
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Family mess

Miss Luna is very angry at her grandson. She has been holding her feelings but seeing how Magnus behaves, she cannot help herself and slaps him. Miss Luna asks her grandson with sadness in her eyes, "What is happening to you? You are not like this and you two were both okay. This started when you asked her to get an abortion! And yet, you had put her life and your son's at risk."

Magnus looks at his grandmother and replies instantly, "You do not understand, Nana! Selena is cheating on me! Yes! I asked her to get an abortion. Yes! I messed up. We were happy, finally and then I got scared after knowing she is pregnant. But I am trying to mend my mistakes! I was making it up to her but she always ignores me!". He clinches his hands and had turned into a fist. He then looks at Selena, "I saw you! You are always with that Erik guy! You even went home last night late being with him! You know all my efforts and yet, you always find ways to avoid me.".

Selena is speechless listening to Magnus. She wants to defend herself, tell him that Erik is just a friend and that he only makes efforts not because he loves her but Miss Luna asked him to. She sees the pain in her husband's eyes but she cannot herself believe it. A lot of things are in her mind. She wants to confront her but she seems cannot find the strength to speak. Selena continues to look at Magnus' eyes, meeting the pained expression of his stern face. She is thinking of choking him because of anger when suddenly Magnus' face had turned into the right side. Her eyes widen as she sees that Miss Luna had slapped Magnus.

Miss Luna could not believe what she is hearing. "Is that it?! That is your reason why you hurt Selena physically and drag her like an animal? IS THAT IT?!". Her breathing is slightly fast because of anger. Her grandson did not respond so she assumes that it must be the reason. She points her finger to his slapped face, "No matter what the reason you have, what you did is unacceptable! You almost killed them! If I had not heard Selena's voice, you would have dropped her on the stairs! You would resort to violence because you were hurt? I did not know you could be like this.". Then Miss Luna turns her back on her grandson and approaches Selena. She holds her hand while saying,

"Come, dear, let's go to your room. I will keep you accompany for the time being. I know to take care of pregnant women.". Miss Luna smiles at Selena. Then she turns to look at Magnus, "You are lucky I got on time to save your wife and son from you. Because if something bad had happened to them, you are no longer my grandson.". Miss Luna and Selena start walking up the stairs to go to the bedroom.

Magnus is left alone downstairs, could not move. It was already 30 minutes when he decides to move and walks out to the door. He goes to the garden and stares at the surroundings. Then he recalls his grandmother's words and when he saw his wife smiling at another man. His hands have turned into a fist and then he shouts, "Aahhh!!". He approaches the small potted plants and starts grabbing them, and then throwing them on the ground. The potted plants are shattered upon impact. Magnus continues to grab potted plants and throw them hard on the floor. Minutes later, he got tired and sits on the ground. He then lays and looks at the sky. While examining the sky, a tear falls from Magnus' eyes and then it become tears. Magnus is crying. He covers his eyes using his arm and continues to cry.

In the bedroom, Miss Luna supports Selena to sit on the bed. Selena is not on herself so as she sits, she just stares at the window. Miss Luna stares at her sadly. She sits beside her and looks at her hand. She thought, "I cannot believe I had slapped my grandson. Over the years he is with me, I never thought he would turn to be like that.". Tears are flowing down from Miss Luna's eyes. She puts her hand on her chest and cries.

Selena, on the other hand, hears Miss Luna crying. She wants to hug and comfort her. She cannot seem to urge herself to look at her side and talks to Miss Luna. After minutes of crying, Miss Luna wipes her tears. She turns to Selena and takes her hand. She holds it with both hands and starts talking, "I am so sorry you have to go through something like this, dear. I know what my grandson did is unforgivable and I am really, really sorry. But please, do not think of leaving. I promise I will not hurt you again. I will take care of you and your son.". Selena did not respond and continues to stare at the window.

Seeing that Selena will not respond, Miss Luna holds her hand tightly and then let it go. She stands up and says, "I will leave you here for a moment. If you need me, I will be at the kitchen preparing for dinner, okay?". Miss Luna comes closer to Selena and kisses her on the forehead. Selena is shocked. It was the first time and not even her own mother did that kind of gesture to her.

Selena finds herself crying. And so when Miss Luna is about to leave the room, she speaks, " I will not leave you, Nana. Never.". Miss Luna turns to look at her and sees that Selena is looking at her crying. Selena continues to speak, "I will never leave you, Nana. You are the only family I have. You are more a mother figure to me than my biological mother. How can I leave you? I love you, Nana and my son loves you too.". Miss Luna rushes to her side and hugs her. Selena starts crying harder while apologizing, "I am so sorry, Nana. This happen because of me. It was all my fault. I am so sorry.". Miss Luna hugs Selena tight while calming her down by caressing her back.

