
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter 48

"Nina." Rochas called cupping her face as they disengaged from the hug. He rather see her first before going to see their father in the station.

"I miss you Rochas, I thought I will never see you again." Nina said in excitement while she access her brother.

"Well, here I am strong and healthy. I am sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me sis, I am really sorry for leaving you. I am a bad brother and I am sorry"

Rochas said sadly, he never wanted to study abroad. He never wanted to work abroad, all was his father's idea.

They pushed him away from the only sister his parents and sisters hated for no reason.

Till now, it baffles him why they all hate Nina. Nina is their flesh and blood. If Rochas wasn't there when their mum gave birth to Nina,

He'd think they adopted her but he was right there beside his Mum when she gave birth to Nina.

Even if he was very young then, he could remember his mum gave birth to Nina.

She was never adopted so why did they despise their own daughter?

Jenna and Sintia wouldn't have hated Nina if their mind wasn't poisoned by their parents.

Everything is still a misery to him.

Nina sighed dragging Rochas to sit. Nothing was his fault. Rochas his been her shield in that hell of a house since they were kids.

Who knows, she might have been dead by now if not for him.

"You are the best brother anyone will wish to have Rochas, I will never blame you for the misfortune that happened in my life. You have a life to live Rochas and it was best you left. I am not angry with you or anything"

Nina said as they sit down.

"Thank you sis, tell me, how have you been? What happened to you? Why did you leave the house? How did you end up back into modelling and working in a big agency like LBC Corporation? I thought you said you did not like modelling anymore?"

Rochas bombarded making Nina chuckle. This guy seated opposite her is her brother, the one that protected her from death a lot of times.

She trust him and definitely not going to hide anything from him but the office is out of the places of their discussion.

Nina told him she did not have interest in modelling again then because that was what she was asked to tell him by their Mum.

She definitely can't tell Rochas about Mum and Dad telling her to quit modelling because Sintia wanted to be a model. He will get angry and do crazy things.

They felt Nina will take all Sintia's glory.

"How did you expect me to answer them now big brother? Which do I answer first?" She asked pouting her lips.

"That pout can't work on me right now, I want to know everything and I hope mum and dad doesn't have any hand in your sudden absence from home"

He said clenching his teeth, if they do, he will not look for a way to help them.

Heck! The amount of money their father is owing the bank, Rochas doesn't have it even if he combine all his savings.

He could have asked Joe for some money but Joe is planning his wedding and he is going to spend a lot of money.

Rochas can't put his budden on anyone. He's been thinking of how he will go about the money since yesterday.

"You don't have to worry about that, I am glad I left. If I hadn't, I definitely won't be where I am right now. Things happened for a reason but goodness Rochas ,"

"You've become more handsome, what have you been eating there? Or is there any other secret behind it? You are glowing Rochas, so much."

Nina teased changing the topic. Rochas knew the kind of sister he have. He knows she was trying to change the topic diverting from their initial discussion.

"That won't still work Nina." He replied almost immediately.

Nina chuckled shaking her head. Rochas knows her too well.

"Fine, you will just give me your number. I will send my house address to you, how about we see tomorrow? We can't discuss in the office."

Rochas nodded in understanding.

"That'd be great, I have to go see Dad anyways." He replied shrugging his shoulders.

Nina frowned rolling her eyes at the same time.

"Go see Dad? Aren't you just coming from home? Or you want to see him in his company?"

"Company? The company that's already in the mud? Aren't you aren't you aware that Dad was arrested?" Rochas scoffed.

Nina frowned again giving him a confused look.

"No one told me and I don't care if he goes to jail." She replied coldly throwing Rochas off guard.

He wasn't expecting her to say that, he blinked his eyes in disbelief.

The Nina he knew will never say this, she'd be worried if anything happens to any of them.

She has really changed so much but he's not blaming her. As much as she changed, she has gone through a lot.

Anyone can change too.

Rochas sighed speechlessly, he doesn't know what else to say after Nina's reply.

She have the right to be mad at them, he'd be mad too if he was the one that went through what Nina went through.

Nina brought out her phone and Rochas opened his mouth in shock.

"You own this phone Nina? This... this phone is the most expensive phone in the whole world. Even if they sell all our properties, there's no way we can afford this. How did you get it?"

Rochas asked bewildered.

Nina stared at the phone then at Rochas, she never knew the phone is that expensive. Derrick never told her about that.

Why will Derrick buy her the most expensive phone in the whole world?

"Oh! I never knew it's that expensive." She replied sincerely...

Rochas glared at her with his mind wandering to different things.

"You never knew? That means you didn't get the phone by yourself. How did you get this phone Nina?" He asked in a big brother tone.

It can't be that Nina is doing... no! Nina will never do that, he trust her.

"Don't think too much big brother, my husband got it for me actually so I didn't know it would be very expensive." Nina replied with her head down smiling sheepishly at herself with just the mention of ' husband'.

"Wait! What? Your husband? You are married?" Rochas screamed but Nina was fast enough to cover his mouth.