
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Her world collapsed

Selena feels nervous but she continues to speak and hopes. "Nana, my baby is okay, right? He is, right? Nothing bad happened to my baby, right? Right?!". Miss Luna covers her mouth as she cries hard. Selena puts her hands on her stomach, "Of course, he is okay. I can feel him right here. I can feel him, Nana.".

Miss Luna suddenly says, "No, he is not. He is gone, Selena." Selena stares at her, processing what she said. "No, he is here, in my womb.". Miss Luna continues to speak, "Your baby's grip is weak. The doctor could not save him. He is gone, Selena.".

Selena shakes her head while saying, "No, you are lying. You are lying to me, Nana. Where is my baby?". Almost hysterical.

Miss Luna hugs her but Selena shoves her away. "Bring me my baby, Nana. Bring him back!". She starts to act wildly. She takes the IV that is in her hands but Miss Luna stops her, "What are you doing? You are still recovering, Selena.".

"I AM GOING TO GET MY BABY BACK! SOMEONE IS KEEPING HIM FROM ME!". Selena continues to take out the IV fluid. Not minding how it burns as blood started to stream her hand. Her mind was blank, all she could think was her baby. Her face streaming with her tears as she limps towards the door.

"Selena, please..." Nana almost whispering as she begs Selena. She tried to reach for her but she was still also weak from the news that they had to break to Selena.

"NANA!! LET ME GO AND TELL ME WHERE MY BABY IS." She shouted as continue wailing for the pain of the truth that she refuse to believe. Just then Magnus entered the room, eyes bloodshot. She glared at him with so much anger and hate.

"YOU!!! WHERE IS MY BABY!? WHERE IS HE, MAGNUS!? BRING MY BABY BACK!" She started punching his chest, her cries echoes across the room but neither a response did she hear from him. She continued hurting Magnus. He let her be, still not looking at her face. His chest is starting to hurt but he just let her hurt him.

Selena cries so hard, "Are you happy now? This is what you wanted from the very beginning. Now you have it! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!" She slowly kneeled on the ground, crying. She hugs herself and talking to herself, "My poor baby. It is all my fault. I should not have believed. I should not have loved you.". Selena is crying nonstop. Miss Luna approaches her slowly. "Selena, please, you are bleeding." Miss Luna rushes outside to call for a nurse. While Magnus stands still, could not move, and could not even say a word. His eyes are also full of tears. He wants to help his wife get up but he knows she would refuse.

Selena is still on the ground, as reality sinks in. Her face was haggard with tears. That is when two nurses go into the room. They take Selena by the arm slowly and make her stand up. Selena weakly follows. The female nurse asks Magnus and Miss Luna to come out of the room for a moment.

As soon as they are out of the room, Magnus' knees become weak. He tries to reach for the chair but failed so he falls down on the floor. Miss Luna approaches her grandson. She sees tears in his eyes. Magnus is crying. Miss Luna hugs her grandson and Magnus cries even more while talking, "I did this, Nana. How could I did this?". Miss Luna did not respond and just hugs her grandson.

An hour later, Miss Luna enters the private room and sees that Selena is staring at the window. She puts the basket she brought on the table and arranges it. She speaks while arranging, "Selena, dear, I brought fruits. The doctor said you need this to regain your strength." But Selena did not respond and continues gazing by the window. Miss Luna sighs and goes to the bed to sit beside her. She holds her shoulder and says, "You should eat, dear. You did not eat anything since yesterday." Finally, Selena responds, "I am not hungry.".

Miss Luna insists, "Please, darling. Even if just one fruit. You will get sick if you continue to be like this.". Without looking at her, Selena firmly replies, "I said I am not hungry.". Hearing this, Miss Luna did not pursue the topic any further. She stands up while saying, "All right. I will not bother you so get some rest. I will be outside if you need anything, okay?". She is about to go out of the door when she decides to give a remark. "You know? Your little boy will not be happy and rest in peace if he sees how miserable his mother is." Then Miss Luna comes out of the room. Before closing the door behind her, she looks back and sees that Selena just keeps on staring by the window. Miss Luna sighs and then closes the door.

As soon as Miss Luna leaves the room, Selena could not refrain anymore from her real emotions. Her eyes are filled with tears and start flowing down while looking at the window. She thought to herself, "Why did you leave mommy, baby? You left mommy alone. I have plans for you and for us. I wanted to let you see the world. I wanted to give you the life that was deprived to me.". Selena starts crying again and begins to caress her stomach. She looks at the window and could think of many what-ifs if her son was born. Minutes later, Selena happens to look at the table where the fruits are arranged. She remembers Miss Luna putting it there and tries to make her eat but she pushes her away. Selena feels sad and guilty. She moves her two legs closer to her body and hugs herself. She puts her chin to a leg and then said to herself, "How could you do that to Nana, Selena?".

