
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Going to the city.

Hubert finished recuperating after resting for the whole of 2 days. He got up and went near the river and started practicing his martial skills and Forms. Now that he created a form combining the 3 other styles which are; saber tooth, mammoth and ancient dinosaur form. He did not need to practice them anymore. It was because the combined style was much more efficient and effective in battles. He simulated his fights during his trip towards the forest and started kicking , punching, throwing some elbows, knees, claws and even teeth. He was looking very savage at this moment . All of his movements were minimalistic, it brought every move he made dangerous and brutal. After practicing for 2 hours he rested and swam in the waters.

Alina and Anna finished preparing their meal and started bickering from each other. In this round anna was winning and raising her chest. Hubert went inside the house and saw the ladies throwing some words to each other. Alina ran towards hubert and hugged him saying, "master anna is to mean she is always teasing me" and looked at hubert with puppy eyes.

Anna saw what was happening and was very angry, "master, don't listen to that woman she is just making things up" and she pouted and was making an annoyed face.

Hubert smiled at both of them and said, " Stop bickering with each other, Lets go and eat so that we have energy and strength for the day". While they were eating Alina asked hubert about his third soul on how it formed its own will.

Hubert shared what the war guardian said to him about forming his own consciousness and creating his own will.

This made Alina frown and mumbled some words..

Ok stop what you are thinking and let's just continue eating.

In the spur of a moment, hubert opened up about going to the city of kaldita and checking if what was the latest news for the past few days. And both ladies agreed. They planned to go to the city center tomorrow morning. But before that alina asked if they could give her some elemental crystals for her to build a teleportation array connecting Their home to the city of kaldita.

Here are the crystals Alina, then hubert gave her 4 pieces of large elemental crystals. Afterwards he asked, "How do you build, create and connect a teleportation array, alina?"

Alina looked at hubert and said, " master just watch me create the array, I am really bad at explaining things. So it's better for you to watch and try learning what I am doing" Then she started drawing circles, triangles and some unknown shape creating an algorithm that she only understands. After That she made the elemental crystals float and grinded them using her power and mixed them with the blood Anna gave her.

Next she used the mixture of blood and powdered crystals to reinforce the array, after which she added a lot of scribbles into the array. Then she said," this side is done. What's next is to draw the same array in the city of kaldita and perform some rituals for it to connect with each other."

Hubert patted alinas head and said good job alina, and smiled

Alina looked at Anna and was showing a proud expression. Anna looked in a different direction and was just whistling. This pissed alina and said, "Master, can I hug you as a prize for doing the array?"

Before Hubert could reply, Anna appeared in front of Alina and dragged her out of the house saying, "Alina, my old friend. We still have some other things to do remember?" Then she forcefully dragged Alina out. Alina was screaming and saying ," you crazy bitch , we don't have any things else to do for the day. You just want me to separate with master, you are just jealous because master praised my work.

Hubert shake his head and thought," Ladies, ladies, haist. they are very hard to understand."

On this day, hubert doesn't have anything else to do. So he went inside the training room and started fighting with the illusions created by the chamber. Afternoon came and hubert was full of sweat, he went out and cleaned himself then rested for the entire night.

In the morning two lovely girls were waiting at the entrance of the house. They were very excited to go, check and explore the city.

Hubert laughed at them and said, lets go.

City of kaldita, a place where technology and the use of energy was combined. In the city center there is a tower so high it touches the clouds. It was made with the help of 5 human kings to make sure that it would be sturdy, firm and resistant. The tower was surrounded by 4 layers of gardens and in between were buildings and structures used by the nobles, rich and powerful individuals.

After that a large wall separating the city central could be seen, and next to the wall was the middle area of the city. This place was full of houses used by the natives and the common people. Here you can see folks doing miscellaneous jobs for other people. It was also the hub for great business.

After the middle area, there was again another wall. It separates the middle class to the poor and unlucky people. Here you could see beggars, oppressed and deprived individuals. Their houses were made of patched woods, plastics and galvanized metals. This place was unlawful and the criminal rate was very high. human trafficking, kidnapping and other illegal activities are very rampant. The people who maintain the law in this area are corrupt, unscrupulous and shady. And the central city doesn't care about them. Survival of the fittest is the number one law in this kinds of places.

After that. A greater wall was erected surrounding the entire city. This wall was made to protect the citizens of the city of kaldita from monster attacks or beast tides.

Hubert and the 2 ladies were at the entrance of the forest overlooking the city. And they saw a very different scenery compared to their home. Hustling and bustling community can be seen from afar, and high rise structures are present at the center of the city.

They continued going to the entrance and saw a line made of people wanting to go inside the city.

Hubert thought that lining up with the other people would take a long period time, he also thought that they needed to confirm and present their identities to the city guards for them to inter the city. Another problem was that they have a lot of things to sell but they don't have the hard currency to pay their entrance fees. So he decided to take the both of them and circled around the wall. He showed them what he was using to go in and out of the city when he was still living in the poverty zones of the city.

In the wall of kaldita there was a sewer connecting the city to a river. And at the gates of the sewer one of its metals was bent. If you look at it carefully one person can fit in and go through the damage metal.

Hubert pointed at the sewer gates and said, " we can enter the city using that way" then he looked at the faces of the girls.

The ladies made an annoyed expression and said, let's just destroy this city. It is better to do it rather than going through that stinking hole.

Hubert laughed at them and was trying to apiece the 2 gorgeous ladies.

Both Anna and Alina came from a prestigious family and they were considered genius of geniuses. So it was their first time experiencing this kind of thing. If their piers would know what they would be experiencing right now, they would laugh at them until they would vomit blood.

Hubert said to them, " all of people have first times, it's not as bad as you think" and smiled at them.

Anna and Alina can't do anything about what Hubert said and just floated going to the sewers. Alina waived her right hand and the metal gate crumpled itself. The jaw of hubert dropped again afterwards he said," Alina fix the metal gate after we enter the sewers, ok. This is one the things that protects the city. If we let the gates open, monsters would use this to go in and attack the city. And a lot of people will die specially in the poor area of kaldita" then he looked, and comforted the pouting alina.

Alina and Anna covered themselves with their energy and just floated while following the walking hubert. Hubert asked the two ladies a while ago if he could also float but the ladies were not looking at him and they were pouting while making a sulking face.

After a while they got out of the sewer and climbed a well which was empty and was now inside the city. The next problem they needed to solve was their identities.

A memory came to huberts mind and slapped his forehead, He remembered the token given by old D and jeff.

The ladies became curious and asked what Hubert was thinking.

He told them about the token given by the pair of old men. And he heard a scream coming from the ladies..

"Master you are so dumb" then they puffed their cheeks.