
Lost System.

NEW BOOK ALERT!! UPDATED DAILY!! "Arriving on this unknown planet, i must survive to find my place in this world?! The space around earth suddenly cracks and he realized a stunning secret, confused about his fate, ruby struggles to find his destiny while uncovering the way back to Earth. But it does not go so easy. After being transported to this world that has life beings! His destiny holds more for him... How will we he be able to balance his feelings for earth and his destiny on this unkown planet? What is the relationship with this unknown planet and earth? A major thriller that will rock the literature world. Wintermelon206 wow loved this so far, great work author DreLeonWrites: Imma be rooting you on and reading offline Icanflymylove: i really enjoyed reading this book This book is a result of the imagination of the author and any resemblance to any name, location or event is a coincidence and not intentional.

Mana_Reader · Fantasy
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9 Chs

In a new world B

Ruby had heard so many rumors about kidnapping, but he didn't have any experience of it until today. It was in an even was scenario because in Ruby's cas he had no clue were he was after opening his eyes.

Turning his head around, he noticed that he attracted the attention of a number of fellow captives, some of them stared at him with blank expressions and some with pity.

"Damnit what is all this", embarrassed and confused he bowed his head wrinkling his toes as he thought.

"Is this a dream, an illusion or what?" His breath was unsteady aa he stared at the walls of the carriage. 

The young man crawled to him and sat by his side he looked at him and sighed then began to converse with him.

"don't be hard on yourself, my name is redo, and I am from the deep west in the Coyu forest, what part are you from", he said.

Ruby was surprised that "cuyu….cuyu" never heard of it before were is that place". This was to the best way Ruby wanted to gather information about his current location and most importantly how to get away from this situation.

"Something definitely went wrong, and I am no longer on Earth. This is an unknown place". He suddenly accepted one truth that he didn't want to accept before.

It was known on Earth that there are 9 planets with the exception of Pluto which exploded, with the research none of the planets is habitable as it is with this place and this didn't seem like a dream either.

"w…where is this place…?", his head was filled with confusion as he tried to think of any possible scenario.

Is it outside the Galaxy and who are all this people?

"Where exactly are they from?" 

''Which race?." 

If they are not earth why do they speak English? 

These questions ran through his mind.

"hey i'm talking to you" redo said, tapping him and he came back from his thoughts.''What exactly are you distracted with? '' he said.

" Uhmm.....uhmm I am ruby and...and....ummm... and am from new seal city.

"New seal city?, never heard that before". "Huh?''decided it seems they know nothing about earth, it's better safe blending in. "sorry I meant to say I don't really remember....I am lost" I said.

"Huh ?", He stared at my clothing's with a surprised eye.

I wondered what he would think of my clothing. Their designs were truly different and crude, compared to his clothing which was a common dressing on earth.

"uhhhmm...uhmmm you can't be bothered about finding your way back, you have to first escape being turned into a slave, he said looking to me with pity."

Find my way back home.....?


Suddenly realized he haven't thought of how to get back", it was not like he had any ideas.

Bam! Bam! Suddenly the carriage bumped.


"Huh?!", ruby became apprehensive.

What's happening?!

Bam!!! Bam!!!

Kc rack!!!

The Carriage bumped again and there was loud noise from outside. Noise that that brought cold shivers than the spines of the carriage occupants

"Surround them!"

"Surround them!" 

"Let none escape!!"

"Humph!, don't let any of the one escape!" a terrific voice sounded, accompanied by loud hoofing noises.




Bloody screams and howls were heard from outside along with sounds of battles that seemed to grow fainter. "These are probably sounds of swords and other metals clashing loudly", ruby thought as his fingers seemed to ooze and sweat his mind was covered with an unease feeling.

Kc rack! After some time the door of the carriage was hit a few times and sounds of the door breaking could be heard. 

Bam! Bam!

The carriage shook and became unbalanced, it seemed to be the collateral damage to the battle going on outside. Rocking from side to side, Ruby and the other captives had a hard time balancing their bodies, they collided with each other from time to time.

In the carriage Ruby gazed joyfully at the door, " we might be saved he grinned from ear to ear" he looked around to see the reactions of other people, but there were just staring at the door with no expressions, it was as though they didn't believe they can escape this situation.

"Huh?...why?...", he suddenly had the fear of the unknown.

Bam!, The hitting stopped for a second and then suddenly--


The door flew open breaking into pieces as a burly and well-built man entered the carriage. He carried with him a bloody sword slanted that was downwards. Blood dripped down the edges of the sword as Ruby glanced at the sword gulping multiple times before looking intently at the face of the man who just barged in.

"Is he going to set us free?" Ruby wondered as his face showed expectancy for a sudden miracle that will save him from this depressing situation.

Walking to the captives, he inspected them. He had scars on his bare chest and had this sinister grin with eyes that were keen and oppressive.

After a few seconds, he muttered words in a disappointed and harsh tone.

"These are barely manageable…. Move out!!". His voice sounded crisp. He turned his back and left the carriage signaling Ruby an the others to follow him

His hair was tied into a ponytail and shouted with a loud voice as he kicked some captives.

"Get up, morons!" he bellowed.

"This really isn't a savior, I am perplexed". Ruby said to himself while wishing the situation there were in now wouldn't be that bad.

The captured people just walked out quietly with bitter expressions. Ruby looked at their faces, was still dumbfounded and was confused.

"D…d…do you have any idea what's happening?" he asked the lad who had earlier talked to him.

"You will find out soon", he said.

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