Miss Luna, on the other hand, as she goes out of the room, sits on the chair in the hallway. She sighs while covering her eyes with both of her hands. She thought to herself, "Why is this happening to my family? All I wanted is a happy family but all that has been happening is not a definition of a happy family.". Just then a family passes by. There are four of them. The father is carrying a baby girl while the mother is holding the hand of a little boy. They are smiling and teasing each other. Miss Luna hears the boy teasing her father, "Dada was scared watching the needle pierced into Girlie's shoulders. His face was so funny, mommy.". The father just laughs and said something to his son but Miss Luna could no longer hear.

Miss Luna stares at them until they are completely gone from sight. She unconsciously mutters to herself, "What a lovely family!". A memory suddenly came across her mind. It was when Magnus' parents were still alive. She then exclaims, "We were happy back then. I hope we can bring back the time.".

An hour later, the hospital becomes quiet and visiting hours are done. Selena is on her hospital bed, sleeping. Just then the door slowly opens and shows Magnus with casual attire. Magnus looks and checks if there is no hospital staff. After ensuring that there would be no one will passes by, Magnus quietly closes the door. He sneakily approaches the bed and looks at Selena's peaceful face. He takes a stool and sits beside the bed. He tries to hold her hand but he could not do it. He could only stare at his wife with sadness. Minutes later, he stands up and decides not to stay any longer. Magnus walks towards the door and is about to step outside when he hears Selena talking.

"Why are you here? Making sure that my baby is dead? The answer is yes. My baby is gone because of you. You did this. All I ever wanted was my baby. I did not ask you for anything and yet you give me bruises. I stopped hoping for your love and expects that you would love the baby in my womb. But no, you tried to kill him and me. What have we done wrong, Magnus to deserve such a situation?".

Magnus freezes in where he stands. As he listens to his wife, his heart shatters. He cannot find the right words to say so he continues to come out of the room. He leans on the wall and thinks about the question his wife gave him. "What have they done wrong that they deserve to be treated like that?". Magnus slowly falls to the floor and his eyes begin to tear up. He puts both hands into his head and has a grip on it. Then he says something about herself, "I am such a fool. How can I hurt the woman who loves me?".

In the middle of the night, Selena is sleeping deeply and is now having a dream. She had the dream before. She is in a bedroom again and on the corner, instead of a crib is an incubator. She walks towards it and sees a baby boy fighting to survive. The baby was finding it hard to breathe so she takes the baby out of the incubator and carries her. "I am going to keep you safe.". The baby seems to have felt better as he snuggles on Selena's touch. Selena is smiling while rocking the baby to sleep and kissing his forehead. Then the scene of the dream changed. Everything is white and black. The baby in her arms is gone. From the distance, Selena sees a small figure. "There is my little boy.". Selena walks and walks to reach her son but she could not arrive. The boy turns to look at her. She continues to walk but faster. The boy smiles and then said, "Goodbye, mommy. It is time for me to go. I am sorry I have to leave you but I will be by your side always. Do not forget about me, mommy, okay?".

Upon hearing that, Selena panics and starts running toward the boy, "No, do not leave me.". The boy keeps getting further away while looking at her with a smile. Selena tries to catch up but the boy disappears. She lost her balance and falls to the ground. She then shouts, "No, baby, please. don't leave mommy!". That is when she wakes up. Selena then starts crying. Miss Luna who has been watching over her is shocked. She approaches Selena, "What happened, dear?".

Selena quickly hugs Miss Luna, "Nana, my baby boy is gone. He is gone. I saw him. He said it was time for him to go. But I do not want him to go, Nana. Please, make him stay. Make my baby boy stay, Nana.". Selena is crying hard as she hugs Miss Luna tight. Miss Luna cannot answer her. She could only hug her back and cries as well. Selena continues to beg, "Please, bring him back to me, Nana. I want him by my side.". Miss Luna rubs her back while says, "Sshh. Your son will not be happy seeing you like this. There is a reason for everything but one thing is for sure, he will always be by your side and he will be in your heart forever.".

Magnus is outside by the door. He is about to enter the room when he hears Selena being awake so he decides to come back later. He is about to walk away when he hears Selena, "Please, make him stay. Make my baby boy stay, Nana.". Magnus bows his head slightly and starts walking away from the door. He arrives at the parking lot and goes in the car. He stares at the steering wheel and then puts his head on it, making the horn sounds.