
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs


A group of people were camping near a river in the forest of kaldita, and 2 old men were fishing and were giving a very peaceful aura, they gave an illusion of a rice field. Which is very quiet that the only sound you can hear is the whisper of the wind. A sudden mutated bear attacked them but plumped down.

Old D we already have something for dinner, are we still going to continue fishing? Jeff inquired.

It's ok, let's just sit down for a while and cherish this time of peace, let us also try to catch some fish for little hubert to eat when he wakes up. Old D answered.

After fishing for a while, they got what they wanted and walked towards the campsite. During the time that the two fogeys were fishing, hubert already woke up. He went to the campfires and sat next to the mercenaries.

The mercenaries did not know who Hubert was and asked him, "Little brother are you also one of the people who was saved by our 2 masters?". Hubert just smiled mysteriously and answered, yes big brother they saved me earlier when the monster king went and put a rampage. "Oh great, that's good to hear, our masters are really good people. They always help persons that need aid and do not expect anything in return. Like me, I was once rescued by Master Jeff " the mercenary said.

Then the mercenary spoke again and asked," By the way little brother what is your name?" Hubert, he said. Afterwards the mercenary laughed " hahahahah what a good, it almost sound as my name" the mercenary laughed again. I am Robert, the captain of the mercenary troop that the 2 old men created. Here little brother, have some meat and some wine. It would be good for your growth.

Hubert received the food and was happily eating. After finishing his food he asked, " Big brother Robert, from where are you? and why did you come here in the forest of kaldita?. In my opinion, you must have come from the other cities. This was based on my observations at the way you dress, the way you speak and the way you carry yourselves".

You are very sharp little brother, our group came from the capital, which is the royal city of Mu. We were asked by the Castilian to come and look for a certain type of medicine. This one is only present in this forest. But we did not expect that it was a setup arranged by our masters enemies. They concluded with monster beasts and tried to kill us and place the blame on the monsters residing in the forest. When Robert was explaining this, anger and frustration could be seen in his eyes.

I am sorry to hear that big brother Robert, I didn't mean to ask that kind of question. Hubert said

It's ok, just forget it brother. We can't do anything about it anyways. Let's just wait for the decision of our masters on what our next move is. Oh little brother remove the tags already. It's making my bones chill from awkwardness. Just Robert or brother will do.

Ok Big bro-- Emm Robe-- Brother, emm your group came from the other city, which means you guys are not native's in this place. It must have been a difficult journey coming from here.

Nah just a little bit, we travelled for about half a year. We have our own airship and traveled from the royal city coming to kaldita.

Wow that is a good thing, Can i see the airship brother please. Huberd inquired.

I am sorry little brother, it is on the hands of our first master. It is stored in his pouch and he carries it all the time. So we must ask our master first if we want to see the air carrier. Robert answered.

Alright brother, but why did you not use the aircraft to come inside the forest?. It would be more efficient and less time consuming.

Little brother if we used that thing to come inside the forest, monster kings would be alerted and they would destroy our precious airship. Robert replied.

Ohh, I get it now.

Hubert continued inquiring things from the captain, and learned a lot of new knowledge from him.

Afternoon approached and the pair of old men were back at the campsite. They asked Hubert to come inside their tent and spoke with him.

Little brother, We are very thankful for your help in killing the monster king. That monster was chasing after us for days now. This would be a great debt that we would carry until our death. If you have some problems and don't have anyone to help you. Then contact us, and we would directly come to your side. Here is a small gift as a sign of our thanks.

Hubert felt the sincerity of the 2 old men and said, "Do not worry about it masters, i was just doing what i felt in that particular moment" afterwards hubert smiled at them.

Next, Hubert received the gift they had given him and asked, " Great masters, what is the use of these earring? I feel that this is something very precious"

Old D and Jeff smiled at Hubert and explained, This piece of earring was discovered in a ruin near the royal city. It holds a vast amount of space where you could store things that you need to carry. For example; your daily necessities, your important objects and you can also store corpses of monsters you hunt from the wild. Old D explained

We saw that you aren't carrying any storage item, so we thought that it is the most appropriate thing we could give you. There is also another use of the earring but we still don't know, because the earring is currently sealed by an unknown force, and we don't know how to unseal it from the mysterious energy. It's on you if you want to discover what are the other use of the earring. Jeff told Hubert

Hubert gave his sincere bow towards the both of them and said his thanks.

The next moment old D changed the topic and inquired," Little brother, can you guide us tomorrow in getting out of this forest? We stayed long enough in this place and it's time to move on and go to the city of Kaldita. We need to do a lot of thing and contact a lot of people, so we are really short in time"

Old D is right, We need to track and plan a lot of things, starting on how we can compensate the families of our dead brothers. And how we can avoid the eyes of our enemies. Jeff explained.

Do not worry Big brothers, early on the morning lets start getting out of this forest. The journey towards kaldita may take 5 days if we are slow and 2 days of travel if we don't rest. But for now let's just rest and celebrate our survival. Ohh I forgot to ask, after I killed the monster what happened next, I felt something was transferring a great amount of energy when I passed out.

Old D and Jeff looked at each other and smiled saying, " nothing happened little brother, we went to catch you when you were falling, and used our pills to restore your energy. That was the energy that you felt when you passed out. Old D said while giving an awkward smile to hubert.

Hubert felt something was amiss but thought," they came from the royal city of Mu, so they probably hold a great amount of mysterious item " so he just shrugged the rest of his questions and asked another question.

Big brother Jeff and Old D, I heard your circumstances. What are your plans for now? And where are you planning to go and stay?.

Old D answered hubert and said," so you know of what happened to us little hubert, i guess our mercenary brother told you our story"

Hubert just nodded.

We would take action after we are done preparing our side, so for the time being we would go to kaldita and hide, building our forces in secret. Jeff said.

Ok big brothers if you need help just look for me. Then he gave the wood talisman that Anna created and explained its use. Hubert omitted the thing where Anna would be the one receiving their signal. He was planning to explain it to Anna and get her approval.

When these things were taking place, Anna went back to Lost paradise, their home and started fixing the gravity chamber.