
Love Heals All Wounds

How would you feel if a stranger knocked at your door? This situation is what happens to Mia which startles her, although she wouldn't want to live with her aunt, who manipulates and maltreats her. How will she deal with going to school for the first time and getting pestered by the most popular guy at school? She knows that she has to stay away from him, but something is just pulling her toward him. What was this emotion that she was feeling?? This is a sad story with abuse and foul language. If you want to know what happens with Mia, click fast on the READ button. This is my own story, so don't COPY anything here. Also, I give all praise of the cover to the owner of the cover!! I DON'T own this cover!! I did all the editing myself! Love:)))) FAHHZ

fahhz · Teen
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36 Chs

'Forever stop' felt soo good.

"I will eat with you," says someone out of nowhere.

I look at the doors way.

"But you don't like things like that," says Olivia.

"It's okay. I will try it for my little sister's sake. Is that okay?" he asks me while touching my back.

I move over a little.

If you don't mind, I say to Noah.

He takes a seat in front of me.

Then he takes a bite.

"Wow, this is better than I thought," he says.

"Are you sure? You don't have to force yourself," says Olivia.

He smiles while looking at Olivia.

"You know me better than I thought," he says.

Olivia shyly puts her hair behind her ear and giggles.

"I made smashed avocado toast with egg," she says.

"Oh, my favourite. Thank you," says Noah.

Were they flirting in front of me? I say, feeling like the third-wheeler.

Olivia, could you please make me cold coffee? I will take it on my way. I say.

"Yeah, of course, but why don't you try and buy it on your way?" she says.

But I love yours.

I don't want to buy another one. I say, giving Olivia a cute expression.

"I will make it for you. Don't worry," says Olivia.

I smile at her.

I go out of the kitchen and go upstairs.

"Heyy, good morning," says Evelyn hugging me.

Good morning. I say to Evelyn, giving her a big smile.

"Are you feeling better?" she asks.

I nod my head, smiling.

Yeah, don't worry.

"Shall I do your hair again?"


You can do make-up for me too. I say.

"Really! Can I?" she asks me enthusiastically.

Of course.

Let's go. I say to Evelyn while going into my room.

You make everything ready while I go put on some clothes.

I put on a turtleneck with a plain pattern crop jacket and a button-front skirt.

Then I put on a necklace.

I wanted to go when I noticed you could see the scars on my legs.

I returned and put on solid tights so my skin wouldn't show.

I go to Evelyn, and she looks at me for a while.

"This isn't your style," she says.

I just wanted to try a new style out.

"Well, you still look captivating," she says, smiling.

Thank you. I say.

I sit on the chair, and she begins to do my hair.

She first brushes through my hair and sprays something on it.

"It is a heat protection spray," she says.

Oh, okay. I say.

Evelyn brushes through my hair again.

"I will curl your hair today. I feel like it will look gorgeous on you," Evelyn says, smiling.


I leave everything to you.

After about an hour, she was finished with my hair and make-up.

Olivia entered my room while I was putting on my shoes.

"Mia! You look so stunning," she says, screaming.

Thank you.

I must go now, or I will be late for my lessons. I say while giving them both a hug.

I say bye to them and go downstairs.

Dad kisses me on the forehead.

"How are you, darling?" he asks me.

I am okay. I say, giving him a big smile.

"That is good. You look good as always," dad says.

I smile at him, and stepmom comes.

"You look decent today," she says.

Thank you. I say.


Where is Emily?

Aren't we supposed to go now? I ask dad.

Dad smiles.


What happened? I question him.

"Someone is waiting for you outside," he says, opening the door.

I look at him weirdly.

Huh, what do you mean? I say while looking outside.

But then I saw the last person that would probably come into my mind.

"He asked me if he could bring you and get you from college, and I said okay," says father smiling.

I didn't want to upset him, so I nodded, bid him goodbye, and went.

I walk towards him.

"Good morning, cutie. Are you ready to go to college?" Nathan asks me, smiling.

I get lost in his hazelnut eyes.

I shake my head after I notice I am looking at him.

What are you doing? I ask Nathan.

"I came here to pick you up," he says, smiling.

I look at his beautiful smile that I could look at for hours.

Stop smiling. I say to him.

"Why? Because you are afraid you will fall for me," he says, teasing me.

Yes, I am! I say to him, and he looks at me, shocked at the answer I gave him.

Aren't we supposed to go? I say to him.

"Yeah, hop on," he says, giving me the helmet.

I take the helmet and put it on.

"Wait," he says while putting off his jacket.

He puts me around my waist.

I hop on, and we leave.

I held on to his waist and let my head rest on his back.

I didn't want to worry or doubt anything.

I just wanted to do what my heart wanted, what it craved for that my mind didn't allow. I wanted to do everything, including being with Nathan today, and however much I liked it.

After all a while, we arrive at college.

He parks his motor, and we get off.

People were looking at us, but I didn't care.

I didn't want to care anymore.

"Okay, am I supposed to act like I don't you?" he asks me.

No, you don't have to.

Let's go. I say to Nathan while giving his jacket back.

