and that includes you.". Alvira wipes her tears away and confidently goes out of the office.

Selena, on the other hand, is not having such a good morning. On her way to school, she cannot stop thinking about Magnus. She tries to review her notes to divert her attention but to no avail. It angers her thinking that it might affect her performance on the exam. Selena sighs and tries to calm down. "Do not think about it, Selena. Focus on what is important. Do not let negativity get to you.", she cheering herself up.

Selena arrives at school just in time. She enters the room and the instructor is already there. She sits on her desk and prepares herself. Selena clears her mind and just focus on the test paper on her table. An hour and a half later, Selena finishes her exam and waits another thirty minutes for the results. While waiting, she cannot stop thinking about the possibilities of wrong answers. This made her nervous but when the results are posted and seeing her name having the perfect score, Selena's eyes widen, and covers her mouth in disbelief.

"I can't believe it! Oh my God, I passed! I passed!". Selena is catching her breath. She almost cannot breathe because of exhilaration. She then leaves the building and goes to the mini-park. It is the area where many trees are standing. It also has benches and tables where students can relax. The area is so relaxing. Because of obtaining a perfect score, Selena feels relieved that all of her hard work has paid off. She will surely continue working hard until she becomes a doctor. She closes her eyes and just feels the breeze. Then suddenly... A ball hits Selena on the face. This made Selena falls on the ground, "Ouch! Hey! What do you think you are doing?"

A man comes rushing towards her, helping her up, "I am so sorry. I did not see you there. I am really sorry.". Selena accepts the man's help and when she stands up and looks at the man, her mouth slightly opens because of astonishment. "Eon?"

"No? Umm... Are you okay? Do I need to take you to the clinic?". Selena did not respond. She is dazed. All she could think of is that this man is Eon. "But how come he did not recognize me?", she thought. The man, who is worried about Selena's state, decides to take her to see the doctor. They are lucky the clinic is empty so the nurse accommodated them immediately. The doctor starts checking Selena and Selena is starting to go back to her senses. She looks at the man again and still is convinced that he is Eon she knew.

"Well, nothing's serious but the hit could still have caused damage. Luckily, she is okay and seems to be back on her senses.", the doctor explains to the man. The doctor then asks Selena, "Are you okay, Miss?". Selena replies, "Yes, doc, I am okay. My head still hurts a little but I am okay.". The doctor nods then continue to speak to her, "Okay, that is good. Just take it easy, okay? You may have a concussion so go home early and rest. You are excused in your classes for the rest of the day, okay?". Selena just nods, then stands up, and walks towards the door. She passes the man and continues walking but the man catches up to her.

"Hey, look, I am really sorry.". Selena looks at him, "It's okay. I am okay now so no need to worry.". She is about to leave when the man asks, "Who is Eon? I heard you call me by that name. Selena pauses for a moment and replies, "I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone else.". Then she continues her way to the gate.

Along the way to the mansion, Selena cannot stop about the man she met. "How is this possible? He really looks like Eon. Or maybe he is Eon but he is just pretending not to know me because he is angry about what happened.", she keeps thinking nonstop. While her mind is occupied, she did not notice that she already arrived home. Miss Luna knocks on the car window when she noticed that Selena was not getting out of the car. Selena awakes from thinking deeply and immediately steps outside the car.

"Did something happened, dear that you are not yourself?". Selena gives Miss Luna an assuring smile, "No, Nana, everything is okay. I was just thinking about the exam.".

"What happened to your exam? You passed, don't you?". Selena pauses before answering and shows a big smile. "Yes! I passed, Nana, I passed.".

Miss Luna hugs Selena tightly. "Oh I know you could do it, darling. I am so proud of you!". Selena looks at Miss Luna and smiles, "Thank you, Nana. Thank you for being by my side.".

"My pleasure, dear and you had achieved it because you worked hard for it." Miss Luna smiles and then continues to talk, "Now let's go to the pavilion, I have a surprise for you.".

"Really, Nana?"

"Yes, of course. I just knew you would pass the exam so I spent the entire day preparing this.". They arrive in the pavilion and Selena gasps in surprise and amazement. On the center of the pavilion is a big, round glass table full of different foods and desserts. Selena has lost of words to say but manages to ask, "You prepare all of this for me?".

Miss Luna smiles, "Yes. You deserve it.". Selena is touched and hugs her, "Thank you so much, Nana. This is all looks delicious and I will have a bite of everything.".

"Please do, dear and you would not do that by yourself. We will eat until our stomachs cannot contain such foods anymore.". Then Miss Luna and Selena laugh.

It is just the two of them in the pavilion enjoying the foods and each others' company. They also have a bottle of white wine to drink. Selena had forgotten the man that looks like her first love. She constantly eats her favorites among the foods and desserts and then drinks wine while chatting with Miss Luna.

Miss Luna is sharing about her life when she was a teenager, being a high school and college student, and her story when she was dating. She is also narrating her married life and the life of being an elder. Selena is just listening carefully.

"That was amazing, Nana. You have lived a life full of value and meaning. You lived your life through stages and got through it."

"But do not think that I did not have problems. I had faced many that made me almost want to quit."

"How do you convince yourself into fighting?"

"By visualizing a future you want to live. Ask yourself, 'What do I want to become when I grow up?', 'What will I do then after graduating?', 'What will I do with the money I earned?', and 'How do I live with no regret?'. Until now, I asked that to myself every day. Your life is over when you choose not to try and fight. You would not live a life when you do not have a vision of what's ahead.".

Selena is amazed. It had given her a new perspective of life and also motivated her. She is still young and life has many to offer so whatever challenges that would come, she should face them and not let them stop her from achieving her dreams.