"Sshh. It is not your fault. You did nothing wrong. Sshh, stop crying. You are not to blame her.". Selena continues to cry and hugs Miss Luna. After 10 minutes, Miss Luna can no longer hear Selena crying. So she taps her, "Selena?". She feels heavy because Selena's face is on her shoulder. She taps her back again but Selena is unresponsive. Miss Luna begins to worry. She breaks off the hug and puts her hand on the back of Selena's head. She then slowly lay on the bed.

"Selena, dear? Selena.", she continues to call Selena but to no avail. She feels nervous but she thought that Selena fell asleep because of exhaustion. Miss Luna stands up and places a blanket on her but when she places the blanket properly on Selena's feet, she sees blood. Miss Luna is seeing blood on the blanket so she takes it off and her eyes widen. Selena is bleeding. Her mind goes blank because of what she is seeing but she manages to shake Selena in the shoulder.

"Selena, wake up! Selena!". Miss Luna panics and goes outside the bedroom. Then she starts shouting, "Help! Help, please! Someone help! Help!".

At the same time, Magnus is entering the mansion when he hears his grandmother shouting upstairs. He immediately opens the door and rushes upstairs. He approaches his grandmother. Miss Luna is already crying when she looks at Magnus while trying to speak, "It's Selena...". Magnus did not wait for his grandmother to finish talking and runs towards the bedroom. As he enters, his eyes widen seeing blood on Selena. He rushes to her, takes her hand, and puts it around his neck. He then puts his other hand below and back of Selena's knees. Magnus then lifts her up and goes out of the room.

Seeing that Magnus is carrying Selena, Miss Luna hurries to go down the stairs while shouting for the driver outside, "Prepare the car right now!". She reaches downstairs and opens the door in advance. She waits for Magnus to be out of the door and goes out as well. Magnus lays Selena carefully in the backseat and then he sits beside her to make her lean on him. Miss Luna sits on the side of the driver's seat.

They are on their way to the hospital. Miss Luna is panicking so she constantly commanding the driver, "Drive faster!". Magnus on the backseat is staring at his wife while caressing her face. Tears are flowing down from his eyes, "Please, Selena, hold on. Please, I am so sorry. From now on, I will take care of you and our baby, just please, hold on.".

After 20 minutes, they arrive at the hospital. Magnus immediately carries Selena out of the car. Miss Luna comes out as well. They both enter the hospital entrance as a shout for help. Two nurses, a man, and a woman come rushing to them. The male nurse sees the situation and calls for the stretcher. Magnus carefully lays his wife on the stretcher and they all push it until they reach the ICU. The two nurses stop Magnus and Miss Luna from entering. "I am sorry but you are not allowed inside. You will have to wait here.".

They stands and looks at the door where Selena is taken. Miss Luna is crying and Magnus hugs her. Minutes have passed and there is still no nurse or doctor that comes out of the door. Magnus starts to pace back and forth because of nervousness. 5 minutes later, the doctor comes out. Miss Luna and Magnus instantly approach him.

"Are you her family?".

Magnus replies, "Yes. I am her husband. How is my wife? Our baby?". The doctor did not answer immediately and looks at them with sadness. "I am so sorry. Your wife has lost so much blood and the fetus has a weak grip on the womb. We tried our best but we could not save your baby. Your wife will be transferred to a private room.". Then the doctor leaves them.

Miss Luna starts crying again. She puts her hand on her chest while crying. While Magnus is like a statue. He could not move, react, or even say a word. His mind is blank but what the doctor said keeps on ringing. Every word is repeating in his mind. All that he could hear is his grandmother's cries while his heart is shattering inside.

Selena is now transferred to a private room. She begins to have consciousness. She slowly opens her eyes and looks around. On her left side, she sees Miss Luna sitting while looking at her with wide eyes. "Thank God, you are awake. You had me worried.". She hugs Selena smiling and then lets her go. Selena holds her hand, "Where am I, Nana? What happened?". Miss Luna's smile fades. She holds her hand as well, "You are in the hospital right now. You just came out of ICU. You were bleeding so much so we took you here.".

Selena's eyes widen. "What? Is my baby okay? Tell me he is okay, Nana.". Miss Luna did not respond and starts to cry. Selena feels nervous but she continues to speak and hopes. "Nana, my baby is okay, right? He is, right? Nothing bad happened to my baby, right? Right?!". Miss Luna covers her mouth as she cries hard. Selena puts her hands on her stomach, "Of course, he is okay. I can feel him right here. I can feel him, Nana.".

Miss Luna suddenly says, "No, he is not. He is gone, Selena." Selena just stares at her.