
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Magnus goes home early for the first time. Upon entering the mansion, an aromatic scent had greeted him. He goes to the kitchen to see Selena cooking. She is wearing a plain white apron and is holding a ladle. She then shifts into cutting ingredients while checking the pot on the stove. Magnus stands a few minutes by the door to watch his wife cook and he smiles. He loves watching moments like this. But she is unaware that his grandmother is behind him.

"Magnus, darling, you went home early. That's a first.". Magnus is panicking inside as he looks again at Selena and she is looking at them. Selena looks to the chopped ingredients to avoid his gaze. Magnus then leaves the door and proceeds to the stairs. His grandmother follows him and teases him, "Were you looking at her, grandson?". He stops and looks at her, "No, Nana. I checked the kitchen because I smelled something nice.". His grandmother seems to not believe him but responds, "Hmmm... Okay. Be ready for dinner.".

Magnus continues his way upstairs and into the bedroom. He lays on the bed and recalls how nervous he was that he was caught watching his wife. Then he gets up as he realizes something, "We have not spoken since the day she met Alvira.". He sighs. "It must have been a shock to her. We are married and I have a girlfriend. I should have told her.". Magnus lays again, puts his arm into his forehead, and closes his eyes.

On the other hand, while Selena is cooking, she cannot stop thinking about the fact that Magnus has been watching her. It has been days since the lunch with his girlfriend and they did not exchange conversation like they used to, even small talks. Selena mutters to herself, "Well, I do not even want to engage in a conversation with him. I would not what to say.". She sighs and continues cooking.

At the table, the three of them are just silently eating. Miss Luna finishes her dinner with a glass of red wine. "As always, Selena, darling, your dishes are delicious.". Selena smiles, "Thank you, Nana. But it is not as good as yours.". Miss Luna smiles widely, "Oh, I am flattered.". She then turns to her grandson, "How about you, Magnus? What do you think?".

Magnus takes the last bite. "It is delectable.". He looks at Selena and smiles but she just gazes at him with a half smile and then pays attention to Miss Luna. The dinner went quick and everyone in the mansion is in their bed already except for Magnus and Selena.

After changing into pajamas, Selena goes to her favorite spot in the garden - the gazebo. She is starting to make the swing chair sway and feel the cool breeze in the garden. Meanwhile, Magnus cannot seem to fall asleep, gets up, and decides to go to the garden for fresh air. As he arrives in the garden, he stops as soon as he saw swinging in the gazebo. Magnus decides not to proceed and let her see him. He is about to go back inside the mansion when he hears Selena starts humming.

Magnus cannot help but chooses to stay and listen to Selena. Her humming is gentle and soft but it has sadness in it. Magnus observes Selena's expression while humming. She wears a stern face and her eyes are full of longing. Upon seeing that, Magnus decides to go inside the mansion and let her be alone.

Selena's mind is full of thoughts that she does not know how to express and free herself from the weight. While swinging, she starts to hum a melody. At the same time, her mind goes back to recalling her life in the village. She remembers the times when her family is happy and had nothing to worry about. She recollects her childhood when her parents cherish her so much that they would do anything to make her happy. Selena is still humming, and she feels that the weight she has been carrying is slowly showing. Her mind then recalls the days she is with Eon. She could see herself happy with him in her mind. Selena remembers how gentle and caring Eon was. She remembers the days they would read under the big oak tree. She also recalls the day they sleep together and went to the fall. Selena recalls the kiss that she and Eon shared.

Selena's eyes are starting to tear up. She stops humming and recalls the expression of the man who truly loves her on the day of her wedding. She puts her hand on her left chest and feels her own heartbeat. Selena then compares her life now. It is complicated and she is hurting again. She has so many what ifs.

"If only I had run away with him, I would have been happy with the man I loved and who truly loves me.". Selena starts to cry. "If only I had been brave enough to disobey my parents, I would have been free now and far from complicated situations.". Her cries are getting stronger that she is almost out of breath. "If only I have not been naive, I would have not had my heart be broken again.". Selena cries her heart out until her eyes are dry.

The next morning, Magnus wakes up early. When he is going to the bathroom, he glances at Selena and sees that she is sleeping soundly but her eyes are puffy. "Have you been crying all night?" Magnus asks himself because Selena cannot answer him. He looks at her intently for a minute and goes on to the bathroom to take a bath.

After getting ready for work, Magnus goes to the kitchen for breakfast. His grandmother is there, busy preparing the food. Miss Luna sees her grandson and asks, "Where is Selena? You did not wake her?"

Magnus sits on the chair, "I did not bother waking her, she is sleeping deeply. And she looks tired so just let her rest. Besides, there is no class on weekends.". Miss Luna sleepily responds, "Oooh, right. It is Saturday today.". Magnus looks at his grandmother, "You look tired and sleepy. That is very unusual, Nana. You always sleep early."

"Unfortunately, I had insomnia last night. I had only 4 hours of sleep.". Miss Luna continues to walk around the kitchen but Magnus stops her. "Will you sit down, Nana? You should rest. The maids can do that. Let's eat and after that, you rest and sleep in your bedroom.". His grandmother could only nod.

