
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs


When the coffin was opened, It produced an illusion of extreme cold and extreme heat. It seemed that the 7th layer of hell was in reality, violence and chill can be felt from the corpse in the coffin.

Hubert activated his energy and covered himself, afterwards he slowly walked going to the coffin. He was mesmerized by what he saw. Petite but tough gorgeous woman was sleeping inside the coffin. If he did not know that the person inside the coffin was a dead, he would have thought that it was just sleeping and resting peacefully.

Hubert bit his fingers and dripped his blood in the forehead of the dead person, and a dragon formation was being activated on the forehead of the sleeping maiden. Violet and ice blue colors shined brightly and absorbed the blood of Hubert. For a moment Hubert thought of something," Why don't I try to put my life essence on the blood droplets, maybe it would be more effective compared to using a simple drop of my blood". Then he circulated his energy, extracted half of his life essence, injected it to his blood and put it in the mouth of the sleeping corpse.

After putting his life essence on the blood and letting it flow inside the mouth of the corpse , Hubert suddenly went pale. Then he felt weakness coming from his body and soul. He stumbled a little bit but after a while he fixed himself up.

Blood was flowing in the maidens mouth, when it suddenly opened its eyes and was screaming. Pain and suffering could be seen and felt in her face. The pains was coursing throughout her body and her soul making her twitch and tremble. Her physical constitution was being reformed and re forged. It seemed that her body was smelted, forged, heated, hammered, placed in extremely cold water then placed on an extremely hot fire. The corpse felt this pain for a thousands of times. This started when she absorbed the golden red blood full of essence coming from Hubert.

After an hour the corpse in the coffin went silent. Hubert was now placing his seal in the maidens head. The seal resembles an eclipse, where half of the sun was covered. After he finished drawing his seal, the crystal in his consciousness activated and released his creation skill. It poured a lot of life energy towards the corpse. Afterwards it stopped, then it released another skill; verbosity of life. It made the combination of Hubert's essence with the body of the maiden faster and quicker. It seemed that changes and evolution was happening towards the maidens body.

After a few hours, the crystal stopped pouring his skills, then as usual. It again started to spin, gathering a lot of energies coming from the environment and the atmosphere.


While Hubert was finishing the contract, Anna was busy arranging and rearranging sets of images and hand gestures. When abruptly, she saw Hubert put a lot of life essence in the blood. She planned to stop Hubert. But it was too late. She did not know what exactly would happen, but as long as her master is ok, all is fine.

The corpse opened her eyes and was mesmerized by what she saw. And thought, "I'm already dead. Why do I feel that I am alive, is this a dream or is this reality." Then she activated her spiritual consciousness and learned that there are a lot of changes in her body. A sudden, spike of headache came and go. After which, information's suddenly burst in her mind. She dally went to her Sea of consciousness and found a VERY Large seal that looked like a moon covering the sun. This image mixed and combined throughout his whole sea of consciousness.

After that the maiden sighs. She was thinking that it is better to be dead, rather than being revived just to serve and obey other people. She shaked her head and sighs again. The Contract seemed to be very special. It would affect your emotions and decision making on how you treat your master. haiist , I have only seen this type of Binding contract with the demon enchantress haist.. Wait, she looked around and found someone smiling evilly towards her.

Hhmm so that's what happened. The corpse was thinking.

She looked at the man in front of her and kneeled down. "I ALINA GRAFTFREE WILL ACCEPT YOU AS MY MASTER, MY LIEGE, AND MY OVERLORD. WHO EVER TRIES TO THINK ANYTHING WRONG ABOUT YOU WOULD DIE GRUDGINGLY AT MY OWN HANDS". Afterwards, colors converged forming the illusion of a goddess which holds all the main crafting materials in one hand. While the other hand was holding a flame which was burning with violence and redemption. Its colors were different; some were ice blue, some were red, some were violet, some were orange and many more. The flames were surrounded by many terrifying items used for war and made for war. whoever got one of these items would be blessed and be conquerors.

When she was done with her pledge, she slowly stood up and her whole figure could be seen. Hubert stared at her and was bewildered.

Alina's hair is purple black. Her face is somewhat oval. Her eyes were divided with many colors, First is the slit in her eyes; they were forming a shape of measuring scale and was colored golden, Her iris were colored violet, and her sclera was pure white surrounded by purple scales. And her eyes shaped like the eyes of a hawk. Her nose is symmetrical and somewhat small, but the ark was medium in height. Her mouth was a little bit smaller than normal and her lips have a touch of violet and black colors. Her ears were long and pointed, this is the racial quality of an elf. Her height is about 5 inches and 2 centimeters, somewhat petite. Her body is sexy covered with thin muscles that have slits and cuts. Her bosom is shaped like a tear, her bumps are round, perked and shape like a heart. And lastly her skin has the touch of bronze.

After looking at Alina Hubert got a little bit shy and stopped looking at her.

When Alina's pledge was done, she went to Hubert and hugged her hands. Afterwards, she whispered something to Hubert and it made him blush.

Anna seeing what was happening went to Hubert and also hugged the other hand of Hubert and said to Alina," Hey crazy woman, how are you. You just finish your revival and need some rest, go and sleep. Master is already here with me and doesn't need any extra head to help him". Then Anna looked at Hubert with puppy eyes.

Hmmpff, Alina interjected and said, " Woahh the demon enchantress which is known for not having a relationship has the guts to talk trash. woah that's something new, if those people would see what you are right now, they would not believe what they are seeing" then Alina giggled.

Next she blew some air to Hubert's ear and made him blush..

Hmmpft, As if i am the only one who had been single for the rest of her life. At least for me, I am an enchantress not like someone who was called savage, that all men were scared and tried to avoid and hide from her..anna said and also laughed.

The bickering continued for a while then Hubert interjected and asked them.

Anna? Alina? Who is that demoness and who is that savage?. It seems that those two are very brutal and very ugly. If kids would hear about them, it would make them scared of going out the house. Hubert inquired.

Both Anna and Alina looked at hubert and became angry and they said, " Stupid Master.

Huberts eyes and mouth went wide and thought," Haisst the gender called female are really hard to understand, hAiist". Hubert said while shaking his head.