
Love Death Cemetery

Lug is a young and anxious man, he doesn't have a passion, nor a goal in life, all he wants is to be left alone. His dream comes true when he finds a job as a cemetery caretaker. But when he gains the ability to see ghosts, the quiet life he dreamed of gives way to chaos. A new chapter every two days!

JACKart · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chap 3: Enoreim

The sun was up.

The light was intense so Lug couldn't see much at first, but when the surroundings began

revealing themselves to him, he no longer recognized anything.

What looked almost like a wasteland had become a bustling square.

There were people everywhere.

Adults talking to each other, kids running around and playing.

They were all dressed in a simple way, in a style that we do not see nowadays.

The witnesses of a world that no longer exists.

« This place is alive! » let out Lug in surprise.

« Of course it is! » said a voice from behind.

Lug turned around and saw a young man leaning against the wall of the house.

He had short blond hair, blue eyes and a smile in this face. He was wearing a thick brown

top with visible seams, black pants that were just as thick and slightly too short and clogs that looked way too heavy.

Lug was surprised but managed to keep his cool.

« Hello, are you a ghost? » he said, feigning confidence.

« So it's true, you can see and hear us, incredible! I'm so happy to be able to talk to a living

human being! »

« Uuuh… Yes, ok… What's your name? »

« Enoreim, but call me Eno. I already know your name, you are Lug, the new guardian of the

cemetery. You must be all worked up, is your head better? »

« My head? Oh yes, were you around when it happened? »

« I was yes, you fell asleep, which is not a very serious thing to do for your first day of work.

And then, a few minutes later there was the Sunday assault. The impact was large enough

to send part of the wall flying. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time ahah. »

« The Sunday assault? What is that? An attack? »

« Yeah, it's been going on for who knows how long. Two armies are fighting over this place

for some reason. So every Sunday at 6pm there in an assault and the two armies clash.

Pretty fun to watch. »

« Armies of ghosts…? Doesn't sound fun to me… I'll avoid going around this wall for now.

Thank you for the info. »

« No problem, I know almost everything there is to know about this place, I can be your

guide! »

« Thank you but I'll just put this bag in the trash and leave the cemetery. I'm not planning on

staying here, this job is not for me. »

« Is this a joke? You are MADE for that job. You can see us. It's the first time I see a living

being able to see me, apart from cats and some dogs! »

« Cats can see ghosts? I knew it! Uh… Sorry yes. I didn't come here to have a tough time. I'm scared, I'm tired, I'm sure I'll go crazy if I stay…. »

Eno stopped, looked thoughtful and said : « Do you believe in God? In destiny? In having a

mission in life? »

« Not really. »

« Well I do and I think there is a reason why you have received this gift. Don't throw it away

because of fear. Your place is here, I can feel it, I know it! »

Lug had no money and nowhere to go and Eno's presence had calmed him down a lot, It felt good to be the center of someone's attention, even if that person was a ghost.

« Mmmmh… I don't know… »

« Listen, take 3 days to think, I'll show you everything there is to see, I'll introduce you to the ghosts I know, I'll be your guardian. And if after these 3 days you still want to leave, I'll let you leave and even help you pack! »

Lug took a deep breath and nodded.

« Ok, let's try that… »

« YEEEEESSSS !! You'll see this is going to be great! Let me guide you to the bin!"

After throwing the garbage in the public bin, just outside the cemetery, Lug and Eno returned to the front of the house.

Out of nowhere Eno made a very odd request.

« Punch me. »

« What? What are you talking about? »

« PUNCH. ME. »

« Are you trying to show me that you can phase through stuff so I cannot touch you? I already know what ghosts can do, no need for that. »

« I don't care, I think it's a cool set up. No better way to learn than through experience and I'm sure you didn't try touching that grumpy old Gavan. »

« It's true, but why punching? I can just poke you with my finger that will be enough. »

« No, I want you to engrave this experience in your mind. Your first contact with a ghost will be a punch. How cool is that? »

« You are the strangest person I have ever met. » said Lug half amused, half confused.

« Eheh, ok punch me and don't hold back, let's move forward a bit so you don't punch the wall behind. »

Lug prepared his fist, he decided to hit hard enough not to offend Eno but without too much momentum to not fall when his punch will pass through him.

« Here I come! »


Eno found himself on the ground, a little stunned.

The blow hit, and neither Eno nor Lug understood what had just happened.