
Love and The Crown

A story of two completely different worlds colliding into one. ❤ "It doesn't matter how many hopes you have,or how many times my son shows affection towards you"the woman stepped forward placing a palm on the girls face. "Young girl,nothing but sorrows will come out of this"the woman added. The girl stood staring into her eyes,too frightened to say a word. "This is very simple to understand,you either leave my son and get the fuck out of this kingdom"the woman looked insane. "Or you die"she added like it nothing. Her knees had started visibly shaking, she hated this woman so much but she was too frightened to say a word. "My son is the king, and YOU ARE FILTH!"The woman suddenly shouted startling her. "What does he even see in you?!"She yelled,using her fingers to scratch the girls cheek,she could feel the warm blood flowing down. The girl fell to the floor,still staying mute. "Perhaps I'll pluck your eyes out" The girls heart started beating much faster "After that,I'll burn your face" the woman said chuckling "my son will never love you after that" This woman had lost her mind.She was a completely different person outside,was it all a facade? "You are wrong" the girl said,looking up at the angry eyes of her oppressor. "You will never understand how it feels to be in love" she added and the woman's eyes widened. "Your son that you care so much about hates you and doesn't give a shit about you,he will never love you" The woman was filled with rage,she was shocked at the audacity the girl had. "and you're jealous,so you want me out of the picture because you feel you'd loose him to me forever" The woman screeched,face like a feral animal,lifting her hand to claw But someone stopped her. She turned her head slowly to see her sons angry eyes staring at her with disgust and anger. "Didn't think you'd actually be foolish enough to place your filthy hands on what's mine" he said, eyes flashing dangerously. The girls eyes widened at his words.

indigoria8_ · Fantasy
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Chapter 3

I was finally discharged as innocent.

Vidal wasn't fooled one bit, he knew I was the one that murdered his beloved wife and children.

"I do miss them" I said sadly, with as much honesty I could muster as I looked down down at their graves beside each other, beautifully decorated by flowers, beside Vidal.

He turned to look at me, the hatred I saw in his eyes made me want to laugh at his face.

"you disgust me" he said, a failed attempt at hurting my feelings "fuck off" he said walking past me, nearly shoving me to the floor in the process.

I scoffed.

"it's been over a year now and he's still this grumpy" Madeline, Vidal's beautiful mother said, her hair packed in an archaic style, she looked gorgeous in her blue dress, her diamond studded necklace glistened in the sunlight with every movement.

"he doesn't even want to see me breathing" I said tucking my hair behind my ear.

There was a time I loved Vidal, he was the most handsome man I'd ever seen, he had a type of... Grace that attracted women to him.

We never really had a relationship, he rarely even looked my way

He never wanted me.

Him choosing Avala broke my heart, I hated him for it, I would never forgive him.

"you are his queen you know? He has to have an heir, time is running " Madeline told me and I let out a laugh.

"that is not happening anytime soon" the thought of having sex with Vidal made my skin crawl.

Madeline placed a hand on my shoulder, turning me to face her.

"you have to, I'll speak to him, it's high time all this childishness ended" she said dropping some roses on the graves of Avala and her son, I dropped some white roses and left the garden.


Weeks later, Vidal finally acknowledged the fact that he needed an heir for the future of Vettes, after pressure from his mother and many members of his council.

I really wanted a child, someone that I could raise to be whoever I want them to be, someone that would look up to me and love me more than anything and protect me to the best of their ability, someone that would one day become king of vettes and rule over the most powerful nation in the world.

On that fateful night, I soaked myself in the bath, but not for long, I knew I would definitely have to have another bath after sex with that man.

I wore my red nightdress and sat on the edge of my bed waiting for him to come and get it over with.

Moments later I heard a knock.

I took a deep breath and opened up the doors, Vidal stood in his whole 6 foot 6 glory.

He wore a gray sweatshirt and matching sweatpants, I was used to seeing him in his king regalia.

He looked sexy, but I just wasn't turned on.

He gracefully walked into the room and sat on the bed, I slowly sat beside him, my heart was beating really fast, I was going to have sex for the first time.

With a king I hated.

"umm, so-" I was saying nervously

"let's just get this over with" he said tucking my hair behind my ear and leaning down, when our lips met I realized that there was nothing I could do about it, I had to.

For my children that will love me...

His lips weren't gentle, they glided roughly on mine, biting occasionally, his tongue playing with mine, before I knew it, I was returning his kisses... It felt good and I could feel something rising inside me, it felt like I was slowly loosing my mind in pleasure.

