
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter 46

Derrick spoon her from behind, she rose to the feel of his hand lifting her thigh. She moaned when he entered her and together they rose for their satisfaction.

Hands tangled together, mouths fused together, they rode the crest until they went over the edge together. Their cries mingled together and their breaths became one.

"I love you." Nina whispered for the first time and she passed out after the words left her mouth.

Derrick's eyes bulge out in excitement. Sh... she just said she loves him. Nina just said that right?

He felt thrice as happy as he used to be.

"I love you too." Derrick replied being sure that Nina couldn't hear him.

The intimate moment with Nina made him feel fulfilled. He has marked his territory, from this very moment, Nina has fully become his possession.

"Mine." He muttered giving her a gentle kiss on her cheeks before falling right beside her.

"What in god's name made you do that Sia?" Mrs. Hilton yelled at her seething her teeth in anger.

Sia sat down sulking. Ocean of tears flow down her cheeks as she fidget with her dress.

If she had known trying to get back at Nina will dampen her reputation, she would have never thought of planning anything against her.

Just who the hell is she? Nina looks like a fool but smartness is covered in it.

Her self confidence gone and covered with shame.

Mrs. Hilton sighed, she knew the daughter she gave birth to but she never knew Sia will stoop so low to have framed someone up and it came back hitting her real hard on the face.

"I am sorry Mum." Sia managed to say, that's the only thing she had said since she explained everything to her Mum.

She couldn't hide it from her anyways, her mum is the only solace she's got no matter how mad she'd get at her.

"How far can jealousy take you Sia? You were doing so well and is the only thing that put food on our table and now you lost it and even your reputation"

"If Derrick gets to know of this, you will be blacklisted from the industry. You will never get a job again." Mrs. Hilton said at the verge of tears.

She's so sad she can't work to take care of her only daughter due to her illness. It hurt her so much that all the responsibility is on Sia, the one she ought to take care of.

Her drugs, how do she get it? How are they going to pay her medical bills?

Since she lost her husband to death, things haven't been good for them.

Sia reflect on all this, her tears increased. She never thought about that, her job was their only source of income and now she lost.

How are they going to cope? How is she going to take care of her mum's medications?

An idea popped up in her head but her face faltered the next moment she gave it a thought again.

Sia doesn't care about her reputation that's damage, even if she doesn't want to get to work as a model anymore, she should be able to get a job.

A job that will sustain them and that can't happen without involving Nina, the girl that outsmarted her.

Will she agree to help her?

The sun pierced through the window. It's past 12noon and Nina is still sleeping.

Derrick sat beside her admiring every of her feature.

She looks beautiful even in her sleep. Isn't he blessed to have her as his wife?

Derrick felt so happy that they finally consummated their marriage.

He had to take it slow with Nina at first because he knew she'd never had sex before.

Derrick knew she was hurting we they went intimate at first but she chose to keep quiet.

Why did she not cry? He saw her brimming her tears so it doesn't drop because of the pain but why?

He thought about it and began laughing at the cute lady lying beside him.

Was she trying to hide the fact she's a virgin? No was a virgin.

He corrected himself with a smile tugging on his lip.

If that was it then Nina is the most childish lady he has ever come across.

Was she thinking that Derrick will make fun of her for being a virgin and not exposed to that kind of life?

Heck! That was what he wanted, he's the first and only person that has ever and will continue to have her.

He glanced at her one last time and headed out to work, not before dropping a note for her with a hot tea on the bed stand waiting for her to wake up.

Few minutes later...

Nina woke up with her body throbbing with pain especially her lower abdomen.

Her face reddened remembering what went down between her and Derrick.

Derrick almost made her paralyzed. Couldn't he get the signal to be very slower with her even without her telling him it hurts?

Nina did not want to disgrace herself by telling him a full grown 23 years old lady like her haven't had a man before, she had to bear the pain because it will be too embarrassing.

What will Derrick call her? Inexperienced? That was what she dreaded.

Although, she enjoyed it. Derrick's a badass in the game.

Her face heat up picturing what has happened in her head. She will be so shy to face Derrick.

But where is he? Just in time, she saw a note on the table answering her question.

A smile crept up on her face immediately she took the paper.

Hey baby, I am sorry I left. I couldn't wake you up because you need a good rest

You are so sweet that I wanted to take you right there in your sleep again but too bad, that will be taking advantage of you winks.

Don't mind your hubby, I already made someone inform your boss that you won't be coming to work today so take a good rest and be strong before I come back

And, gulp down that hot tea. It will make you feel better. I know you are sore down there so I bought some aspirin for you

Don't miss me too much, I will be back before you know it

"I love you."


Nina chuckled dropping the paper. How many times she has missed work because of Derrick and now again.

Mr. Brian will be so mad at her tommorow.

Nina glanced at the time and let out a gasp. 12pm!

How long has she been sleeping? 5hours?

Mr. Arthur kept glancing at the rare mirror. Quite good, his Young Master has been so happy since Nina set her fit in the mansion but today's excitement is exceptional.

That's new! He feel so happy to see his young master happy.

There's nothing that gives Mr. Arthur joy than seeing his young master in this kind of mood.

What happened between him and Young Mrs.?

Whatever happened should keep happening because he likes this Young Master he's seeing.

Young master hardly smiles at him but he did today. Isn't Young Mrs. a blessing to them all?

"Mr. Arthur." Derrick called taking Mr. Arthur out of his trances.

"Yes Young Master."

"How much is your salary again?" Derrick asked with a huge smile on his face.

His salary? Why is Young Master asking him of his salary?

Mr. Arthur panicked! What has he done? Did young master want to deduct from his salary? Did he want to reduce his salary?

What did he do to anger Young Master? Fear engulfed him, the car he was driving abruptly halted.