
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Flirting and prepartion

Hubert did not know what to say when anna was teasing her, he just made an embarrassed face and went to clean himself. Anna giggled and after a few minutes he went to follow hubert, she was thinking of teasing her master more.

In the river hubert was already swimming and playing in the water, when suddenly, he saw anna.

Anna was wearing his clothes that show's her curves and lines. This was due to her sweat caused by the elixir of pool she made, then she went to hubert's side and told him " master let me scrub and wash your back" .

Hubert was so flattered that he submerged his body and half of his face in the water. He looked at anna and saw a great scenery. 2 Mountains that are holy and were peaking in the heavens, Body of water that is full of curvatures, dermis that are more silkier than silk and eyes that are clearly trying to suck Hubert's soul.

Anna continued teasing Hubert and said, " Master, don't be ashamed in front of me. We are already banded through our soul, and all of me is yours forever. Hubert's head which is half submerged in the water suddenly vanished. His head went deeper in the water, and he tried to avoid anna.

Anna smiled, giggled and said, "do not hide from me master pffftt heheheh, i can show you everything if you want to? Pfftttt hehehehe" after teasing Hubert for a few minutes, she suddenly got serious. She told Hubert about the medicinal pool she made underground, and explained what are the uses and benefits of it. Anna also told his master that if he wants to use the pool, he needs to call anna. Because she needs to perform some rituals and incantations first, and this would make the medicinal pool be more efficient and more effective.

If Hubert would go in the elixir pool without the incantations of anna, the profit gained would be less than half of its original effect. Anna also said that, after finishing the rituals and incantations in the first bath, Hubert can go in the elixir pool as many times as he wants. He doesn't need to worry about the elixir bath going out of medicinal effects, because they can replenish the lost properties of the elixir pool. And the way for it were; just by adding another batch of medicinal herb, mysterious plants , blood and grinded bones of beasts and monsters, and lastly elemental crystals from the cave.

Anna said, we do not lack any of this materials master, so feel free to use the medicinal bath whenever you want to. Always remember that we are deep inside the forest, and high level beast's and monster's are in abundance in this place.

Even our stock of plants and herbs would not diminish, just think about the pocket dimension which we have access to. We could just explore that place and collect the medicinal herbs and mysterious plants that we are lacking.

Hubert heard all of what anna said and decided to use the medicinal pool after resting and optimizing his condition. He planned to meditate for the rest of the day, and Sleep the entire night to relieve himself from the stress he got from his practice just a moment ago. So he stood up, and planned to start his meditation, when he remembered that he was still in the river and was only wearing a certain piece of clothing that covers a special part of his body.

Anna was surprised by what she saw and covered her eyes, but she was peeking in the gaps her fingers. She screamed and went out of the river rushing towards their house. Anna was in her room blushing and flustered by what she saw. She calmed herself down and casted a spell which cleaned and purified her body from sweat, dirt and water. She changed her clothes and went to lie down on her bed while imagining what her master was thinking and doing right now.

Hubert was a bit embarrassed of what happened, but he cleared his thoughts then went to change and started his meditation. Hubert was trying to optimize his body for tomorrow's use of the elixir pool, after a few hours of meditation he called anna and they prepared a meal together.

Awkwardness could be seen in the two of them, but hubert broke the silence and told anna to just forget what happened a few hours ago. Anna nodded and just ate silently afterwards she went to her room to sleep and rest.

At the break of dawn, a silhouette can be seen shadow boxing. Hubert always starts his day by practicing what was written in the book of life. He would practice the stances that depict ancient and archaic creatures, and would also practice his movement skills. What he was now most familiar of was the saber tooth and mammoth form which were the first ones he learned. He also experimented with the combination of both form's (saber mammoth form) and picked up some new knowledge and uses of the combined form.

Besides that he as well started practicing a new stance, which is the Dinosaur form. It was set of different prehistoric dinosaurs, and was showing what were their essence and what they utilized when they were hunting, killing and surviving during the ancient times. It also manifested something about survival of the fittest. He practiced these forms and was now using each and every inch of his body as a weapon even his teeth, nails and his surroundings were being used to deter his opponent.

After practicing for about 3 hours, it was already the time of their meal. Anna knew that Hubert was planning to utilize the medicinal bath today, so she went inside the cave and caught some holy angel fish. This would optimize his master's physical, intellectual and spiritual condition, even the soul of her master would grow a little bit from this. After getting back, she prepared the meal and lingered around and was watching his master finish his practice.

Hubert was now done with his exercise, so anna called for him and was happily preparing their food. While eating, Anna said to Hubert, " Master, I know that you would be using the elixir bath today. So I prepared an exquisite meal for you. It would make your spiritual and physical condition calmer, serene and more tranquil. Besides that master, it would also nourish your soul and help it grow a little bit. This tiny help would aid you in your cross evolution with the elixir bath today.

Hubert felt anna's concern for him and smiled and said, " Do not worry anna, nothing will happen to me. It is just a bath full of medicinal properties and this would not put me in any danger" he said.

After finishing their meal, they rested for a bit. Then they went directly to where the elixir bath was, and hubert without thinking removed his upper clothes and went inside the water full of different essences.