
Love Death Cemetery

Lug is a young and anxious man, he doesn't have a passion, nor a goal in life, all he wants is to be left alone. His dream comes true when he finds a job as a cemetery caretaker. But when he gains the ability to see ghosts, the quiet life he dreamed of gives way to chaos. A new chapter every two days!

JACKart · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chap 2: The roommate

Lug woke up the next morning.

Still dazed, he managed to get back on his feet and find the way to his house.

He could hear voices and see shapes around him, but he believed it was caused by the

blow he received to the head.

All he wanted was to drink some water and to go to bed.

He acted with the nonchalance of a day after a bender.

He had not yet grasped the gravity of the situation.

When he reached his door, he rested his head against it for balance and muttered.

« Where are my keys… Oh here, wow everything is so blurry and my head hurts… »

He opened the door, rushed in and closed it as if he was trying to escape a chase.

« God… It feels so much better to not hear those voices… It's so calm here… »

As soon as he finished his sentence he started hearing a sound.

The sound of someone sipping.


« What is that, who is there?! »

Lug's face was already livid, but the little blood that still gave color to his face decided to

retreat after this new shock: Someone else was there with him, at 5:30 in the morning, in a

cemetery lost in the mountains.

He turned around and saw a man, probably in his 70s, at the table drinking tea without a

care in the world.

The man looked well mannered, he was wearing a dusty frock coat, small round glasses, a

nice mustache and his beautiful gray hair was pulled back.

He picked up his teacup gracefully, his little finger in the air and drank the equivalent of a few drops before putting his cup down gently, without a sound.

Lug was baffled but he managed to gather all his courage to say some words.

« Who are you? This is my place, you are not supposed to be here! »

The old man looked at him calmly for a few seconds and then said :

« Pardon? Oh you must be my new roommate. It's strange, I'm not used to being seen. »

« What? Being seen? Roommate? The recruiter never said anything about you! »

« Well, it doesn't change anything, really. But… Since you see me, we can set up some

rules. »

« Listen, I don't know you and I'm really tired. Can you please leave my house? »

The old man's face started changing, from a calm old man he took on the face of a demon.

« Young man, I've lived here for the last 200 years. I have the generosity to share my home.

YOU are the guest here, so keep your voice down and take off your shoes, you are soiling the carpet. »

Lug had no words. It was unreal. Nothing he heard or saw was acceptable, and yet, there

comes a time when you're no longer alone at the helm.

He was well beyond exhaustion and had now to share all the decision-making with his

primary needs, namely his thirst, hunger and tiredness.

So in this unbelievable situation he did an incredible thing: He started acting as if nothing

had happened.

As if the idea came from him, he took off his shoes so as not to dirty the carpet, then went

to get a can of food from his bag, made himself a quick meal and went to bed after

changing the sheets.

And as if that wasn't enough, he added once in bed "Ah what a day" and fell asleep.

All this time, his now new « roommate » looked at him with suspicion and curiosity.

« Have a good rest, young man. You'll need it. » were the last words that tiny house would

hear that day.

It was more than 24 hours later that Lug woke up.

It was the early morning and the same sipping sound ran through the room.

« Good morning young man, you're a sound sleeper. Do you feel better? »

« Oh you are still here, it was not a dream, or maybe it is a dream and I just need to go back

to sleep to be able to really wake up. »

« I'm sorry to tell you that you are in denial. I'll be the best roommate I can by explaining

what's going on. My name is Gavan and I'm a ghost, like hundreds of other ghosts in this cemetery, I died a

long long time ago. I'd say that you only recently acquired the ability to see ghosts, and no luck, you now work

in a place where there are many of us. I would suggest that you start getting used to it. And above all, that you learn the habits and customs of this cemetery. You need to tread carefully in this new world. »

Lug was only half surprised. He suspected that what had happened since his blow to the

head was of the supernatural order.

« Let's pretend what you just said is true. Prove me that you really are a ghost. »

Immediately Gavan's teacup began to levitate, it whirled around the room and then landed

on his hand.

« What did just happen? I didn't even know ghosts could make stuff fly! Show me more! »

Gavan was sorely lacking in patience and began to get annoyed, so he stood up and

phased through the table, he walked until he was right in front of Lug who was sitting on the


« Is this good enough for you? »

At that moment Lug took fright, there was no longer any doubt: « this old man is a ghost. »

He thought to himself.

« What do you want from me…? » said Lug in an insecure voice.

« Take care of the household and don't make too much noise, and the cohabitation should

go well. »

Lug could only nod. He got up and started cleaning.

After a few hours, he had cleaned up and the panic had subsided.

He was calm enough to start asking questions.

« So, how did you die ? »

« First lesson: it is very rude to ask a ghost how it died. Please don't do it again. » said

Gavan in a dry tone.

« Sorry, I'll be more careful from now on. Is there anything else I shouldn't ask? »

« If it were up to me, I would like you not to ask any questions. However, there is something I

would like you to do. »

« Yes ? »

« Take out the trash. »

It was the only thing Lug still hadn't done. Not by laziness, but because he was afraid to

leave the house.

« I don't feel ready to go outside, can it wait until tomorrow? »

« Don't be a wimp, there is a whole new world just outside waiting for you, plus it's starting

to stink. »

« I didn't know ghosts had a sense of smell. »

« Just go outside already, I want some peace! »

Lug was afraid to go out, but he was even more afraid of upsetting Gavan.

He took the bag of trash and dragged it like a convict's ball.

He grabbed the handle with a trembling hand and opened the door.