My hands slid under his sweatshirt as his lips touched my neck, I stopped thinking.

I moaned, he paused for a moment but continued.

I felt the hard muscles of his stomach, and chest, he had a really sexy body.

His warm lips slid down from my neck to my upper chest, I shivered, I loved how I was feeling more than anything.

He slowly removed the straps of my dress, they fell easily from my shoulders, revealing my small breasts. The way he stared at them made me feel very self conscious. My hands subconsciously rose to cover them.

"Don't" he said fiercely.

He kissed me again and cupped my breast with his long fingers, teasing my nipple with his thumb, I gasped against his lips when he did that, he kept teasing my nipples and I was out of breath, I laid on the bed and started writhing and arching my back from his touch, I wanted more. I wanted all of him at that point.

"Please " I managed to whisper out and he lifted my gown and removed my black panties. I was aware of every single touch, my body was on fire.

His fingers slowly probed my vagina which was soaking wet. I moaned at the contact, his thumb circled my clit and I was breathless, I moaned loudly, his finger entered my vagina, I felt a sharp pain as he moved his finger.

He rubbed his dick on my vagina, it was surprisingly big. He slowly put himself inside me, I gasped loudly in pain, I'm sure my pain gave him much satisfaction.

He started slow, increasing speed gradually and gradually until he lost control and came inside me, I felt the warm liquid.

He rolled over afterwards without any words and slept off.

I started feeling disgusted with myself shortly after, I was moaning for him... I allowed myself to enjoy it.

I scoffed and ran to my bathroom and took a shower, scrubbing myself thoroughly, I brushed my teeth afterwards, I didn't want to taste his orange and chocolate breath in my mouth.

I decided to sleep on the couch, I didn't want to share a bed with him.

I woke up the next morning, the events of the previous night replayed in my mind continuously, I felt disgusted with myself again.

I looked at my bed, it was empty, he had already left.

I wondered if he enjoyed last night.


After some weeks the doctor confirmed that I wasn't pregnant, so I had to have sex with Vidal again.

I'd been thinking about how good I felt that night, I really wanted to feel that way again, but just not with Vidal, but then, it had to be him.

I was somewhat excited that night when I heard his knock on my door.

I opened it quickly, trying my best to hide my excitement.

I smiled when I saw him.

He grabbed my waist and held me to him, seems he was looking forward to this too.

He kissed me roughly, then pushed me on the bed, he ripped my night dress and roughly planted kisses on my breasts and belly.

"I really liked that dress" I said gasping.

He smiled, it was the first time he'd smiled at me.

"I'll get you a new one" he said turning me with one swift move, I was on my belly, my ass was exposed, only partially covered by the silky black torn dress.

He grabbed my ass, squeezing tightly, and spanking, I moaned and arched my back further, opening my legs wide on the bed, head on the bed, arms spread.

I stayed in that position while he fingered me, I was on cloud 9, I moved my hips, moaning loudly.

He was such an expert at what he was doing.

I had wave after wave of intense pleasure until I finally climaxed, I was still shaking from my orgasm when he thrust himself inside me, it was another type of pleasure, I moved my hips as he did until I orgasmed for the second time, he came shortly after, He dropped some warm cum on my pussy lips, rubbing it with his fingers and giving me the fingers to lick afterwards... I surprisingly liked the taste.

I lay beside him, still recovering from my orgasms.

"You liked that right?" I asked, not that it actually mattered, I just really wanted to know.

"yeah I did" he said playing with a strand of my hair, "you're really very beautiful... and satisfying" he added smiling, showing his bright teeth.

I laughed a little bit.

"look at us, talking about sex and beauty, like actual married people" I said, he smiled again.

"I know you killed Avala and my sons" he said, I expected the mood to change, but it didn't.

"I didn't" I said leaning to kiss him, surprisingly he didn't pull back.

"you did, the only reason I'm having this conversation with you is because we have to bear an heir, so, why not just enjoy it while it lasts?" he said.

Was he trying to hurt my feelings?

"yeah, let's enjoy it" I said as I climbed on him, he was already getting hard again so soon after orgasm.

I rubbed my pussy on his dick and felt it getting harder.

I was naked and the way he watched my body with those sexy eyes turned me on so much. Yes, look at me, gaze upon my beauty!

I leaned down to kiss him on his chest and trailed my lips to the bump on his throat and then his ear.

Then I whispered to him smiling "you want me way more than you're willing to admit"

Well well😅