
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Supplementary knowledge for alina

The Revival of Alina was successful but Hubert needed to rest and rejuvenate his life essence. So she told Anna to take care of Alina and went to their house and rested. Hubert sat down and crossed his feet, then he started collecting the different energies in the surroundings.

Alina looked at her surroundings and was mesmerized by the beauty of the place. She asked the demonic enchantress about it and was shocked by what she heard.

Hey Crazy Woman, I am now called Anna graftfree, I am the same as you. Just forget about my old name and just call me anna. After which she told everything important to Alina.

What g-g-g-god crystals, there are god crystals here and not one but a lot. Are you sure of what you are saying.?? Alina asked. Afterwards Anna threw a piece of god crystal to Alina and smirked.

Oh my goodness, this is really a god crystal. I could make a lot of things out of this. Then she was already making a lot of plans on how to use the said crystal. This quality of Alina made Anna respect her so much, even if they bickered all the time. She respected her as a very close friend.

Anna interrupted Alina and asked," Alina when master was performing the blood coagulation method. He poured almost half of his life essence to you, Did any major changes happen to your body?

Alina answered and said," hmmm, Yes. The moment I woke up, the first thing I did was run my consciousness to my body and saw a lot of changes. First my blood is now the same as our master's. It is very thick and runes are forming little by little. Second, remember the problem with my bloodline?"

Yes, Your heritage as an elf and a dragon do not mix well, they are always trying to devour each other. And that made you have a lot of mood swings. This also caused you to vomit blood every 6 month of the year. And because of this you would become so weak that you seemed like a normal person without power. This would last for a week at most and 2 if it is long. Anna replied.

Yes that is true, my 2 bloodlines came from2 different high species. Both of these species are powerful and prideful that no one wants to concede defeat. My dragon bloodline wants to devour my Elf heritage, while my elf heritages want to absorb my dragon bloodline. This made the energy inside my body chaotic and wild. If not for my crafting skills, where I could unleash all the berserk power inside my body. I would have burst and exploded long ago. This Problem of mine was solved by master's blood essence.

When it entered my body It devoured the heritage of my two bloodlines and made them part of its power. The blood essence also re forge my constitution and race, now I do not know which race I belong to. But I can still use the strength of a dragon and the heritage of the elves, but I am neither of them both. So I was wondering which race I really am. When I thought more about it, I observed that I am closer to the high humans but not quite human. I can't point it out. Alina said.

Anna smiled and replied, "Alina your race has definitely changed, so I am. Masters evolution was quite different, he evolved in a different species. And this type of race has never been seen and never been heard before. Master Called our race LOST HUMANS. He is the beginning and we are the seeds and roots, so we must need to take care of him properly"

Alina was totally amazed, awestruck, surprised and stupefied. She asked anna and said," Is what you said really true? Is it really true?? This is a great surprise for me. By the way how did you help master towards his evolution? This is a crucial matter, maybe you did something to him for this to occur".

Anna replied saying, " BOOK OF LIFE. I gave master the book of life. After that I left master at his own pace to develop, but what I did not expect that master was very skilled and very talented. At first I thought he could only be compared to geniuses which appear in thousands of years. BUT I was wrong, incredibly wrong. His talents eclipse every geniuses that we met during our lifetime. His talent could only be seen, after millions of years had passed. Now do you get what I mean by a new species and new race?."

Alina muttered," Book of life" "Talent" " millions of years". Then her head was overheated by the information's given by anna. She can't think properly and sat down trying to digest everything she learned.

A few minutes passed, and she got out of her bewilderment. She thought that it was just a waste of time to think about it, and just move on.

Book of Life, what made you decide to give master the supreme treasure?. That manual is the only one of its kind and is very valuable. Even if you made a contract with master at that certain time, it is impossible to just give that manual away without ulterior motives. And knowing you it really is impossible. Alina said.

I don't know, it was just a whim. My instincts at that time were screaming at me. It wants me to give that book to the person in front of me. Maybe it was fate and destiny for master to receive that manual. But I am sure that it was one of the greatest decisions I made in my entire life. Then she smiled cheerfully towards Alina

Alina returned her smile and asked. How long did master start from his evolution. And to what degree is his powers now?

Master is already a mid tier viscount. This was based on the planets power rankings. But he can already kill High tier Kings with the help of his second soul. And as for your second question, master just started his step towards evolution just 3 and a half months ago. Anna explained to her friend.

Really, hmmm can you tell me the power rankings in this planet and their use of energy. And what is about the second soul that you were saying? Alina inquired.

Anna explained the general knowledge she knew about the power rankings on this planet. From the level of a Beginner to the level of an emperor, and to how many tiers they need to surpass before they would reach the next level.

Ok so what is that second soul that you were saying? Is it really powerful? Alina inquired again.

Unlike our universe which is more advanced than other places, This secluded planet has its own taste. Unlike us which is categorized in being; A cultivator, An energy user, A warrior, A sage, A mage, A technological freaks, To which race they belonged to and many more. On this planet they can make their second soul adding it to their original soul. Through this it would double or triple their strength. This makes them very unique from the other life forms.

Unlike us who only have one very powerful soul. The people on this planet can nurture their second soul and make it fight for them or assist them. Yes, we can split our soul into many different clones, But it is different from a second soul. A fully matured second soul can fight and support its master on its own, the second soul if mastered would have its own will and consciousness.

But there is a very big problem in their system. Their Legacies and heirlooms on this planet are really crap or either incomplete. This makes them very tangible and weak.

Owww is that so. Hmm, I think it's good to learn how to create a second soul. So how do you create one? Alina asked.

I also don't know, I think they can create their second soul through enlightenment and practice. Or maybe the environment of this planet provides the energy to nurture and form a second soul. So I really don't know. But I got some inspiration about this during masters evolution. Then Anna told her everything she did during the cross evolution of Hubert.

Alina was shocked again. Yes, we are one of the strongest in all of the universe before, and that was before we died. Yes, you have the support of a god crystal and with even 20 percent of your original power you can easily destroy and decimate any lifeforms. And yes, you did summon multiple entities and made them devour each other after that you combine them into one. Yes, you can do that because you're an enchantress. But how, how did you succeed in creating a new life form with a will of its own. I don't really understand. And you said that master has two kinds of soul life forms inside his consciousness. My god. master, If he developed. He would surely surpass all of us.

Anna smiled and said. Yes I successfully created a new lifeform. But it can only follow my instructions and doesn't have its own will. So ask master how he created the perfect soul consciousness for his 3rd soul. Then she smiled and grinned at her.

Afterwards she added, "I know that you can also create a consciousness for the weapons and items you make. But compared to you known as a crafting god. My creation is only minuscle then she laughed. Mwahahhahaha"

This made Alina angry and jelous.