
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Peaceful Day, coming home

Hubert was feeling melancholic when he separated with the mercenary troops. In the days of their travel, he became close to some of the people in that organization.

He sighs and thinks," if destiny wills it then we would meet again". He faced towards the city of kaldita and bowed down. Afterwards he started walking deeper in the forest towards Lost Paradise, their home.

When he was 400 km away from the city, Fog was starting to form and tried to disturb his awareness, it also created some illusion forming nightmares and demons coming from his fears and worries. Hubert realized that the spell casted by Anna was very dangerous; it would make your awareness towards your surroundings stagnate, and bit by bit devour your consciousness. The spell also blocks your perception of time and space, and would make you forget on how much time had already passed since you were stock at this area.

Hubert brought out the god crystal that Anna gave him, and continued walking deeper in the forest. The god crystal protected Hubert from any effects coming from the fog.

While walking Hubert personally saw the changes in the scenery and was really amazed, traps were everywhere and the forest itself became an obstacle. It formed a natural maze making it really hard to survive. If you went inside the maze you'll surely die.

Hubert put the god crystal at the entrance of the maze and all of a sudden, earth and trees rearranged themselves forming a straight path. Hubert took the path which was now wide and clean. While he was moving forward, the earth and the trees busied themselves in rearranging and covering the path which was created early on.

Hubert smiled at the ingenuity of the spell and continued travelling home. When he was near the area of the waterfall , a barrier was formed. It stopped him from going inside, then lightning, fire, ice wind blades and earth spikes were suddenly forming. Hubert noticed this and put the god crystal towards the barrier. The different elemental attacks that were forming suddenly stopped, and the barrier opened.

He went inside the barrier and a very thick and pure energy went inside his body. It was nourishing and washing him inside and out.

When the barrier opened, the elementals noticed that Hubert came back. They flocked towards him pulling his hair, his cheeks, his ears, and some even tried to enter his under pants. Hubert was flustered and shouted" Get the hell away from me". But the elementals just floated and laughed at him, then casted their elemental powers causing Hubert's hair to be burned and smell like barbeque. Afterwards the elementals grinned evilly and ran away. Hubert was depressed by what happened, a sudden. A black elemental went towards Hubert and comforted him. Next it went to Hubert's hair and layed down.

Hubert did not know what to say and just let the cute elemental lay on his head. He tried conversing with the elemental and was successful. The elemental creature can understand what Hubert was saying but Hubert cant understand what the little thing was mumbling. So he decided to just name the little guy and forget anything the elemental was saying.

Starting from now. I would be calling you Blacky, the reason for that is your color. you would represent destruction and change Hubert said.

Blacky just nodded and lazed at Hubert's hair once again.

Anna noticed that Hubert was already on his journey going back, when he triggered the god crystal to guide him in the forest. So she prepared a great feast for Hubert, first she brought the meat of the beast she hunted out of her storage ring. Then gathered some herbs and mysterious plants inside the pocket dimension. Next, she went and caught some holy angel fish from the pond. Lastly, she looked for fruits, berries and nuts to be their appetizer.

Anna prepared all of this in welcoming Hubert. She wanted his master to relax, rest, enjoy and eat properly when he comes back from his small journey.

Hubert went in front of their house then knocked.

Tok, tok, tok

Anna opened the door, smiled and hugged Hubert..

When he was being hugged, warmth could be felt in Hubert's heart. Then he said, " I am back anna".

Yes master you are back anna answered.

After that hug they entered the house, Hubert saw what anna prepared and was very delighted. He went to the table and started devouring the food. Anna just smiled and silently observed. Afterwards she saw an elemental creature coming out of Hubert's hair and the small creature joined the fun and ate until its stomach was bulging. The both of them were like starving dragons that did not eat for a thousand of years, suddenly food appeared in front of them. What would the creatures do? That's how Hubert and the elemental looked right now.

Anna asked Hubert and said, "That small thing is really attached to you, master. It's better to adopt him now and make him your pet." then she giggled.

The Small thing heard what Anna said and stopped eating. The elemental creature straightened his posture and pointed at anna mumbling some words.

Anna understood what the creature was saying, then she made an evil grin. She picked the creature up and teased him making it angry and threating. Anna continued teasing the elemental creature and was now laughing. This pissed the small creature and tried to get out of his situation, but the little creature can do nothing to stop the evil woman. So it went towards Hubert and hid from anna.

This made Hubert glad and asked, " anna, you understood what blacky said? Can you tell me about it. And how did you learn the language of the elementals?" .

Ohh.. so you named it as blacky master hehehe it really fits his name anna said.

Blacky peeked at anna then brought his tongue out and he was trying to piss anna off.

Anna shrugged what blacky was doing and answered Hubert.

Master, I learned the language of the elementals long ago. It was one of their elders who taught me . In those times i was just a small girl fond of adventuring and met the elder accidentally. Heheheh, master by that time, i was punished by that elder because i did some pranks towards her. She tasked me to do the laundry and cleaning for 4 months. While at it, she also taught me their language and culture. Anna said.

Hubert was imagining what anna looked when she was a little kid. And made fun of her saying, " maybe when you were a little girl, you were full of mischievousness, and maybe snoot was falling in your nose, and maybe you always cry for little things that you cannot get. hahahahah" afterwards Hubert laughed and teased anna more.

Anna blushed and said, "Hmmpf master, i was a very bright kid when i was a little, they even call me genius" then anna pouted.

Ok, ok anna. I get it. hehehe don't pinch my skin, i was just teasing you.

Anna stopped and looked at Hubert menacingly.

Can you tell me now what blacky told you?. Hubert asked.

Anna pointed at blacky and said, " that little guy was boasting, He said that he is the king of the world so we must bow to his feet, he also said that he is the most handsome of all and we must be mesmerized by its charm" anna phrased what the little guy was saying.

Hubert Looked at blacky with a questioning gaze and said, "is it true blacky" afterwards hubert laughed.

Blacky pouted then flew and berated them, mumbling words and went out of the house.

Anna and Hubert just keep laughing.

After a great laugh, they went and sat down. Hubert explained all the things that he experienced during his trip. Anna just listened and pretended. She pretended that she did not know or see any of the thing that happened to his master. But one story made Anna frown.

Anna made a questioning face and asked, "master, again. What is the name of the mercenary group you helped? And what is the name of their captain? Is it Robert?

They call themselves Brothers in arms anna, and their leaders are actually righteous and dignified people. They give their service on people who needs their help and do not ask for anything in return, but because of this they made a lot of enemies. After saying this Hubert made a sad face, and he added; they are really good people look, they even gave me a storage item. Then he showed the earrings to anna.

And to answer your last question, yes Anna Robert is the name of their captain. Why, is there something wrong? Hubert inquired.

Nothing is wrong master, then she smiled in a very malignant way. Afterwards she said, i just want to thank that person for taking great care of you.

Hmmm i will remember his name. Hmm brothel, hmmm. It seems that guy named Robert is dangerous, he is a threat. hmmmm she silently mumbled.