
Love And Redemption: A Mafia story

A Love story between the beautiful and soft hearted CEO falling in love with one of the top Cold, brutal,hard hearted and unfeeling Mafia enforcer in the underworld. The Big Bad Gideon and The softhearted Workaholic Madison Wells. A blind date goes wrong, but their lives remain intertwined from then on and the pressure builds up. How Will Gideon show and convince Madison along with her overbearing parents and scary sisters that his sudden confusing Love for Madison is real and sincere? And how will Madison finally come to make peace with her past that has somehow become her present ,thereby making it the biggest hurdle in she and Gideon relationship. Will they ever be able to be together? "i told you clearly Gideon,we won't ever work." "and I told you clearly Adi. I don't take no for a fucking answer."

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38 Chs

Chapter Thirty

Gideon pov

"Gideon? Fucking finally! I've been looking all over for you. Good hiding spot though, a car park was like literally the last place to look for you -oh hey Madison. Madison! What happened here? "Marcus asked in alarm on seeing Madison's tears.

He turned to look at me when he got no answer from Madison except her sniffles, "what's wrong? "He asked with his eyes but i shook my head at him, mouthing a "not now "to him, and felt more than relived wheb he dropped the subject albeit reluctantly.

"why were you looking for me? "I asked, trying to draw his attention away from Madison to the main reason why he was looking for me in the first place.

"oh yeah about that.... "he trailed off glancing at Madison a little unsure as to whether he could say what he wanted to say but later went ahead after he received a nod from me.

"the boss is asking for you, it's really urgent and he needs to see you right now, like right now -"

"I got the message now shut the fuck up. "

"Tch, fuck off. "

"You don't get to tell me what to do you ass- "

I was in the middle of giving the fool a befitting reply when my attention was captured by a very beautiful and melodious giggle. I looked, to see Madison covering her mouth with one of her hands, trying so hard -and yet failing -to control her giggles.

I could swear that that, was one of the most beautiful sights -among a few, that i have ever set my eyes on since the beginning of my dammed existence. If someone ever told me, that i would one day derive happiness from making another person happy, i would have laughed till pigs grew wings and fly. Or for a more better option, put a bullet through the persons head in order that such nonsense was not spouted again.

But here i was, feeling happy and content that someone else was happy, when before, i would have preferred to even be the cause of the persons misery. But seeing her no longer in tears was proving to be such a big deal and a blessing for me.

"I'm sorry, it's just -just -you two were arguing like kids and it was so funny seeing two supposed macho and grown men at each others throats like seven year olds and i just had to laugh because it was so hilarious and -i know I'm blabbing, but you both are best friends if i'm not mistaken right? "

"The hell? "

"Fuck no! "

We both answered at the same time, and it only succeeded in making Madison go into another fit of laughter.

"It's not funny doll. Honestly, there is certainly no way I'm best friends with this fool and besides, i don't do those mushy women and girls shit. "I protested with every fiber of my being. A bit appalled that she could even think of such an absurd thing.

"I hate to say this Madi, but Gideon's right....well apart from the 'fool ' part. "Marcus said glaring hard at me and i shrugged, not even fazed at all.

"Yeah whatever cavemen. "Madison said teasingly sticking out her tongue at Marcus and I.

"we do try our best.... "Marcus said snootily. "we best be on our way Gideon. We don't want to keep boss man waiting. "

I nodded my head in agreement -not because i was scared or anything, but because i just wanted the meeting to be quick and done. It was getting quite late -though it doesn't really mean anything to me or the rest of us, but i was with Madison. I didn't like the idea of sending her on her own this late and we haven't really our talk so....

"Come with me? "I asked her and watched patiently as she seemed to deliberate on whether or not she should accept my invitation before nodding her head in consent. Satisfied and elated with her answer, i quickly held onto her hand afraid that she would change her mind.

Ignoring her own gasp of surprise and Marcus's look of surprise and amusement, i dragged her along with me towards where Tyler was probably waiting for us 'patiently.'

Madison Pov

Gideon, Marcus and I walked as quickly as we -they -could, they both looked so serious and antsy right now, that it was getting so boring to be with them. So i glanced around, looking for probably anything that could arouse my interest and luckily, i found one.

