
Love and The Crown

A story of two completely different worlds colliding into one. ❤ "It doesn't matter how many hopes you have,or how many times my son shows affection towards you"the woman stepped forward placing a palm on the girls face. "Young girl,nothing but sorrows will come out of this"the woman added. The girl stood staring into her eyes,too frightened to say a word. "This is very simple to understand,you either leave my son and get the fuck out of this kingdom"the woman looked insane. "Or you die"she added like it nothing. Her knees had started visibly shaking, she hated this woman so much but she was too frightened to say a word. "My son is the king, and YOU ARE FILTH!"The woman suddenly shouted startling her. "What does he even see in you?!"She yelled,using her fingers to scratch the girls cheek,she could feel the warm blood flowing down. The girl fell to the floor,still staying mute. "Perhaps I'll pluck your eyes out" The girls heart started beating much faster "After that,I'll burn your face" the woman said chuckling "my son will never love you after that" This woman had lost her mind.She was a completely different person outside,was it all a facade? "You are wrong" the girl said,looking up at the angry eyes of her oppressor. "You will never understand how it feels to be in love" she added and the woman's eyes widened. "Your son that you care so much about hates you and doesn't give a shit about you,he will never love you" The woman was filled with rage,she was shocked at the audacity the girl had. "and you're jealous,so you want me out of the picture because you feel you'd loose him to me forever" The woman screeched,face like a feral animal,lifting her hand to claw But someone stopped her. She turned her head slowly to see her sons angry eyes staring at her with disgust and anger. "Didn't think you'd actually be foolish enough to place your filthy hands on what's mine" he said, eyes flashing dangerously. The girls eyes widened at his words.

indigoria8_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

A/N: this chapter contains some violent scenes, and might be disturbing for some people so... You've been warned😀

Weeks later, Avala summoned me to her chambers, like I was some common servant.

Before I left, I grabbed the knife and gloves and hid them beneath my dress.

I walked into Avala's room, preparing my mind for the inevitable.

She was on her balcony, I could see her white dress swaying with the wind through the transparent doors, she loved wearing white, all her dresses were either white or bright pastel colors, quite the opposite of me, all my clothes were either black, red or burgundy, ironically, I wore a black dress on that eventful night.

Her 3 year old son was playing on the table.

"Miur" I said to him, he turned to face me sweetly, he was such a kind, nice young boy, unlike his mother "tell your mother Vinrelda is here" I added, he nodded and ran to the balcony, his mother came into the room moments later.

"what do you want Avala?" I said to her as nicely as I could, which wasn't very nice.

She sat on her L shaped couch and gestured for me to take a seat, I sat on the other end of the couch.

"would you like a drink?" she asked, to my surprise.

Why was she being nice? Perhaps she finally came to her senses and felt bad for how I'd been treated for years.

"I want no such thing from you" I said, my voice laced with venom.

She exhaled loudly, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"you're angry with me" she said looking down "you hate me" she looked into my eyes this time and I stared at her without any words.

"you have every right to, I've been a horrible person to you, I've wronged you so much, I took your place..." she looked down "I'm sorry" she said softly, I could hear the remorse in her voice.

"I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for everything"

She stretched her hand to touch the back of my palm but I withdrew my hand as if on impulse.

Was she actually apologizing to me? She thinks a stupid apology changes anything?

"after 3 and a half years" it hurt me even more saying it. "3 years of suffering, torment and neglect" I said with so much hatred. I turned to look at her directly in her eyes"torment, suffering and neglect that you caused"

"I'm so sorry, I was a monster to you and I admit it" she paused and looked down at the small bump on her belly, she placed a hand on it. "I've been thinking about a lot lately".

"I have my children, they're everything to me, I never actually liked being queen" she said and took a deep breath.

"I don't want to be queen superior anymore"she looked into my eyes.

"I would really like for you to take your rightful place, you deserve it, you always have" she looked at her belly again.

'How dare you?' I thought to myself 'you think you can just get away with everything you've done just like that? Because... you want to?' I thought, almost blinded by my anger.

I let out a little chuckle, getting up sharply to pace around the room, I stopped at the balcony doors, she had followed me... Perfect.

"It's a little too late for that now Avala" I said stepping towards her menacingly, I put my hand behind my back, smiling as I felt the handle of the knife I had hidden.

"what-" she was saying before I stabbed her in the belly within a split second.

She gasped out sharply, looking into my eyes as she crumpled to the floor clutching her belly, the confusion I saw in those blue eyes was the most satisfying thing I'd seen in my entire life.

