
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Travel and separation

Early in the morning Hubert woke up and went to see the pair of old men. Old D, big brother jeff it's already time for us to depart. As they say an early bird catches the worm.

Ok little brother , let's start moving after we ate our breakfast. It's not good to travel when you have a empty stomach.

Jeff went to the center of the campfire and said," Wake up you lot, start preparing your own meal and after eating. Pack your things, And we would start leaving this hell of a forest after our breakfast. Now go, we need to assemble before the time of 7:00 the rise of the phoenix".

Old D stepped in and called Hubert, presenting him to his mercenary brothers, " young brothers, this is Hubert. I would like to tell you to respect him whenever you see or spot him, consider him as one of our brothers from now on. Also he would be our guide in going out of this forest, so all of you must listen to his instructions to avoid conflict and disaster".

The mercenary troops were bewildered, especially Robert. He asked, "Great leaders, i would just want to ask something. It is about the concerns of our brothers. It's not that i am contradicting your decision". Go on speak your mind Robert, Old D said.

Sir, brother Hubert is too young for the job. This would make him in his decision making have a lot of mistakes, and he is also inexperienced. Sir he is just too young. He is also the weakest in all of our troops, this would make our brothers hesitate in following his orders sir. Then he looked at Hubert and wink at him.

Old D laughed and said," Young ones, can you go this deep in the forest alone when you were at the age of this little fellow?. Let me ask you young once, can you survive alone in this forest? Let me ask you again young ones, are you sure that the monsters and beasts would not detect your presence when you are moving in the forest?. Let me ask you young ones, can you avoid dying in the forest for a period of 3 weeks without aid and help coming from the outside? Now tell me young ones, can you?."

The question old D thrown to the mercenary brothers made them think for a while and made them shake their head.

Afterwards Jeff stepped in and pointed at Hubert and said, "this little one did all of the things we asked you earlier. He travelled around the forest alone, without dying and knew this forest like the back of his hand. Now, if anyone of you can duplicate what he had accomplished feel free to speak and begin guiding us going outside the forest.

The mercenary troops were shaken by what the pair of old men said and looked at hubert with a mixture of respect and relief.

Ok, dismiss. Do all of the things you need to do, and be here before 7:00. Those who are late even a second would be punished indefinitely.

The mercenary troops immediately cleaned and packed their camps. Afterwards they prepared their meal and ate.

Hubert was eating in a corner when Robert went to his side and talked with him. He placed his hands towards Hubert and laughed saying," haha little brother my eyes did not really made a mistake, from the moment i saw you. I know of your greatness hahahaha"

Hubert made a weary smile and said," Brother Robert, you don't need to kiss my ass or make any positive comment about me. You did not offend me at all, I know you did not mean anything that is harmful to me. You were just doing your job as the captain of the troops, and as a result. It made the troops at ease and put their trust on me in guiding you out of this forest. This itself was a really good move " then he winked at Robert and smiled.

Thank you little brother for being understanding, when we go out of this forest and arrive at kaldita. I would be treat you to a meal, and accompany you in visiting some of the famous brothels in the city. I heard that their are a lot of beauties entertaining men at the central part of the city. This would make your world wider, hahahahahah. Robert and Hubert were laughing hard.

Lost paradise, Home of anna and hubert.

Anna was cooking for her meal when he felt a certain chill and made a sneeze. Afterwards she thought, "who is talking behind my back, hmmm i don't think i made a lot of enemies in this world". Next she released a pressure that made the elementals weary at that place. "Who ever is thinking bad about myself and my master. I would surely skin then and eat them alive, haist let's just forget it. I wish that master would be quicker in his job." She sighs again.

When Anna was thinking of killing the person who thought about her and his master, Robert suddenly trembled, and he produced beads of sweat in his body. He felt something was staring at him in the skies and was ready to devour him. He looked all around and saw nothing, then he remembered a rumor about Hubert. It says that Hubert was guarded by a beautiful and powerful fairy. He looked at Hubert and made a panicked expression and said," little brother, forget about the brothel thing that I said. You are still too young for those kinds of things. Just enjoy your life with other things for example trave--- hah--" then he suddenly separated himself from Hubert and said, " little brother this one has something planned to do, I'll go now and start my arrangements" . Before Hubert can say anything, Robert quickly went away. Afterwards Robert thought to himself that he had avoided a great disaster.

Hubert frowned and thought that Robert was being weird, he forgot about it and continued eating.

7:00 came and all of the troops were assembled. Jeff went at the front and said, "Let us start departing from this forest and let's make it quick. Always remember to follow Hubert's lead at all times, whoever does not follow would be subjected to capital punishment."

Old D came and said, " young ones, march". And the journey of getting out of the forest started.

After 4 days of marching and avoiding areas that are full of monsters, they have already arrived at the entrance of the forest. All of their eyes were full of relief. They suffered a lot in the forest, even half of their brothers died from a monster king attack.

Old D and Jeff went near Hubert and hugged him and thanked him saying, " Our gratitude towards you, little Hubert would always be present within us. It would not be forgotten until the end of our lives. Without you, we would have died at the hands of the evil monster and without you the casualties would be high or either no one would remain and all of us perished" Old D poetically said to Hubert.

On behalf our brothers we thank you, you are the reason we survived this disaster. If there would be a time that you needed some help don't hesitate to contact us. Here is a token of our Organization. This could be used in any part of the kingdom. It would also make you a vip in our organization and if you want to contact us, just put some energy in the token and you would directly connect either Old D or me. Jeff explained.

Thank you very much old D and big brother Jeff see the both of you soon. I would separate myself here.

Old D and Jeff frowned and asked, "Isn't kaldita your home ? why do you want to separate with us, lets just go in the city together".

Hubert smiled mysteriously and said, " For me, kaldita is a place full of bitter memories. It is only a city and not my home". Afterwards he looked at the direction of the forest and pointed his fingers and said, " My real home is towards that direction. It is a place created by me and my companion, we call our place Lost paradise." Hubert smiled at them and departed.

The pair of old men saw Hubert going back to the forest and was shocked.

Jeff suddenly shouted and said, "Little Brother do not forget our names, we would see you soon. By the way the name of or organization is Brothers in Arms please do not forget".

Hubert disappeared in the forest mysteriously.