Though it was kind of surprising. I didn't know why i felt that the people at this gala only drank alcohol or smoked- an habit i detested so much. I didn't think they would actually be like normal human beings and eat food. I sounded stupid, i know. But if any of you had actually been seeing what i have been seeing since i got here, my lame theory would actually start making sense and -O.M.G! I squealed inwardly, abruptly halting my steps.

Which unfortunately also brought Gideon -who was holding my hand -and Marcus to an unprepared halt that affected the movements of others around us. Gideon and Marcus both turned to look at me, their expression belaying surprise and a :what the hell? Kind of question. I blushed bright red at this but somehow, i didn't really feel sorry for my actions. Any other day, i would have but -

"They have French macaroons " I said excitedly.

"What...? "

"They have French macaroons Gideon. It's actually a pretty good snack that people eat -"I started to explain only to be cut off rudely by him.

"I know what a French macaroon is doll, thank you very much. But what i don't fucking understand is what it has to do with our sudden stop. "

"well i want one. Not just one, but many. "I said defiantly, already knowing that he was going to refuse, but i was already prepared to stand my ground also. I was hungry and i want French macaroons and that was what i was going to have by hook or crook. He must have sensed my readiness to defy him, because he gave a tired sigh before he started to say anything.

"I know you want it doll.. but we really need to get to where we are going quickly. Why don't you leave the macaroons for now and i promise we'll get you some later - "

"No..... "I cut him off, sending both he and Marcus an apologetic look but - "I'm really hungry Gideon, and i really want those macaroons. I know i may sound childish and immature to you both right now, but I'm telling you, i'm not going anywhere without eating those macaroons. "

"Baby.... but -we need to be somewhere -"he tried explaining but i cut him off again, this time receiving a glare of disapproval from him and i responded with a sheepish apologetic smile once again.

"I know, that's why i suggest that you boys run along to where you are going quickly, so that you can finish early, while i stay here at the beautiful table -because of all the deliciousness that it promised (they had other desserts and snacks apart from macaroons.) -and wait for you to get back."

"One, we are men not boys. And two, if you think i'm just going to leave you here alone in an unfamiliar territory, then you thought wrong. "

"Look Gideon. The more we talk, the later you both get to where you both are headed. Just go, i promise to remain here and not get into any sort of trouble. "

"But -"

"Gideon.... "I whined. "Don't you trust me? "

"It's not that i don't trust you doll. It's just I'm afraid to leave you here all alone. I know what i'm saying when i say this, hell even Marcus knows. I-i-i just can't leave you here by -don't give me that look Adi, it won't work... "He said in protest, halfheartedly glaring at me when i decided to bring out the big guns and give him the sweetest and cutest puppy dog eyes i could ever muster. But it was slowly breaking his resolve, it has to.

"Don't make this harder than it already is..... Marcus, a little help here? "

I quickly turned the look on Marcus and he just shook his head in amusement and defeat. "Yeah there's no way I'm winning against that look. But i have an idea...."

"yeah? "I asked, already feeling more than hopeful while Gideon groaned and rolled his eyes in defeat.

"How about i call Victoria and ask her to keep Madison company while you and i go on our way and do whatever we need to do? She already is a big fan of Madison's, so I'm pretty sure she won't mind. "

"Oh! That's a good idea! Let's do it Gideon, please. I promise you i won't go anywhere else till you get back. Please..... "I whined and begged, anything to make him agree.

"Fine! " He said gruffly in consent and i squealed, happily jumping on him in my excitement and in the heat of the moment. It took a few seconds for me to regain my senses and when i finally did, my whole face was up in the hot red flames of embarrassment.

Quickly i pulled away, refusing to look at either Gideon's or Marcus's face. I was pretty sure they would be smirking at my expense right now and i didn't want to see it, not if i want to spoil the rest of the night by bursting into embarrassed tears.

"Doll... "Gideon called but i refused to answer and he gave a sigh at my refusal. "look at me baby, please. "

"no "i was already getting teary and it certainly showed in my voice, no doubt.

