
Love and The Crown

A story of two completely different worlds colliding into one. ❤ "It doesn't matter how many hopes you have,or how many times my son shows affection towards you"the woman stepped forward placing a palm on the girls face. "Young girl,nothing but sorrows will come out of this"the woman added. The girl stood staring into her eyes,too frightened to say a word. "This is very simple to understand,you either leave my son and get the fuck out of this kingdom"the woman looked insane. "Or you die"she added like it nothing. Her knees had started visibly shaking, she hated this woman so much but she was too frightened to say a word. "My son is the king, and YOU ARE FILTH!"The woman suddenly shouted startling her. "What does he even see in you?!"She yelled,using her fingers to scratch the girls cheek,she could feel the warm blood flowing down. The girl fell to the floor,still staying mute. "Perhaps I'll pluck your eyes out" The girls heart started beating much faster "After that,I'll burn your face" the woman said chuckling "my son will never love you after that" This woman had lost her mind.She was a completely different person outside,was it all a facade? "You are wrong" the girl said,looking up at the angry eyes of her oppressor. "You will never understand how it feels to be in love" she added and the woman's eyes widened. "Your son that you care so much about hates you and doesn't give a shit about you,he will never love you" The woman was filled with rage,she was shocked at the audacity the girl had. "and you're jealous,so you want me out of the picture because you feel you'd loose him to me forever" The woman screeched,face like a feral animal,lifting her hand to claw But someone stopped her. She turned her head slowly to see her sons angry eyes staring at her with disgust and anger. "Didn't think you'd actually be foolish enough to place your filthy hands on what's mine" he said, eyes flashing dangerously. The girls eyes widened at his words.

indigoria8_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

After two Weeks, the doctor said I was pregnant, finally.

"I'm so happy" Madeline said, I saw glints of tears in her eyes as she hugged me "I'll finally have grandchildren again" she added smiling.

I smiled too, I was happy.

Vidal was happy as well.

He would love my child, as the only child he will have in his entire life.


6 months later, it was confirmed that I was bearing a girl, a girl couldn't be ruler a vettes, the people wouldn't allow it, I had to conceive again.

I gave birth in the spring of 1995 to a beautiful girl with bronze hair like her fathers.

I'd never felt so much joy in my life, it was the best feeling, I wanted to shower her with love, to protect her.

I named her Juanna.

She grew up to be pretty smart and very beautiful.

Three years after her birth, I heard a knock. I opened the doors, I was surprised when I saw Vidal.

I smiled.

He sat on my bed softly, his beautiful lean figure turning me on already.

I knew why he was there.

I walked up to him, and slowly removed the straps of my gown and the material fell from my body, I was only in my underwear.

Why else would he visit me if not for sex?

The way he stared up at my body made me shiver.

I slowly straddled him, he smiled slightly before I licked his lips, I used my tongue to trace the outline of his upper lips.

I kissed his neck as he grabbed my ass and squeezed hard.

I found it weird how we knew what the other wanted without any words, how we hated yet wanted each other so much.

At this point, I knew he was the only one that could satisfy me, I needed his body... Only him.

I'd tried having sex secretly with other men... Supermodels, sports stars, but they just weren't enough.

I rubbed my v@gina against his hardness, it felt so good, I had wanted to feel him for so long.

"suck me" he whispered into my ears, I knew what he wanted, I'd only done it once before with an NBA star.

Without thinking, I went down on my knees before him, I looked into his eyes, he looked so hot! Breathing heavily. His green eyes had darkened.

I pulled his pants down and took his cock in my hands, licking slowly, moving my hands, kissing him, I put him in my mouth as much as I could, I loved how slick and slippery it felt, I looked into his eyes again, his eyes met mine, I saw the desire in them before he pulled me up and tossed me on the bed.

I was on my stomach, just like the last time, my back was arched, my ass was high in the air, exposed to him.

He kissed it, lips trailing all over it until they touched my vagina, I shivered at the contact, it felt too good.

I moaned loudly.

He licked in long strokes, circling occasionally, his tongue flicked, I felt like I was going to loose my mind, I was going crazy, writhing on the bed and arching my back until I orgasmed, it was the best I'd ever had.

Then he shoved himself inside me and thrust hard, my breath was knocked out of my lungs as I screamed in pleasure, I thought I was going to explode.

Liquid splashed on my thighs as his thrusts became faster, I could feel my orgasm coming.

I felt the warm liquid in my belly as I came apart, panting heavily and utterly exhausted.

I lay on my bed beside him, he didn't look tired, his breathing was almost normal.

He got off the bed immediately I tried to touch him, and without a word he put on his clothes and left the room without saying another word.

He probably felt disgusted with himself for enjoying sex with me. I laughed out loud at the thought.

I knew he would never love me, I had wanted him to love me just like he loved Avala, but I knew he never would and I hated him for it.


I got pregnant... Again. The doctor said it was a male.

I was carrying the future king of Vettes in me, he would love me, protect me, he would give me the world.


He was born with the purple red eyes of the old royal family, this made Vidal very proud.

Alden grew up to be very intelligent and interested in things concerning politics and economics, just like his father was.

Vidal loved his children with everything he had.

I hated it, I didn't want him to touch my children, to corrupt their minds.

After a failed assassination attempt on Vidal, he ordered for the security of the palace to be increased to double of what it was when Avala had died.

Vettes had many enemies during the early 2000's, there were enemies in court as well, I wanted to protect my children in any way I could.

I started mastering the art of poisoning, I studied secretly about every possible poison I could.

Juanna and Alden hardly spent time with me, they were always with their father,  travelling the world with him, studying with him, he became their best friend, and I, once again was put in the background.

I stood at my balcony, wearing my black turtle neck long-sleeved dress and silver necklace, pitch black hair cascading down my back as I watched Vidal play with my children in the garden, my eyes were clouded with anger, no... I couldn't let him take everything away from me again.

"umm, we have a lot of stuff to do this morning... With dad" Alden said.

I had asked them to come on a road trip with me to the country side.

"he's taking us fishing today mom!" Juanna said excitedly. They looked so happy.

"oh... Fishing? You love fishing right?... Tha- that's great, I'll see you later then" I said patting their heads and forcing a smile as they ran to meet their father outside.

' what kind of mother am I?' I couldn't even spend a full hour with my children without Vidal coming to ruin everything.

I assumed that if they didn't spend time with me, they loved me nonetheless. I was their mother after all.

That assumption faded when they became teenagers, they ignored me when I tried to talk with them, they disregarded my opinions on any discussion we had over dinner.

They only listened to their father, he was the only one that said intelligent things to them and they agreed with his every opinion.

He had them in the palm of his hands.

He was going to raise them to be whoever he wanted them to be.

I'm supposed to be the one to do that, I was supposed to raise the crown princess and the future king of vettes.

Vidal wanted to take everything I loved from me.

First it was my kingdom, if he didn't get married to me I would have been queen of yahr, and he knew it, yet he decided to marry me and humiliate me, broke me so much... Forced me to commit murder...

Now it was my children... My son...


After many years Vidal had fallen ill with stage 4 prostrate cancer.

The doctors tried and tried but there was not much they could do.

I felt a tiny pang of sadness when I heard the news of his death... But I was still happy, I felt like the greatest obstacle to my destiny had been removed.


The end of the flash back... Finally 😅

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