She was gasping for breath as I put my gloves on and held the knife to remove any finger print traces on it.

I searched for her son, I walked to the other side of the bed and saw him shivering in fear, his palms pressed firmly against his ears, eyes tightly shut.

I violently yanked him from the floor and tossed him before his beloved mother.

Avala's eyes widened in fear and shock, she was still struggling for dear life.

"please" she begged, tears in her eyes "please I beg you, let us live, we'll leave the castle, we'll leave the country, I beg you" she managed to say, gasping.

"you're a bloody liar, I can't take such risks" I said and sharply slit the boys throat and watched with satisfaction as his warm blood spilled on her face, staining her golden hair and white dress.

She gasped loudly, her hands outstretched as if that would protect her dear son from death. "no" she gasped out weakly before I stabbed her multiple times, blinded by my rage, until I was sure she had died.

I exhaled loudly and took a moment to see the gruesome scene before hurrying to the bathroom. I washed my hands and the knife before flushing the gloves down the toilet.

When I was certain every single drop of blood was cleared from my body, I hurriedly opened the balcony doors wide and ran out from the room screaming hysterically like I was crazy.

Servants came to calm me down, guards entered the room to see what happened, there was commotion.

I heard several screams

"call some bloody medics" someone yelled.

I was crying on the floor like a crumpled mess, I knew my life depended on how I acted at that point.

"what the fuck happened in there?" someone asked me.

"I... I...- she was just standing there" I spoke in gasps like I was traumatized "then he jumped in through the balcony and--" I didn't complete the sentence and started crying hysterically again.

Luckily they didn't ask me any more questions.

Some people helped me up and carried me all the way through the various white corridors and stairs to my chambers.

My doors were closed.

I took off my dress and stood naked, staring at my mirror.

I was looking at the face of a murderer who just killed two little children, I wanted to feel remorse, regret, sadness... But I didn't.

All I felt was an overwhelming calmness and satisfaction, like I'd just done what I came into this world to do.

I entered my bathroom and watched as water slowly filled the bathtub.

I stepped into it and the sensation of the steaming water on my skin created a feeling close to euphoria.

I brainstormed my future actions and how I'll cover up any tiny loopholes that might emerge.

After my bath, I put on my burgundy nightdress and laid on my bed and drifted off into a peaceful dreamless sleep. I knew I might have some early morning angry visitors, especially Vidal.

I woke up early and started forcing tears out of my eyes. Just as I expected at around 4am my doors were forcefully opened and Vidal barged into the room, his anger and hatred were very obvious.

Someone yanked me out of the bed and tossed me right at Vidal's feet. I shivered violently.

"Vinrelda, you bloody murdered my wife and my children!?" he yelled.

"what?" I gasped out, looking up into his beautiful eyes, they were red, like he'd been crying. It gave me so much satisfaction.

He slapped me... Twice, two thunderous slaps that increased my hatred for him drastically.

I looked down... Trying my best to control my rage.

"Don't play dumb with me you useless bitch!!" he shouted at my face.

I started crying, it was fake of course,nothing this man said could ever hurt me.

"I... I hated Avala, I can admit that, but I could never kill her... Or... Or her little boys" I said in gasps "Muir was such a nice boy, I was really fond of him" I sobbed.

I looked into his eyes and saw his rage before he hit me severally until his guards had to restrain him.

His ring had cut through the skin on my forehead and lip. I was bleeding.

"your tears might fool everyone else, but not me, I will kill you myself... You disgust me" he said and his body guards followed him, closing the door behind. All the while I sobbed loudly, making sure he heard it.

I got up from the floor and cleaned my tears with my nightdress.

I knew they would never find proof that I was the one that murdered them. I did a pretty good job at covering my tracks and acting innocent and traumatized.

I was tried in court but after numerous searches and investigations, they couldn't find proof that I did anything.

I created a pretty good story about the scene I saw that fateful night and how horrible it was for me.

"I was seated on the couch, Miur was seated at the table, Avala was standing at the balcony doors, facing me... Talking" I said with tears in my eyes.

"And what was she talking about?" someone had asked.

"she told me she didn't want to be queen anymore, and that she just wanted to take care of her children...her everything" I said sobbing.

"Avala did tell me similar things" Avalas closest friend Emery said. This strengthened their belief in my lies, I smiled in my mind.

That's it my beautiful people 😗

Please note that this is not some gruesome Gorey story, it's a romance... And the romantic lovey-dovey scenes are coming up very soon. I just have to finish Vinreldas flashbacks to help you understand the story more.