
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Hubert activated the token and called the pair of old men. Old D was the one who answered the call and said, " Little fellow, what is the reason for you to call me. Do you need any help? Is there anything I can do for you? Just say the word and I will personally take action."

Nah, Old brother D. We were planning to go inside the city of kaldita but we got a problem with our identities . Maybe you can help us take care of our information's . Said Hubert

No problem with that, just tell me the time and day that you are coming to the city. I and Jeff will personally fetch you in front of the gate. Replied Old D

Actually, older bro. Emmm, we are already inside, we just need ID cards to go around and explore kaldita. Because I know that big transactions needs identity card to be presented for the transaction to be processed, especially if you are doing businesses with big groups of merchants and companies.

No worries little brother, which part are you in kaldita. Tell me your exact location so that I can personally meet you. Said old d.

Thank you very much big brother and sorry for bothering you. Afterwards Hubert explained where they were and also told him their coordinates.

Few minutes past and a carriage can be seen rushing towards the group of Hubert. Afterwards a thin old man with a gotie got out of the carriage and acknowledged the group of Hubert.

Old D looked at Hubert and greeted them. He pretended that he doesn't know Anna and said, " Little Hubert, I am sorry that Jeff could not come to personally escort the 3 of you. There is an urgent situation that came up and his presence was highly needed to alleviate the situation. So forgive us in our incompetence. By the way what was your reason for coming to the city? Is it to go on a date with the 2 lovely ladies in your back. Heheheh. And can I have the honor to know the name of your companions? He asked Hubert.

Hubert looked at the smiling ladies then blushed. Afterwards answered the questions of old D,

" We are just here to see and collect information's about the things that happened in the city for the past few months that I wasn't here. We would also like to go to the city centrals library for information gathering. Last, we also need to dispose some materials and get a high amount of money for our expenses. By the way older brother do you know any merchants who would like to buy monster carcasses and other items found in the forest? If there is we would greatly appreciate you help"

Ohhh, Then old D thought of somethings and said, "Lets go to our headquarters first. Afterwards, i will try to help you with some of the things you need to enter the city Library. Next, for the information's that happened in the previous months, you can ask the people in our headquarters. They know a lot of gossips and rumors about the nobles and the powerful people in the city. As for a merchant, I know someone who is dependable and doesn't ask questions about his clients.

While they were in the carriage, they introduced themselves to each other.

Big brother D. This is anna and this is Alina they are both my companions.

Anna spoke and said, "Good to meet you sir, I am Anna Graftfree, master's number 1 servant. Please take care of us" then she looked at the old man giving him a sign not to tell Hubert that they already met.

Old D smiled and nodded, giving a sign that he would not tell Hubert anything about their encounter.

Next was Alina. She introduced herself and said," Greetings senior I am Alina Graftfree. If she is the number 1 servant of our master, then I am the number zero servant of master. My position is higher than her, so don't listen to anything she asks and just treat her like an air. And nice to meet you senior, please take care of us" Then she looked at anna provokingly.

Afterwards the ladies started bickering again..

Old D was stunned by what Alina said and gasp some air. He already knows that Anna is super strong and powerful. She cannot be measured by any normal sense, but here is another girl calling herself a servant of Hubert. And have the guts to provoke the monster in girls clothing called anna.

So what does it mean? Does it imply that both of the ladies are monsters?

What the heck, our little brother is too much. 1 beautiful and gorgeous woman with powers that can't be measured by any normal means is enough. But here, Here is another cute and beautiful woman that has the same level as the first one. Oh may gad, is he a saint in his past life?. The rationality of old D was crumbling and was being crushed. Then he sighs. Afterwards he added,'' nice to meet you ladies, do not worry about anything when you are staying in the city. Just enjoy and relax , I'll try my best to help you with any problems you would encounter while exploring kaldita" then he made a welcoming smile.

In the headquarters, old D and his companions went to the lounge and registered Hubert and the ladies. After which, he directed them to his office and presented each of them a round object made of jade and said, "ladies, Hubert. Please put your hands on the item in front of you. This is a measuring device which shows you, your current strength and your current power. It would rank you from Beginner to Emperor. You just need to activate your essence then your power level would show.

Hubert put his hands in the measuring device and activated his essence. The letter V with two dots appeared. Hubert asked about this and was answered by old D explaining about the symbols shown in the measuring device. He said , "V means viscount and 2 dots is equal to mid tier. Then he continued explaining about the letters that was being used by the measuring device"

Next came the turn of anna, she placed her hands on top of the jade object and activated her essence. The measuring device showed the E-R letter with three dots then it burst into pieces. Anna just smiled and sat down.

Afterwards Alina activated her essence and the same thing happened, the jade object exploded and broke into pieces. Next she went to Hubert's' side waiting for a compliment.

Old D sighs and thought, " as expected"

After getting the information's needed to make their ID cards, old D asked the servants and the maids to guide their guests in their own rooms, and told them to treat them properly. He also told Hubert that their identity cards would be ready after an hour or 2.

In those passing minutes, Anna and Alina spread their spiritual consciousness and saw a lot of things in the city. Afterwards they looked at each other then smirked. An evil grin was now forming in their smiles.

An hour and a half passed and their identity cards were done. Old D called them and presented them their cards and explained," you need to personally drop your blood at your ID's and put some of your essence on it to be fully recognized by the card.

Afterwards Your ID cards would automatically imprint your essence. After which no one would be able to use your card except for yourselves.

By the way these cards are used by mercenaries, so the job description is the same with everyone who is a member of our organization. Also this card can be used in any cities in this country.

Hubert, Anna and Alina bowed towards old D and gave their sincere thanks.

Old D accepted their thanks and replied, " little brother and ladies, no need to bow your heads, Hubert helped us before so we are just giving it back. And we are now friends so do not worry about it.

Hubert , Anna, Alina looked at their cards and saw the details;

Name: Hubert Graftfree - Organization: Brothers in Arms

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Job: Mercenary

Power Level: Mid Tier Viscount

Name: Anna Graftfree - Organization: Brothers in Arms

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Job: Mercenary

Power Level: High tier King

Name: Alina Graftfree - Organization: Brothers in Arms

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Job: Mercenary

Power Level: High tier King

And on the center of the cards was the seal of their organization, " it was two hands with gauntlets shaking each other and showing respect to each other."

Alina looked at the details of Anna's card and laughed at her, " hahaha your age is 22 hahahs you are older than me. From now on I'll call you old hag, hahha" Alina teased anna.

Anna just puffed her checks and did not bicker with Alina.

Old D moved forward and said, " We do not know what power rankings we should put in your status card ladies, so we just wrote King as your power level. At least there is a description for now"

The cards are perfect Old brother D, don't worry about what Anna and Alina would be saying. We are just thankful for your great help.