
Lost Reality

A being who is in constantly dying for which he does not know. A curse has put him into a state of death, a disease on his soul. Each life he lives with an open mind, but then the clock strikes ten and the chapter is done.

Boxez · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Hour 1: The Big Goat

The ground below me started to rumble and a crack formed, then another, and then another. Cracks continued to form until a giant black gaping hole in the ground was formed. I then fell inside the hole, instead of feeling pain like the last one, I felt loneliness, or some other feeling. It was not something physical but something changed mentally about me. My mind just shut off and I could no longer see, feel or hear. I closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes in front of me were men in lab coats. They were screaming,"We did it! We did it! We brought back the bucardo."

"Doctor, it's cells are not stable, it will die soon." NO! I don't want to die, not again.

I tried to speak but all that came out was "bahhhhh." The sound a goat makes.

"Well we better stop that," said one of the people in lab coats. He grabbed some needles and poked them into me. Soon my arms started to be in pain and my legs started to go numb. One of the men in lab coats grabbed me and brought me to a table, laying me down belly up. From there I could see my legs, and I realized, I am no longer human, I am a goat.

I struggled to get away as the men in lab coats held me down and started to buckle me. So I gnawed through the straps and jumped up out of their grasp. Running through the building and out the front door. But stopping at the front door a bit to think, "automatic nice!" Which out loud sounded like "Bahhahah Bahhh!"

As I went out the front door, the clerk at the front desk looked at me and picked up a phone. She frantically said, "Is this thing from you guys?! Get it out of here. Why do you keep letting animals run loose?" The words she said sounded angry but hidden in her tone was fear.

As I stepped out I saw the sun, it reflected into my eyes. But soon it was gone, blocked by clouds upon clouds of smoke. Guzzling out of hundreds upon hundreds of chimneys, leading to hundreds upon hundreds of fireplaces. The smoke swept through the area.

Looking around, it was a city, a bustling city. With smoke covering every inch. I walked around for a bit trying to avoid people so that no one could send me back to that place with the men in lab coats.

The ground was wet, and it was obvious that it had rained the previous day.

In the middle of the city was an area that had a small pond, grass, and trees. For some reason the grass smelled amazing, I wanted to eat it. Walking in, I bent my neck down and started eating the grass. It was divine. After spending a few seconds eating the grass, I left that area for the smokey and disgusting smelling city.

The city was nice for all of 2 seconds until a wave of smoke came towards me and went down my throat causing me to choke, which made me throw up the grass I had just eaten. It was all green and slimy. The smoke that replaced it was horrible. I continued to cough relentlessly and my throat was filled with smoke. I could feel the choking like someone was holding my neck as tight as they could. Each breath left me thinking it was my last. Until it stopped, I could breath again! It was a miracle. It was amazing I could breath, and smell, I still felt a lot of pain but I ignored it because I was going to live. It was great so much so that I started prancing and dancing about. I no longer hid from people, and the reaction from the people that saw me were varied. Some would look at my dancing and watch. Some would be confused or scared and rush passed. Some would ignore me, and the only reaction I got only 1 of, when a mother passed by with her kid, the kid screamed "DANCING DONKEH!!!"

The mother quickly replied, "No, Fred, that is a goat and also a strange one. I think we should go." The kid stayed around while the mother left. The mother, after a bit, started running back and grabbed the kid.

I did that for a bit and I had become completely unaware of the pain I once felt. For a moment I felt serene and graceful, only for a moment though. I felt like my breath was being taken away, I could not breathe. My heart pounded in my chest and my lungs rubbed against death. The grim reaper had grabbed his scythe and was coming for me.

Frantically I ran through the city, rushing past people. I could not look back. My eyes had been blocked by a blur, similar to that of a wine glass. Then just like the feeling had first come, so did a second wave. My legs broke out first, launching me to the ground, then the vomit came, rushing out like a storm creating a large puddle of something that can only be described in one word, GREEN. Finally it ended, or more specifically I ended. My heart had finally taken the last it could and I died. Just like that, all over. After I died I heard something.

"When the Clock Strikes Two

Return as a New, Thus Back

Upon Ten Times Tracks"