
Lost System.

NEW BOOK ALERT!! UPDATED DAILY!! "Arriving on this unknown planet, i must survive to find my place in this world?! The space around earth suddenly cracks and he realized a stunning secret, confused about his fate, ruby struggles to find his destiny while uncovering the way back to Earth. But it does not go so easy. After being transported to this world that has life beings! His destiny holds more for him... How will we he be able to balance his feelings for earth and his destiny on this unkown planet? What is the relationship with this unknown planet and earth? A major thriller that will rock the literature world. Wintermelon206 wow loved this so far, great work author DreLeonWrites: Imma be rooting you on and reading offline Icanflymylove: i really enjoyed reading this book This book is a result of the imagination of the author and any resemblance to any name, location or event is a coincidence and not intentional.

Mana_Reader · Fantasy
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9 Chs

In a new world A

"This one skin is smooth and tender, he is probably from an aristocratic home". He mumbled out a few words, his malicious eyes that complimented his smug smile. 

"aristocratic huh?", Ruby felt his heart jump looking into the eyes of the short-haired man, the short-haired man had oppressive airs that seemed to push down on Ruby.

He nonchalantly turned his attention from ruby. "Phew!" Ruby exhaled silently. He was already weak from the transmission earlier and couldn't even run, one of them was fast approaching him. His closed the gaps faster and faster.

"Run, he turned and began to run in the other direction, but could only make a few leaps with his weak body. The burly man threw a light punch at ruby aiming at his stomach.

"Get down punk." The punch landed, although it seemed to be a light one but Ruby fell head first on the grass. "Ahhhh", what a pain he clutched his stomach, with helplessness written all over his face.

He couldn't bear the pain as he felt the world spin. "Is… this… all in my head or what?, he stammered gasping for air before fainting.

After some time unknown to him, Ruby opened his eyes, looking around he found out he was in a carriage.

"I might be in one of the carriages I saw earlier" he thought.

Looking around there were about a dozen people, the youngest was a girl who looked like fifteen-year-old.

Their skin looked tougher than normal. The Young girl had a beautiful pale white color and with a slender body, it was evident that she was from a better background. 

Ruby started to sweat profusely, he was visibly scared, confused and had a bad foreboding feeling lingering in his mind. The set of people he had seen from earlier looked like humans, but they were something different with them, they did look like humans but they--

Teaser: He shifted his body to balance properly while sitting to have an overall view of who and what was around him. Looking around...

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Their skin color was brownish than normal, and they had tougher body builds, a lot more different than an average human.

It wasn't just the captors, the captives seemed to have stronger builds than an average humans.

while sitting he shifted his body to balance properly to have an overall view of who and what was around him. Looking around the captives wore distressed faces with dull eyes and were all dirty and had pale faces.

He saw a lad with his head bent low, the young man approximately in his early twenties was humming to an unknown song.

He looked on in with eyes that sparkled like marbles in the dark with very long and tattered hair that fell his back, his face was covered in dirt, also having bloody scratches on his skin that were signs that showed that he tried to fight back when he was captured.

His clothes were tattered and torn in many places, they were almost reduced to rags.

But he seemed unaffected by this all as he hummed to a song known only to him absentmindedly.

Looking at other people there were not too different from him, and some looked worse! At the left there was another man, he looked like a man in his late forties but his skin was pale and he had long white beards with yellow eyes, at a glance you could tell that he had passed through many difficulties. 

He folded his hands and bent his head low as he slept without bothering about what might happen next, it was as if he felt all hope was lost. Ruby saw a gaping wound on his left leg, it seemed freshly inflicted It was not a sight to behold, and he turned away.

Ruby had always had the fear of blood (hemophobia) especially if it is on a large scale. He sighed while trying not to look at that man again so as not to feel irritated and go crazy. 

The young women clustered themselves together at the extreme edge of the carriage as they seemed to watch what was has happening with perky eyes. He took quick glances at them for sometime and his eyes fell on the youngest of the females, a young pale white girl, she was not as scared and horrified as he was right now but she had an expression of anger. She bit her lips from time to time as he used her Jade like arms to wrap around her knees.

He was confused, scared and was seen visibly shaking and rattling his teeth in fear and drenched in his sweat.

He felt so ashamed that a young girl would be in this situation and remain calm while he looked on fearfully. It was embarrassing, and he bit his tongue and bent his head low and tried to control himself.



"What someone chuckles in this situation who the hell could that be" he thought, looking forward he saw a young man probably in his late thirties with long black hairs that were poorly kept, tied by a little string falling down his shoulders he shook his round head as he chuckled.


"You weasel"

Chuckling more, his eyes shuffled between the young girl and ruby. Ruby eyebrows slanted into a frown.

"You…you…" Ruby felt insulted and all fired up. The young girl raised her eyes and looked at him for a few seconds before shifting her gaze tonth floor again ignoring everything around.

Staring hard at the young lad who was chuckling he stammered, suddenly he realized that the young man was right, he was so scared of those men and what they wanted to do with him.

It was surprising when he saw other captives, they had a nonchalant attitude towards the present situation it was as if the event was not surprising.