I knew he was surprised by my answers.

We see Violet on our way.

"Gir, you look amazing," she says, coming to me.

I smile at her.

Thank you, Violet. I say while hugging her.

"So, did you decide not to care about people?" she whispers in my ear.

You noticed? I say to her.

"Who didn't? With that entrance, you guys look like a couple of the year," she says, beaming.

"Of course, we should. With my looks, anyone with me will shine," says Nathan.

I roll my eyes, and so does Violet.

"Don't think too much over yourself," says Violet to him.

"This is called self-confidence," he says.

"No, this is called egoistic," says Violet.

Can we stop arguing?

I want today to be a peaceful day. I say to them, and they both stop.

Our first lesson is business, right? I ask them.

They both nod their head.

And that is how our day went.

People looking at me and giving me death stares.

Nathan being surprised by my actions.

I bid my farewell to Violet and went outside.

Nathan comes behind me and stops me.

"You want to go out and do something together?" asks Nathan.

No, I would like to be alone for a while. I say.

"Are you okay?" he asks me.

Yeah, why?

"Are you sure?" he says.

I am.

Don't worry and to prove it to you we will do something together. I say while smiling.

"Are you sure? Didn't you want to be alone?" he asks.

Stop talking, and let's go. I say while walking to his motor.

Where will we go? I ask Nathan.

"You will know when we are there," he says mischievously.

He puts his jacket around my waist again.

We hop in, and he starts the engine.

I hold onto him tightly as he starts to ride faster.


Finally, today I will be free! I scream at the top of my lungs.

I laugh afterwards, and so does he.

"What is wrong with you today?"

Huh? I say.

"What is wrong with you today!" he screams.


I am just finally happy today! I say.

After a while, we arrived at a place I didn't know.

"Do you like ice cream?" he asks me.

Who doesn't? I say to him.

"What flavour do you want?"

Uhmm, I want strawberry. I say, excited.

He laughs at my childish behaviour.

"Hii, could we get two strawberry ice creams?" he asked the pretty woman that was selling the ice cream.

"Would you like the couples discount? 2 for the price of 1 for couples only," she says.

"Oh, no.." he was going to say something, but I cut him off.

Yes, please.

We would like that. I say to the pretty woman while smiling at her.

He looks at me, but I ignore him.

"You guys look cute together," she says while giving us the ice cream.

Thank you.

That is sweet. I say while taking the ice cream.

He also takes his ice cream and pays, and we walk.

"Why did you lie?" he asks me.


You wouldn't want to be with me? I asked him confidently, but simultaneously afraid of the answer he would give.

"I would love to, but.."

Then let it go.

And anyway, wasn't it a win-win since you didn't have to pay for both of us? I ask.

"It was," he says.

I slowly take his hand in mine, and he looks into my eyes.

He smiles.

Why are you smiling? I ask.

"I feel like today is a dream," he says.

Then let's not wake up. I say while intertwining our fingers.

"Should we?" he says.

Yeah, let's do that.

Let's leave everything behind and sleep forever. I say, smiling.

"As long as you are there, I won't wake up," he says.

We walk on a bridge, holding hands while eating our ice cream.

I stop to look at the beautiful river under us.

I take a look at him.

There was a bit of ice cream on his face, so I wiped it away with my thumb.

"Can I taste yours?" he asks me.


We literally have the same. I say.

"But I just want to taste yours," he says, making a baby face.

Not being able to resist it, I give in.

Okay, you can taste it. I say while bringing my ice cream near Nathan.

He leans in but kisses me instead of eating my ice cream.

I look at him with my eyes widened, not believing what just happened.

He smiles.

"Since I am your boyfriend, I can do that, right?" he says, looking away from me.

I knew he was indicating to what I said to the woman, but I didn't think he would take it seriously.

After a while, we finish our ice cream.

Thank you for everything.

I am happy that I was with you in my last moments. I say to Nathan.

"Uh? What do you mean 'your last moments'?" he asks me, worried.

I mean, as in today. I say to Nathan, hoping he wouldn't be suspicious of anything.

"Oh, okay. Shall we leave now?" asks Nathan.

No, I would like to be alone for a bit. I say to Nathan, hoping he would leave, but at the same time, a part of me wanted him to stay so badly.

"Are you sure? Can you go home alone?" he asks.

Yeah, I will just catch a taxi. I say, smiling.

"Okay, then give me your number so that I can call you a bit later to make sure you went save home," he says.

I gave him my number, and then he went after asking me a few times if I was going to be okay.

After he went, I walked back to the bridge.

A tear fell down.

I take a look at the river down.

It was like the water was calling out for me.

It was like the water was inviting me to come.

It made me go on the bridge.

I close my eyes for a bit, remembering everything, my aunt beating me up. I could hear myself begging her for mercy.

But she didn't care a bit.

I started to cry.

I will be free after this.

The pain will forever stop.

'forever stop' felt soo good.

Taking a deep breath, I throw myself smiling.


I am free!

Guys, this chapter made me cry soo bad:(((

Hope you guys like it



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