
Love And Redemption: A Mafia story

A Love story between the beautiful and soft hearted CEO falling in love with one of the top Cold, brutal,hard hearted and unfeeling Mafia enforcer in the underworld. The Big Bad Gideon and The softhearted Workaholic Madison Wells. A blind date goes wrong, but their lives remain intertwined from then on and the pressure builds up. How Will Gideon show and convince Madison along with her overbearing parents and scary sisters that his sudden confusing Love for Madison is real and sincere? And how will Madison finally come to make peace with her past that has somehow become her present ,thereby making it the biggest hurdle in she and Gideon relationship. Will they ever be able to be together? "i told you clearly Gideon,we won't ever work." "and I told you clearly Adi. I don't take no for a fucking answer."

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Chapter Twenty-nine

Gideon pov

I ignored all of Madison's complaint as i dragged her with me to... God knows where. The only thing i cared about was that the place has enough privacy and quiet enough, for our veryyy long talk, and i was more than thankful i found one.

Even though it was the car park. it's weird and stupid, I know. But it serves the purpose and Madison doesn't seem to be complaining so.....

"Really Gideon...." she scoffed, an eye roll in tow. " A car park? This is your own definition of a private place? Wow!!"

Guess i spoke too soon then. Moving closer to her, and watching with an evil smirk as she continued to move back until her back firmly collided with one of the shitty cars that were parked, i bent a little, my mouth skimming over her left ear lightly but i didn't fail to notice the little shiver that she gave. Seeing her reaction towards me and this little act of mine, made something roar triumphantly in my chest and also made me groan as my dirty mind brought up images of many things i could do to her that would make her shiver and make more pleasurable sounds than that- shit!

I should probably stop myself from going any further or overstepping any boundaries....but it was so damn hard! And she -she wasn't even doing anything to stop me! Was she okay with us like this or was she scared to say anything? I decided to test the waters first, so i slightly pulled back from my very... Comfortable position to look her squarely in the eye instead, and said :

"I agree Doll, this place certainly isn't the "private "place i had in mind. The deeper most inner part of my bedroom would have been the perfect spot but as you can see, i'm obviously needed in the party.... "

I haven't even completed what i was saying and yet, her whole face had taken up the natural shade of pink blush and i smirked, already having my answer.

"You -you- you really think too much of yourself don't you? What even makes you so sure i would ever want to be in the same bedroom with you? Hmph. "

"Funny, there are other women who would kill to be in your place right now. " I teased and watched her for her reaction....And oh boy, was it a huge one, and also very unexpected.

Without any warning, i received a big pinch on my ribs.

"what the hell woman? "It wasn't that it was painful or anything, it was just so unexpected. Who knew that the shy and quiet Madison Wells would be so bold in expressing her jealousy? I wasn't angry though, not at all. Instead i was happy, happy that i wasn't the only one out of us two that got angry at the thought or sight of seeing any of us being chummy with someone of the opposite gender.

"Don't think too much of yourself Gideon. If you think i'm going to be like those women who fall and worship at your feet because of how great they all think you are, then you thought wrong. I'm nothing like them, and neither will i aspire to be....."

"I know that doll, trust me, I know. "I cut in, stopping her angry rant.

"then why did you....? "she trailed off, looking confused and cute

I shrugged, nonchalantly giving my answer. "you look very beautiful when riled up. "

"tch. Save your pick up lines for the women who will fall for it. "She scoffed rolling her eyes and i smirked a little on hearing the jealousy she was trying so hard to hide.

"You're jealous, aren't you? "

"What? No! And besides, we don't have that kind of a relationship. We are -we are friends, and nothing more. "

I didn't know what came over me, but hearing her say that made me so angry and so bold that without meaning to, i took an intimidating step towards her. A little bit of fear flashed briefly in her eyes and i felt a little guilty that i wasn't at all remorseful for my actions.

"And what if... "I began, "what if, what if i don't want to be your friend Madison? Did you ever think of that possibility? "

"I -i..... don't understand.... "

"I can't just stay and be your friend Madison. I don't make friends with women. It's spend a night in between the sheets and we both go our separate ways in the morning, that's all. I don't make friends with women and i certainly won't start now."

"And i told you, i'm not like... "she started, the anger slowly working it's way in her voice.

"You are nothing like them. And i told you that I'm aware of that fact. And that's the reason doll, that's the main reason why i certainly cannot be your friend. As time passes, I'll want more and trust me when i say this doll, I don't take no for a fucking answer. Never have, never will. So you better know this now, it's okay if you decide to cut off any sort of relationship between us now because it will be literally impossible in the future. "

All the time i said this, i held her gaze never for once did i look away, and neither did she. I needed to make her know how fucking serious i am. I don't play games that i won't win, and i certainly won't start now.

"Gideon...why....? Why me? "she asked, sounding breathless and in between tears.

"Because you are you Adi, you're just -you. Just simple Madison Wells, and that's the woman i want, no one else, just you. "

"You -you can't want me Gideon, you're just confused. You really don't want me. Not when you eventually know who i really am, you just -you just can't want me. "

She was shaking her head in denial throughout everything she said. Worst of all, she had tears in her eyes that were threatening to fall and i frowned, confused as to what would make a woman like her think so low of herself in that way. Something was definitely not right...and without meaning to, my mind brought up the conversation i had with Cassie regarding her. I also remembered the second to the last thing Madison had said.

"not when you eventually know who i really am. "

I tried thinking of what she really meant when she said that or if it had any connection at all with what Cassie told me, or her reluctance to talk about Madison when i tried bringing the topic up. I thought and thought, but really couldn't come up with anything.

Not that i cared, whatever happened between she and Cassie was all in the fucking past. I only cared about the Madison Wells standing in front of me, the Madison Wells i have come to.... like in the past few days we spent together. The soft and shy yet has a spine of steel Madison Wells that i know. This beautiful woman standing in front of me, is what i want -and i swear on my honor, that whoever tries to take her away from me -even herself, i swear to make sure they regret the day they were brought into this damned world. No matter who they may fucking be.

I was convinced with what i wanted, the only thing remaining was to convince and make her believe and see the truth in my words. How hard could it possibly be?

And that, that was a question i wished i had had an answer to. Because the next turn of events, was something that though i expected it a little, it still took me by a huge storm of surprise and shock when it did happen. Nothing, nothing could and would ever be able to prepare me for the things that happened, nothing at all.

Though i wonder, what would have happened if Marcus had not been sent to call me, therefore cutting off and interrupting both I and Madison's little moment we had together. I keep on wondering, if that would have succeeded in changing anything, any fucking thing at all.

Hi guys, I'm still alive, thank you very much.

So..... What exactly is going to happen from here on out, that made Gideon as regretful as he sounds? Anyone sure enough to guess?

Stay safe and have a lovely and fruitful evening /day.

Till we meet in the next chapter, and trust me, you really don't want to miss it!!

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