
Lost Reality

A being who is in constantly dying for which he does not know. A curse has put him into a state of death, a disease on his soul. Each life he lives with an open mind, but then the clock strikes ten and the chapter is done.

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4 Chs

Hour 0: The Mist

All I can remember is darkness, and more darkness. Darkness engulfed me, it seemed to stretch on indefinitely, as far as I could see. Then it felt like I opened my eyes, in front of me was a white cloud of dust in a white room. The white dust began to speak.

"Hi! How are ya? Good. Sorry, but I am in a hurry so he does not catch me. You have been cursed so that you d-"

"Stop!!!" said something from underground. Rising from the ground appeared a symbol. A circle with a 12 pointed star inside. Black dust slowly left the circle. The black dust had the same voice as the white dust. The black dust continued, "Do not tell him about the curse, you know the rules. If you tell him about the curse both he and you will be… Oh, right. Sorry. I just remembered the rules applied to me too. Well we better let this young chap out into the wild."

"Let me tell him something before he goes."


"I know you are still young, just a baby, but something bad will happen to you in your next life so I am warning you, be safe," whispered the white dust.

"Okay enough chatting, time for him to leave."

Below me appeared a hole. I fell. I fell a lot, and as I fell the black dust spoke somemore, "Hey kid, watch the time." As I fell I felt my heart get pulled deeper and deeper, like I was being dragged in. It felt like chains wrapped around my heart piercing me. The pain was immense and got worse as I fell deeper. Until…