
Lost System.

NEW BOOK ALERT!! UPDATED DAILY!! "Arriving on this unknown planet, i must survive to find my place in this world?! The space around earth suddenly cracks and he realized a stunning secret, confused about his fate, ruby struggles to find his destiny while uncovering the way back to Earth. But it does not go so easy. After being transported to this world that has life beings! His destiny holds more for him... How will we he be able to balance his feelings for earth and his destiny on this unkown planet? What is the relationship with this unknown planet and earth? A major thriller that will rock the literature world. Wintermelon206 wow loved this so far, great work author DreLeonWrites: Imma be rooting you on and reading offline Icanflymylove: i really enjoyed reading this book This book is a result of the imagination of the author and any resemblance to any name, location or event is a coincidence and not intentional.

Mana_Reader · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Exiting the carriage

He said, while also walking out, Ruby followed behind and left the carriage.

Outside the carriage it was still nighttime, but with the light from the moon he could make out the scene. 

"Gulp", he gasped at the sight that sent cold shivers down his spine. He broke into a cold sweat and his throat went dry. 

It seemed that the confrontation was near the carriage Ruby was in and had also affected it, and they had to evacuate them.

It was a bloody massacre!

"W...what a bloody scene", Ruby gulped. He had only seen something like this in the movies. This was a one-sided massacre! On the ground were the bodies of the men who had captured him earlier, there were deep gashes on the bodies with blood flowing out.

The enemy group had outnumbered them and took them by surprise, they only had men with light injuries and no one dead!. They cracked their knuckles as they swirled their weapons.

The young man who led them out walked forward and kicked one of the bodies. Ruby didn't immediately recognized him but after looking closely he realized that he

was the scarred face man!, his face was bloody, and his bones were fractured and couldn't be easily recognized, he had a bloody gash on his chest being at the edge of death.

"Y..... You ...dare!!" he vomited blood as he held his throat falling on the ground he tried to draw away from the man.

Pa! The man kicked him again, "you still have to scream?" he said. 

"O... Our unit com...commander has ma....managed to escape, and w...will surely bring r....reinforcements to av.....to avenge us". The scar faced man forced a grin as he shook his head looking at the man who was kicking him.

It was probably the short-haired man that had oppressive airs around him who he was referring to.

"Shut up! You weak fool " he kicked him again.

" That's enough!" A man with a black robe with blue stripes sitting on one of those huge horses spoke, raising his hands. He looked at the scar faced man for a brief moment before speaking.

" Your trash your clan doesn't have the capacity to take on my clan, if you had been submissive I would have considered sparing a trash like you, kill him!!".

The young man who led us out of the carriage smirked, and his sword vibrated! 

I thought it was me not seeing clearly but looking closer it was really true the sword had little vibrations, " you are a finished he said as he raised his sword and slashed out at a very fast speed killing the scarred face man was dead instantly. 

The black robed man looked towards our direction, his aura was much more oppressive and he seemed to have a bloodthirsty feeling around him. He looked at them with a smirk. Ruby began to fidget all over as he bit his lips, his legs shaking and giving off feeling of not being able to hold him up any longer all he could think of was running away.

His lackey raised his finger and pointed it at ruby.

"You dare stand when the commander is talking !!!" his voice boomed in Ruby's ears.

Ruby turned his head and looked around, discovering that every other person was kneeling. Before he could react Redo held his sleeve and pulled him down to the ground. He put his face and the ground.

"Milord is sorry for his foolishness", Redo put his head on the ground floor in a bid to plead for Ruby. Ruby seemed to be taken by surprise for a moment as his lips twitched and his head low. He was embarrassed. "Please overlook this stupidity". Redo continued on.

" Who are these people? What are they planning to do with us?... Sweat poured down Ruby's face and his heart beat faster as many questions that he didn't have answers to ran through his mind. "Humph, lowly bunch of crap. Good for nothing's" the lackey spat as he cursed at them startling Ruby and interrupting his thoughts.

"Tie them up and pick up the pace, we have spent more time on the road", their boss waved his hand. Ruby's expectant mood was deflated like a balloon that was pricked with a needle. This were no saviours.

"Yes Milord", the guards answered immediately as they began to lead them into one of their carriages, and they rode off, moving up a rocky way.

After three days of spent nights in the carriages, they arrived at a mountain base.

The mountain was tall , wide and had brown and green colored flags with weird symbols.

At the border there were special types of bamboos that had a bigger, sturdier size and gave of different scent from the normal earth bamboos.


From the outside the carriages, a new voice sounded...


Teasers: They were mostly composed of men who had brownish skins that seemed to have been tanned by the sun and had looked....

"Hmmf, you certainly are a bit capable", the voice continued in a mocking tone.

"Ha ha ha ha, don't you flatter me, ayah".

"Sir bane wants to see you".

"Lead the captives out, take them to the hall for inspection." It was the short-haired man barking orders at the guards around.

"Peng!" The door flew open, and they were led out. Ruby looked up, this was the first time seeing the light of the day since that bloody night. He took a quick glance at his surrounding. 

The birds in the air were scarce and had wider wing span. The sounds they made were screeching to the ears, this caused an care aura to hang around the surroundings.

Talking about the surrounding they were muscular men wearing a similar set of clothes, apart from a young man wearing flowing gray robes decorated with hides from a beast, crossed his arms while holding on to a sword.

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