
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Chapter 47

"Mr. Arthur are you okay?" Derrick asked from the backseat.

"Y... yes younger master." He replied nervously. If he reduce his salary, how is he going to cope with taking care of his brother's school fee?

"I asked you a question and the best you could do is halt the car? Don't you know I have a meeting to attend?" Derrick asked calmly. He's just so in a good mood he doesn't want to get mad at anyone.

"I am sorry Young Master." Mr. Arthur replied reigniting the engine and it roared back to life.

"You haven't answered my question Mr. Arthur."

Mr. Arthur sighed sadly, he thought Young Master would have forgotten about it.

"$10,000." He said monotonously. Mr. Arthur have to beg his Young Master to have mercy on him for any crime he might have committed.

Reducing his salary should be out of his punishment. He need the money.

Derrick nodded his head not sparing Mr. Arthur a glance and that worried him a lot.

Mr. Arthur waited for his faith to be announced as he thinks of how much his Young Master might reduce from his salary.

What if he decides to remove $7000?

Then Mr. Arthur will be done for.

The amount Derrick pay his workers is mouthwatering. Mr. Arthur will never see a chauffeur job that will pay this much ever again.

"Your salary will be increased to $50,000."

The car halted again as Mr. Arthur turned to look at his Young Master with his mouth opened in disbelief.

"What?" He screamed.

~ Next Morning

"How are you feeling Nina?" Mr. Brian asked as Nina stepped into the office.

She stared at him with a confused expression. How's she feeling?

"I got a call yesterday from your friend that you were ill." Mr. Brian added.

It registered in Nina's mind that Derrick had told one of the maids to lie again.

That lying@ss of a husband.

"Oh yes Sir, I am better now." Nina replied with a fake smile.

"I am glad you are, they are lots of works to. Lia should be waiting in your office." He said.

"Okay Sir." Nina bowed respectively and left for the door.

"Anyways, you look stunning in your outfit Nina." Her hand was left hanging on the door knob when she heard Mr. Brian's complement.

Hmmphhh... Nina breathed out.

"Thank you Mr. Brian." She smiled and left to her office.

Mr. Brian shook his head imagining how good Nina will be when he'd be on top of her.

He has never taken a proper look at her till that party night.

Nina is one hell of a beautiful woman. There's no deal in hooking up with her is it?

Soon, he will have her! The longing, lust and desire will be wiped off after he get her on his bed.


"Hello chloe, any problem?" Nina said into the telephone.

"No ma'am, there's a guy out here. He wouldn't go and he's demanding to see you." Chloe the receptionist said.

"A guy?" Nina asked confused.

Derrick can not come looking for her neither will he send Mr. Arthur because everyone knows him so who will be looking for her?

" Ma'am?"Chloe spoke.

"Let him in."

It was a chilly night in California, the breeze blow through the window as the curtains dangle in the room.

A man was seen lying lifelessly on a massive king-size bed while a young man sat beside him staring at his father who has been sleeping for the past fifteen years.

He took his father's hand with tears flowing down his cheeks.

The handsome face became red from excess tears.

They had this money, he's a billionaire. The richest family in California.

He had paid the best doctors around the world to cure his father but none could.

His father has been like this since that incident. The incident that he nor his father do not wish to remember.

The incident that made his strong and agile father a living-dead.

He just wish his father will open his eyes, call his name and talk to him.

He miss him so much and running all the companies alone haven't been fun.

"Dad." He called hoping a miracle will happen and he will answer but same as always. No reply!

"Are you going to lie down here forever? Why are you so inconsiderate dad? Have you ever thought of me and how I have been coping with my life without you and h..."

He paused tightening his grip on his father. Those names... He doesn't want to mention them ever again.

"Please wake up Dad, I know you are hearing me. I need you to keep me going Dad, I am going insane. My life is a mess without you, I miss you so much."

He dropped his father's hand kissing his forehead before standing up.

"Goodnight Dad, I will see you in the morning." He covered him with the duvet as he made his way out of his father's room.

Before he could reach for the door, the unexpected happened.

D... did he just heard his Dad coughed or he is just hallucinating?

" M... David" the man called in whisper...

No! This is not a dream, his father just called his name. He's awake after fifteen years.

David rushed to his father who was struggling to stand engulfing him in a bone crushing hug forgetting that the man's still healing. .


Nina scan through her desktop as she waited for the person looking for her.

A gentle knock on her door stopped her from surfing further.

"Come in." She replied calmly.

The door opened revealing a young man widely staring at Nina with mouth agape.

This can't be his Nina, his favourite sister.

Nina frowned as she stare up at the handsome guy in front of her.

No! Wait!

She blinked her eyes rapidly as they both stared at one another without saying a word.

Nina was the first to break the staring contest from the surprise seeing her brother in her office.

" Rochas."

Nina called flying across her desk to hug Rochas. She'd thought she will never set her eyes on him again but here he is, standing right before her in good health.

Rochas held her tight to himself hugging her back.

Tears welled up his eyes with just the thought of what they might have done to her in his absence.

When he arrived yesterday, they told him Nina is out of the house and none of them knows where she lives aside her work place.

Rochas asked his Mum and sisters why Nina left the house but none answered him.

Nina will never leave on her own accord unless something happened.

He miss her so much. Rochas can't believe his younger sister has grown this big and beautiful.

Nina is now a beautiful young woman. She grew so fast within this two years of his absence.