
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Relaxation and a coffin

Anna looked at the earring and was stupefied. Master, can I have your storage item for a bit? I would just observe it in a closer perspective. Anna ran her consciousness in the item and saw the same symbols he saw at the entrance of the cave. It was war god writings, She activated her energy and performed some hand gestures. Next came a sound of crack, the noise continued until it changed to the sound of something breaking. After which, the sealed property of the earring was undone.

Master you got a great deal for defending the people you've saved. The ring is actually a storage space which allows different life forms to go inside and live without any problem. Next is It's capacity, it increased From 2 hectares of storage space to 20 hectares of storage size. This is very large master, you can store anything you want inside the space.

Master did you ask where those people got this item, this is quite rare.

Hubert was shocked and said, "They told me that the ring came from a ruin near the royal city and told me nothing else".

Hmmm.. Anna was in a deep thought and said, "If we have time in the future, let us visit the royal city. Maybe, there would be surprises we could get from visiting that place and maybe we can help 2 old men with there problem." Next , master it's time for you to connect with your storage device, just drop some of your blood in the earring and follow my hand gestures.

Hubert dropped his blood on the earring and followed the steps of Anna's hands. The earring floated and went in Hubert's left ear making it shine. Afterwards it changed its own shape and was now a piece of a silver dragon climbing his ears. Next, it dimmed from its glow and was fully connected to Hubert's ear.

Hubert activated the earring and saw a large piece of land floating in a separate dimension. He was wowed and thought of placing some livestock in the area, so that he would not starve if he would be stranded in an unknown place.

Hubert deactivated his device and thanked anna.

I'll go to the river and swim for a bit, afterwards I'll rest and spend my time in the training room. By the way, Anna, did you fix the gravity room already? Yes master i already fixed and adjusted the chamber, its limit is now x 20000 of this planet's gravity. I also strengthen the array downstairs for it to absorb more energies in the surroundings, this way the chamber would be strengthened further.

Thank you anna i really don't know what i would do without you. Afterwards he patted annas head.

Master, you are going to the river and clean yourself right? Anna asked

Yes, why anna. Nothing master, after you are done in the waters please come in the living room. I will be doing something for you master.

Ok, no problem, just wait for me then.

Anna fixed the tables and washed the dishes, afterwards he waited for his master to come.

Hubert was swimming in the river while admiring the view of the falls, after a few minutes he was done cleaning himself and went back to the living room. He saw anna and was asked to lay down .

Master, come here, lay down and do not think about anything else. Just relax and enjoy, also please remove your upper and lower clothing master. Do not worry, I would not do anything without your permission.

Hubert became flustered and just followed Anna's instruction.

Moans could be heard coming from the house. Elementals and some spirit became curious and went to peek at what was happening. There was a strange expression on their faces. If someone would interpret them, it was like this; What the hell are those humans doing and what are those strange positions? Hmm is that ecstasy from doing that thing hmmm.



ahh that's good.

do it like that, more anna more.

Bring it down a little more.

Ohhh that's good, that's very good.

put some more pressure.

Slow down a little bit.

Ahhhhhhhhh that is so good.

Both Anna and Hubert were full of sweat. Beads of water were forming in their bodies, and hot steam was coming out of them.

That was so good anna, can we do it 1 more time please, please. Hubert said.

I am sorry, master. I am already tired. I can't even move my arms. Maybe next time. It seems master that you are getting addicted to it. That isn't good master, you are still young. Anna said then she smiled.

But, but the massage was so good, it relieved me from the stress I got during my journey. I still need 1 more round to remove all of my pains away. Hubert said anticipating more.

Master that was one time occasion only, I did that to release the stress you got from fighting.

Haisst ok no problem, but you need to massage me again if i would be super tired.

No problem master, No problem.

Hubert picked his clothes and rested. After a while his eyes closed and he was snoring.

At the side, Anna just watched Hubert sleep and was smiling. After a few minutes she went out and took a bath.

While swimming she thought of something very deep and was extremely excited. But she needs to wait for his master to wake up before saying the good news.

Hubert woke up from his sleep and did not know how many hours he rested. So he went to look for Anna and asked, " What is the time now, and how many hours did I sleep anna.?"

Anna answered and said, " master you were asleep for 3 days and a half. I did not want to disturb you, from your peaceful rest and just let you enjoy your slumber".

Hubert stumbled from what he heard and tried confirming once again, but got the same answer.

By the way master, I have checked your body when I was massaging you. And discovered that your body and your soul can now handle another contract. Anna excitedly said to Hubert.

Really anna, I am very glad of what you said. Can we revive one of your friends now?

Anna smiled and nodded.

Who are we gonna revive first? I don't know anything about your friends anna. It is better if you would be the one making the decision.

Anna thought for a while and waved her hands. Then a coffin made out of crystal had appeared.

Who is inside the coffin Anna and how did you get that beautiful coffin? Hubert asked.

The coffin is made out of elemental crystals I got from the cave, and I made it during my free time. This would make the bodies inside the crystal be prepared and be ready when its their time to form a contract and be bounded with you master.

And the one inside is a Battle craftsman, She has the blood of an elf and blood of a dragon. She was once was called the Crazy Craft master. And was known for her skills in crafting items. But don't be fooled by her appearance master, because once she got triggered. she will kill anyone that pissed her off. An example of this is when a great thief who was very well known in the central universe stole something from her. she went on a rampage and destroyed 7 major cities just to find and kill the thief. There are a lot of stories about her master and if we would talk about it, we would be done after an eternity.

So what is her name? Hubert asked.

Master, Her name is not important, because part of the contract that needs to be fulfilled is name giving. You need to give a name to the person you are making a bound. For example master, Me. I have an original name but change my name to fulfill the contract.

I am very sorry anna if i have just know it at that time-- Before Hubert can finish his words anna cut him off and said, "Master do not worry about the small things, I am just glad that i found someone like you master" then she went and hugged Hubert from the back.

Thanks anna.

She smiled and said," ok master, let us start with the ritual of blood coagulation method. This would certainly breath a new life to my old friend".

I will set everything that needs to be done. And you just need to place your blood in her forehead and after that, name her and accept her as your servant. Next, ask her to pledge loyalty to you and the ritual would end.

Anna and Hubert went out of their house and prepared for the ritual. Anna started drawing some xylograph, mysterious languages, ancient illustration and unknown Graphs on the ground. Afterwards she made a set of hand gestures then mumbled some words. What came next was the coffin being open.