
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Incantation and ritual

When hubert went inside the pool, anna casted some incantation and performed some mysterious rituals. She bit her ring finger and dropped some of her blood in the pool and performed some hand gestures, afterwards she painted her face and arms with hieroglyphics representing evolution. Then he performed another set of hand gestures, next she sat down and mumbled some words, "Bre BreThoska Himinge Askan Ashitar Hisholda Hkakk Kfan!!". She repeated these words for about 5 minutes. In general tongue this means [he who walked the path of higher evolution shall not perish without a fight with there own destiny, even all of the worlds will crumble he will control his own, and create a path that has never been seen before]

After the incantation, anna performed a ritual where she tried to break her current limit (3 % of what she used to have) and overloaded her body with the help of god crystals, then her power went up to 20 % of what she used to have before getting resurrected and binded by Hubert. Afterwards she danced charmingly, elegantly, gracefully and stylishly, it was like she was floating and gliding in the skies. Then gentle and bright light were starting to surround anna, runes were forming all over her body and different kinds of energy were being attracted towards her.

She pointed her hands towards the elixir pool, next she performed another set of hand gestures and all of the different types of energies combined with each other, then it went to Hubert's chest. Afterwards she continued dancing and was now calling the different types of spirits that could help his master complete his cross evolution.

In a space full of cracks and chaos, a silhouette could be seen floating around and was just waiting for his death to come, maybe he had lived for millions, billions or trillions of year's no one knew. But what was for sure, was that his spirit was the only thing left and was slowly disappearing with the sands of time, when he suddenly heard an enchanting voice calling him and guiding him outside the void.

In another part of the universe, a world full of life and vigor. A spirit which was surrounded by legendary birds along with ancient trees was slumbering and snoring, feeling very relaxed and at ease, When it suddenly opened its eyes and vanished.

In a terrible plane where only the strong would survive and wars are like a play thing, a man could be seen standing in the mountains of corpses and was gazing through the sky. When he suddenly heard a voice calling him and summoning him.

In a place where holy light was abundant, a winged man was standing and frowning thinking if she would answer the call.

On that day different types of spirit's heard the calling of an enchantress, they were mainly the strongest of their class and many have taken it for granted while few answered the call.

After performing the ritual, different types of energies instantaneously burst out of the void. Some of them illustrated the spirit of war, some were the spirit of nature , some were the spirit of death, some were the spirits of the elements and some were unknown.

These spirit's were all haughty by nature because all of them have already made a name for themselves in their own planes. They just wanted to look at the person who has the capabilities to summon them from a different dimension. One of them even threatened to eat anna and her master. And some of them looked at anna and Hubert as if they were looking at some ants.

When all the spirits who answered the call were at the area. Anna executed another set of hand motions, and sang with an extreme emotional music piece. These would make you feel very melancholic and would make you feel the irony of life. It depicts birth, growth, evolution and death. This caused all of the spirits to be mesmerized and dreamy, afterwards their consciousness was erased and life could not be seen in their eyes. Next she made the spirit's devour each other. After a few minutes 4 Great spirits were floating and were looking at Anna without life.

While singing she casted another spell and made the spirits combine with everyone who survived the devouring process. It formed and created a new life that has never been seen in the history. A humanoid creature was standing in front of anna. It has 6 pairs of wings, the first pair was colored black, the next pair was colored white, third pair were golden, the fourth pair were colored red, the fifth pair were colored green and the last pair of wings were made out of crystals.

The body of the creature was protected by an armor made of gold, but was covered by a deep black cloak and was holding a death scythe. In its back was a great sword, sheath in a black and starry cover. Its face was also covered by the cloak, but burning eyes could be seen glaring towards the soul.

The different elements were circling around it and was producing an aura of something very archaic and very ancient. If one looked at it he or she would know that the unusual creature was very dangerous

For the last step, she gestured another set of hand movements and the humanoid creature was compressed and was made ethereal. Next she sent the humanoid creature to Hubert's consciousness. It would be his second artificial soul besides his original one, now 3 souls could be seen in Hubert's consciousness; the first one was his original soul, the second one was the saber mammoth soul, and the last one was the new creation created by anna.

After fulfilling all of this, anna vomited blood and then she passed out.

When she decided to overload her capacity and used a god crystal as a medium to her plan, she already knew that her soul would be damaged. But thanks to the contract that she has with her master, all of this would be healed after a certain amount of time.

She would not even think or attempt what she did today if she was not bound by a contract. The bind that resurrected anna was somewhat special, as long as Hubert lives anna would also live, and as long as his master continued with his promotion and evolution more benefit would just show and be displayed in the future.