
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Cross evolution l

When hubert went inside the medicinal pool, He mumbled some words based on the book of life and positioned himself in the meditation form. The first reaction of his body was refreshing, it was like his body was being washed and cleansed by a very pure energy. He let this energy enter his body and circulated it in his system. What he felt by this moment was like being injected by a thousands of needles and being pumped by different types of liquid, changing and making his body more firm and more tough.

Next he felt a pain like his entire skin was being bitten by thousands or millions of ants, then he was trying to scratch his body. He felt that this kind of pain was assaulting him for an eternity. His body was now raided full of scratches and blood was now loitered all around him. After that kind of pain, the liquid in the pool entered his wounds and was healing him at a very fast rate.

Afterwards he felt that thousands of insects were now crawling inside his body and eating his flesh from within. He tried to mobilize his energy but failed. It was because his energy was like a berserking river during a great typhoon, where it would flood and push anything that it flows to. Later on after the feeling being eaten, next was the feeling of his bones being crushed and grinded into dust then being repaired again. This went through for about a few hours, His body was being destroyed and being reformed, then destroyed and healed, destroyed then infused with energy, then destroyed and being refined.

He was screaming, screaming and screaming, pain that cannot be described was being forced into hubert. He was looking for something to hold onto but did not have anything, so both of his hands gripped his muscles and dug his nails in his skin, at least he could be given a moment to feel that he was still alive and kicking.

He lost his meditation form and was now rolling on the pool of water. Energies and different types of rune's were going inside of him, and his entire body was now flashing with different rune's and colors of the universe. His eyes, nose, mouth, ears were now emitting different types of light that brightens the entire room. His skin was now full of cracks, and his hair was also falling down but growing in a rapid phase.

Suddenly a smooth and all engulfing force came to him and hugged him, and was guiding him through his cross evolution journey. This miraculous force was trying to ease and comfort him from the pain that was trying to eat him alive. The force that suddenly sprang out was caused by the simple drop of blood anna mixed in the medicinal pool, but that drop of blood contains anna's essence and energy, not only that, anna also infused a part of her soul in that drop of blood. She did this because she knew that her master would suffer a lot of pain in his cross evolution, and also did this because of her plan that would make Hubert benefit a lot if he finished his cross evolution.

She knew that the suffering would only make her master more stronger, firmer, tougher, robust and more mature. That drop of blood also informs the levels and trials his master would be having in his cross evolution. The information also explains what to expect, and what to do when the last phase of his trial came.

Hubert knew that the force that suddenly popped out and was helping him was coming from anna, and he also knew that after these few moments of peace, next would be the greater torture's he would feel in his entire life. So he collected himself and went back to his meditation, then he braced himself and decided to move on in his next trial for his cross evolution.

After the comfort was gone, next came the growth and evolution for his soul. His soul was now trying to accumulate and compress a great amount of energy, it was for him to use when the time came when he needed to take a leap away from fate. This was based on the information he received from anna. So he started collecting the energies from the medicinal pool and his surroundings, then delivered it to his soul and was compressing it until his soul was full.

While doing this, he felt something very different. There are a lot of peculiar energies surrounding him. It seems like these contrasting energies came from many different worlds, and because of this it made his environment and his surroundings have a very thick and very dense amount energies. This helped Hubert amass and compile a lot of energies to use for his soul evolution

In the process of Hubert's accumulation, he would compress the different energies he received. And because of these it made Hubert's energy very pure, also when he collected the different types of energies in his surroundings, his soul would grow then shrink and grow then shrink. This happened until his soul was now big enough to contain a lot of pure energies. For the next few hours he accumulated enough force that made his soul big and full, that if he collects more it would make his soul burst and explode.

Now that he finished the first stage of his plan, next would be for him to make his soul explode and scatter inside his spiritual consciousness. With his soul full enough he made it explode, "boooooommmmmm" and his soul scattered, this made him hold his head then was screaming with pain. The pain that he was now feeling cannot be described, it seems that all of the pain he felt a few hours ago was nothing compared to this. His eyes were now empty and it seemed that void was the only thing present in his soul.

Now that the second phase was done it was now ready for the third phase, which is the collection of his scattered soul.

Anna's plan was to let hubert accumulate enough energy then burst it apart. After that ,let his second soul collect the scattered pieces of his soul. Afterwards they would refine each and every one of them making it very very tough, very very durable, very very strong and very very powerful.

In a few moments the second soul which is the saber mammoth soul started collecting each and every piece of the scattered soul in Hubert's spiritual consciousness, while at it. A different force came and settled in Hubert's consciousness. At first the second soul was hostile to it and was guarding the piece of Hubert's original soul, but after a few minutes the saber mammoth relaxed. The different entity which became huberts third soul was now helping in collecting the scattered pieces of huberts original soul.