
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

War Guardian taking action

While the monster was laughing and was trying to rejuvenate his wounds and injuries, he summoned his second soul to protect him. Whennn blasshhhlkkkk, Why is the forest cut into two, and why does my vision seem imbalance and disproportion, Was it caused by my injuries during the explosion? That was the last thing the monster remembered before he died.

Hubert was watching in the side lines and saw the technique the old pair performed where they sent their Energy and life essence to their second soul and got some inspiration from it. Hubert thought, " the souls residing in my sea of consciousness were always the one trying to combine with my physical body, why don't it try in reverse or maybe give them my life essence and let them battle for me? He asked himself.

He simulated his ideas, and was shocked by his discoveries, he can perform all of this with 95 percent success and at that, without backslash.

Then Hubert saw the monster coming out from the explosion and was talking trash to the two old men. This made Hubert angry and planned to test his idea in that monster.

Hubert summoned his war guardian, then it floated in the air. He then told the war guardian his plans and his 3rd soul approved of it. Usually when the other souls combined with Hubert, they would give him their energy and power, but with Hubert's plan it would be in reverse. He would be the core and give his energy to the other souls, and let the other soul kill and fight his enemies.

He started simulating the energy process of giving the life essence, then simulated his mind and body to his other soul. Next he let the war guardian project itself in reality, and let Hubert be the core of the other soul. This process took less than 8 seconds before it was completed. The war guardian was now becoming tangible while Hubert was becoming incorporeal. After a few more seconds, the reverse combination was successful.

Afterwards, War guardian teleported at the back of the monster, then it swung its death scythe and cut the monster king in many pieces, even the 2nd soul of the monster was cut and diced. The force of war guardians was so strong that it cut the surrounding areas and created fissures and slits that would last for a few generations.

Next when the war guardian killed the monster king he grabbed something in the air and got 2 incorporeal souls, one was the soul of the monster king while the other was the second soul of the monster king. He stared at the souls then suddenly devoured the souls. Then the war guardian looked at them for a moment.

The pair of old men trembled from what they saw, and when they noticed that the strange creature was looking at them they produced a sweet comparable to a water faucet.

Old D and Jeff were looking at the creature and were bewildered by its artistry and charm. They were comparing these strange creature; to an angel at the same time was a death lord , an elementalist which is surrounded by the different types of elements and to a war god because of the valiance aura it created.

After 40 seconds the figure vanished little by little then it disappeared. When abruptly they saw a human being falling from the sky. They looked at each other and saw a great disbelief in their eyes. The person whom they were talking and calling little brother or little one a few moments ago, was the same person who killed a monster king. That was a monster king, and he killed it without worries.

It was really unbelievable for them, this had shaken them to their core. Old D and Jeff quickly rushed to catch little Hubert when suddenly another force made them drop to their knees. This was more powerful than the monster king. If in comparison, the monster king was only a pond while the other force was a raging sea. Old d and Jeff decided to protect little Hubert's life and braced themselves. They again were planning to burn their remaining life force and self destruct with the new opponent who just came.

When they started burning their remaining life force a gentle and AL compassing energy came to them and healed them. It was a miracle by itself because all of their injuries were healed and even their ranks were restored. Except for their second souls they need to wait for a great amount of time before they would have another 2nd soul.

Old D and Jeff looked at Hubert and saw a mysterious woman suddenly appear and caught Hubert. She carried and floated to the sky, she then poured some energy in Hubert and was now healing some of his minor injuries. After which She bit her lips and kissed Hubert letting him drink her blood.

Old D; Greetings madam, thank you very much for rescuing little Hubert. We owe you one and would not forget about this. They simultaneously recited

Jeff; Greetings madam, thank you very much for rescuing little Hubert. We owe you one and would not forget about this. They simultaneously recited

Old D asked," madam can we try to know who you are and what you are to little Hubert? So that when he wakes up we would inform him of what happened"

The woman looked at them with a gentle smile and said, "He is my master, I am her slave, I shall live together with him until he would put me away in void and separate himself with me" the mysterious woman said.

This made the old foges burn their eyes and ears in disbelief and thought, " shit this little one is really lucky, he got a really gorgeous lady as her slave and her slave treats him really nice, my god what is happening to the world. If we would be given a chance like him, we could already die in an old age" the duo thought.

Next the mysterious woman said. By the way gentlemen, my name is anna. Please don't tell my master that I came here. Or else you would not like the consequence. Then smiled at them like a snake looking at its prey.

The old fogeys nodded and said, " don't worry madam, We promise that we would not say anything about you to little Hubert when he wakes up" then they saluted her.

Anna smiled and said, I trust what you said, and would take your promise as a sacred agreement. So please don't break what you said or else you would know the consequence. Next I would like to leave my master's care to you guys, I already supplied him with a great amount of energy and this would heal him at any time of the day. You just need to carry him and nurse him a little bit and in exchange I'll give you this. It would help you in restoring your second souls. Then Anna threw 2 pieces of god crystals to the old fogeys. And said her farewell.

The 2 pair of old men looked at each other then, at the god crystal they were holding. We benefited from our disaster, and made a great connection with a powerful being. These balanced the disadvantages we got from or task. Afterward Old D signs and smiled.

Yes it's true, we benefited a lot. Especially this stone, it's very mysterious and full of very pure energy. It is comparable to the source of our power. Just holding it and carrying it with us would benefit our physical and spiritual body. Hiast, then Jeff suddenly remembered what happened behind their backs.

They made faces that cannot be described, and anger was emitting to their souls. And they said, We do not forget, We always remember.

And looked at the direction of the royal city.