After breakfast, Magnus goes straight to his office. As soon as he enters, someone has greeted him with a hug. It is Alvira. He slowly breaks the hug that shocks Alvira, and asks her, "What are you doing here?".

"What kind of a question is that? I am your girlfriend and I am here to visit you. And I want you to take me on a lunch date." Alvira holds Magnus by the arm while giving him a cute face.

But Magnus remains serious, "I can't, I have a meeting to attend to.". Alvira thinks of another way, "So it would be a dinner date then?".

"No. I always eat dinner at home."

"Then we will have our date in the mansion. It would be so romantic - at the garden and a candle-lit dinner. I can finally visit there. What do you think?".

Magnus is annoyed and replies, "Will you stop? I will take you on a date whenever I want and this day is not the day. I will call you if I have plans with you."

Alvira lost her patience, "What is that makes me look like? Am I an on-call girlfriend to you? You did not text me nor call me. You did not even visit me in the hotel. And now this?!"

"Alvira, please! I have no time for your complaints right now. I have a lot to do so if you may? I will call you.". Then Magnus takes his leave of the office, leaving Alvira stunned, "This is unbelievable.".

Later in the afternoon, Magnus has been sitting in his office for hours, thinking about Selena. "I am sure she is upset. Why else would she like that? She is even avoiding me.". He sighs and suddenly he recalls the day they shared their first kiss. Magnus cannot stop thinking about that kiss. That kiss helps him clears things out about his feelings towards Selena. "I was about to express it but I remember I had a girlfriend. If I am going to confess, I should end things with Alvira but it would not be that simple.".

Magnus could only sigh about his thoughts. He recalls that he plans on ending the relationship with Selena knowing about it. But his plan failed when Alvira went to his office, he had no choice but to introduce her. Magnus mutters to himself, "I am a married man but I have a girlfriend. This is making me look like a cheater.". He sighs again and thinks of a way of discussing things with Selena.

On the other hand, Selena overslept until noon. After eating lunch, she decides to go to the library and read medical books for distraction. Minutes later, Selena's mind suddenly thinks of Magnus. "What a jerk.". She sighs, and talks to herself, "He had a girlfriend and he got married to me. What am I ? A third party of the relationship?". Selena could not contain her emotions anymore. "He even introduced me as a family friend. Unbelievable.".

Selena cannot stop overthinking and expressing it through talking as if Magnus is personally by her side. "He even showed nice gestures.". Then she remembers the day they went to the amusement park and the kiss they shared while being in the cab at the top of the Ferris wheel. "Does that even mean something to him? Because, for me, I do.".

Selena completely forgot the book she is reading and focuses on the thoughts that are flowing in her mind. She even vows to not believe every move and every word Magnus does and says. "I always end up being hurt because I believe too much and hope too much. But this time, I will not let anyone crush my heart ever again." Selena thought with determination. She focuses her attention on the book again and takes notes for her classes.

It is night already when Selena finishes her work. She immediately goes to the kitchen and helps Miss Luna prepare dinner. An hour after cooking, they set up the table, and with great coincidence, Magnus arrives with a box in his hand.

Miss Luna greets her grandson, "It is so nice that you are starting to come home early.". She smiles and then asks, "What is that that you are holding?". Magnus opens the box and shows what is inside, "A Dulce de Leche cake.".

Miss Luna is amazed, "This looks delicious.". Selena, on the other hand, is stunned upon hearing what kind it is. "It is my favorite cake.", she thought. She is starting to ask herself, "Why did he buy my favorite cake? Does he know it is my favorite? How did he know?". Selena shakes her head, "No. Do not be ridiculous. Of course he does not know my favorites. It is just a coincidence.".

Miss Luna calls her, "Look, Selena, we have a dessert.". Selena just smiles and gazes at Magnus. Magnus is looking at her but she immediately looks away.

Magnus expects to see Selena's excitement. Dulce de Leche cake is her favorite but he feels disappointed when Selena did not have the interest to look at the cake he brought.

The cake is placed in the center of the table. The three of them start their dinner with an appetizer, and then the main dish. It is another quiet dinner. All that can be heard are spoons colliding with the plate as they scoop their food. Miss Luna was always the first one who finished eating. She orders a maid to bring her a glass of wine and three wine glasses.

Miss Luna looks at Selena then to Magnus, "Let's enjoy our dessert with wine, shall we?". She is smiling as she pours wine on the other two wine glasses. But Selena stops her, "Umm... Would it be okay if I leave for bed early? I got tired from all the reading I did the whole afternoon.". She stands up. Miss Luna tries to convince her but to no avail. Selena hugs her to comfort her, "I will drink wine and eat cake with you tomorrow. It will be a tea party but we will be drinking wine, okay?". She smiles at Miss Luna and goes straight to the bedroom.

Miss Luna looks at Magnus, "Do you know what is going on with her?". Magnus just shakes his head as a sign that he does not know. Miss Luna pauses for a moment and then speaks again, "It is your fault. You married her even when you had a girlfriend? She may not tell me but I can see and feel that cares about you. And I thought you do too towards her. I was angry at you but scolding you would not change a thing." She sighs and stands up.

"Nana, where are you going?". "To bed. I am not in a mood for wine and cake anymore.". Magnus is left alone at the table.