"Baby.... "

"Gideon we need to leave now, he is getting more impatient as minutes pass. "Marcus said impatiently, making Gideon release a sigh of frustration and resignation.

"This conversation is far from being over doll, stay here safely with Victoria till i get back okay? "

"okay. "i answered softly and with my head still firmly facing the floor, i saw as Gideon intertwined both our fingers and squeezed softly before reluctantly -very- letting go.

"Let's go Marcus, the faster we get this shit done, the better -and why the fuck is Victoria not here yet? "

"she will be here soon Gideon be patient. Let's go, see you when i see you Madi. "Marcus waved, dragging a reluctant Gideon with him.

After making sure that they were gone, i finally raised my head and happily turned to the snack table to munch on whatever delicacies i could get my hands on -especially the macaroons. My gluttony, very dignified gluttony, thank you very much. Anyways, it was going pretty well until....

"Madison Wells? " That happened. I turned to see who it was, and was met with a very beautiful petite woman who could pass for a teenage girl if she wanted. I was taller than her by some inches, which served as boost to my confidence a little, since i was kind of feeling intimidated with the confident and dignified way she carried herself -weird, i know. But i do battle with low self-esteem sometimes, especially after highschool.... well whatever, that's not what is important right now. What was important was knowing who she might be and i did this by asking....

"Victoria, right? "

"Yes. I must say, it feels weird meeting you in real life, weird but in a good kind of way. I'm pretty sure Marcus must have told you about how big of a fan of you i am? " She asked kindly, an easy nice smile on her face and i was able to relax a little bit on seeing it.

"Yeah he did. But even if he hadn't, i can pretty much guess... "

And it was true. Almost everything she wore, from the clothes to the shoes and the jewelry...were all a product of Madi's Choice.

More shocking, they were Limited Edition designs specially drawn by me myself. She was truly a big fan then, designs done specially by me were always rare and very expensive whenever they were released. Only some people..... like her could somehow afford it. I guess i shouldn't really be surprised though because judging from the audience in this gala, it was pretty safe to say that they were stinking rich. How? I do not know. Their means of wealth were their business not mine.

"Yeah, i guess you could say that. I just really really love your designs. You and Terumi both. It really get hard to choose between the both of you sometimes, just so you know. "

I chuckled lowly at her words, but couldn't really deny the truth behind it. Terumi was also a female business tycoon just like me, except slightly bigger. We live closely to each other in different towns back at home and trust me when i say, she was really a force to be reckoned with. Apart from being very intimidating for being such a big business woman at her age, she wasn't a person who took shit from anyone. And by anyone, i mean anyone.

But she was also nice -if she liked you enough. And her designs, her designs were dope. I sometimes feel like a baby to her, and that's saying something.

"I know, but special thanks for being one of our faithful customers. I really do hope you find us worthy of your patronage in the future days to come. "

"wow! You -you -you really are different from what I've heard about you. "

"what -you've heard -what -what -what do you....? "

"Victoria! There you are honey, we've been looking all over for you and who -Madison?"

"Cassie? Emily? "

"what are you doing here? Don't tell me Gideon brought you? "

Cassie said, sounding more shocked than anything, Emily also. While Victoria just stood there, looking at the three of us, not saying anything. The only thing running through my mind was

"How on earth do they know Gideon? He couldn't -they couldn't -no, no, no, it couldn't be...

"Doll -Cassie? What are you doing here? " I turned to face the direction where Gideon's voice came from, only to be met with my complete nightmare.

It was Tyler, Tyler and Lucas. And now, my nightmare was more than complete. My past was thrown fully into my face with nowhere to run. And the most painful part, was that Gideon, Gideon who i was just starting to trust and give my heart to, was in on it. Or was he? I didn't really know. All i know was that i had to get out of here, fast.

And i did exactly just that. Not even knowing where i was headed, i turned tail and run, like the coward i was, and will always be -ignoring Gideon and Marcus attempts to call me back and make me stay.

I ran out of the hall, tears streaming down my face, and whispering my most sincerest apologies to anyone i hit in the process, and also my sincerest regrets for ever being here in the first place.


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