
Lost Reality

A being who is in constantly dying for which he does not know. A curse has put him into a state of death, a disease on his soul. Each life he lives with an open mind, but then the clock strikes ten and the chapter is done.

Boxez · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Hour 1: The First Ten

I landed, not on something but rather in something. I was not sure what because my eyes were closed, but when I opened them, I saw 2 people. A man with a short stubby beard with his hair tied in a ponytail. The other person was a woman with long blonde hair and a beautiful face.

I tried to speak but I could not, I tried to make fast movements but I could not, then the woman spoke. "Aw he's trying to speak, what do you have to say Timmy."

"Aw, he is so cute. He has your eyes honey," said the man with a glint in his eye.

"He has your hair Rosen." Then the woman placed me in a crib.

"Well, goodnight, Timmy."

"Good night my sweet prince," said the woman as she kissed my head and left.

My eyes drifted to the corners of the room, darting around. It was unlit with only a window for light. The top left corner had water dripping from the roof and the door creaked loudly. My body was weak and as I looked around I started to feel tired and drifted to sleep. In my dreams I dreamt of nothingness, only darkness. I thought to myself, "I must not have experienced enough stuff for dreams." Minutes passed after falling asleep and then a high pitched sound came out from me, screaming! I awoke with a shout. A pain worse than when I fell down the hole. The feeling was horrid, to the point where you could not describe it in words, it felt like 12 hundred anvils were falling on me, and that my fingers, hands, feet, tongue, and even teeth were being slowly pulled off.

My screams awoke the 2 people who quickly ran into the room. The woman spoke as soon as she entered, grabbing me and giving me pats. "Timothy what's wrong? Do you need food, or maybe something to chew on? " The woman grabbed what looked like something a baby would chew on. She put it in my mouth. For some reason I was drawn to suck on it, it was so much fun. The numbing activity of sucking was fun.

I slowly calmed down and stopped crying, but the pain was still there. "He seems better. Why not try to put him back to bed?" the man said. Then the woman placed me in the crib.

The night went on, I was no longer crying or screaming but it still hurt, a LOT. The minutes of pain hurt like no other, it hurt so much I lost track of time.

The wind shook the room, massive bursts of wind blew through. You could hear a slight whisper from the wind, "Team 1 move in." Then from a corner appeared a man, with sharp pointy ears and long blond hair, tied in a ponytail.

He started to walk towards the door, creaking the ground as he went. I was worried, darting my eyes away from him. But I could not keep my eyes off him. The tears came gushing like a storm, the whales flowing from my eyes and from my mouth surprised him. He turned and looked surprised, finally noticing me he ran over to me. He picked up my body and started rubbing my ears. "I found a human baby, should I remove it?" said the man. While he spoke the wind strung like a violin but not the kind of wind that blows things, the kind that makes sound. It flew by my ears ringing like a diamond hitting a piece of steel.

I could hear something reply to him but it was cut out. "-es, we mu-- -eave n- sur---ers tha- is ou- --ssion."

"Understood, though it is sad to take such a young life." The man reached into his back pocket and pulled out a knife. It glinted in the dark, and reflected the starlit moon. Upon it spat something red. Then the pain I was feeling before stopped and that made me realize 1 thing. That red stuff is me, my blood. The man stabbed me! WHY! WHY!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! Why is it leaving so fast, is this normal. AHHHHH!!! NO STAY AWAKE I MUST NOT SLEEP WHY AM I DRIFTING AWAY!!!

My mind went blank as I started to fall asleep and die, then I heard something.

"When the Clock Strikes Two

Return as a New, Thus Back

Upon Ten Times Tracks"